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OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) / Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
« on: June 23, 2024, 11:05:39 pm »
Playing OXCE FMP and just had my first Base Defense, now all my hangars and craft are gone - this is intended behaviour??

Holy heck...

Nvm, this is not an OXCE or FMP issue, just something I'd never seen before in ~30 years of playing this off and on.

Apparently one single not terrain-damaging explosion at 1:18:30 in this video was enough to cause the loss of all three hangars:

Alternatively, coulda been me shooting off a Multi-Launcher (again, no visible terrain damage) at the Access Lift. Heh.

That's it. I've been slow on capturing any aliens, esp. Sectoids, for a few months all I got was Cthonites.

Elerium Battery is dependent on Elerium-115, which I've already researched.

I guess I'm missing something here?


I have nothing further available to research. I think I'm somehow missing Elerium Battery? I can manufacture ALR but not ALR clip.

Irl, all special military/gov't agency units have training facilities (and pre-screening processes) they use to make sure their operators are well prepared to carry heavy stuff (like each other) and shoot well and handle casualties etc., and also send their operators to places like for specific skills training from people who do nothing else professionally, every day.

As is, in OXCE you need to either fire your low-performers or do counter-intuitive things like make them start with something in their hands to throw a few times to make their Strength go up, and choose weapons that they can hit with without killing an enemy to make their Firing Accuracy go up.

The X-Com Files has a gym facility that seems to work more or less well, though I only played XCF for a few weeks. If you would like OXCE to be slightly more similar to irl organizations, I recommend the following:

1. Enabling a single gym (+shooting training) facility, or two separate base facilities.
2. Allow substandard personnel to develop their some few skills only in these facilities up to a certain point but no further, and/or allow further improvement at greater cost in time invested (?).

Apologies if this has likely been discussed before, I fail with the forum search function for OXCE. I just thought I'd add my very minor irl experience.

Thank you all very much. Looks like I was overestimating the problem to some extent.

Anti-personnel mines seem to be the best bet for early game, along with the good old Rocket Launcher and accurate Grenades.

Currently starting out with OXCE FMP, not sure if the early-game Silacoids with Cthonites is from OXCE or from FMP.

I've noticed repeatedly that Silacoids tend to show up with Cthonites in the early game, which is great. And I may be just a bad player or self-nerfing by not bringing tanks (playing on Experienced right now) and not rushing explosives-shooting weapons early game. That leaves me with very little to do damage to anything with Armour 50 in the early game.

My fault for not preparing well enough, maybe, but this leaves them as a hard counter to any new players that are not specifically prepared for them, to include not being able to hurt them with any shooting weaponry or incendiaries or Grenades (unless you land the throw in the exact tile).

Not really sure how to fix this.

Open Feedback / Streaming software issues?
« on: May 22, 2024, 10:20:04 pm »
Anyone here able to confirm or deny that it's possible to stream OpenXCom (or more spec. OXCE FMP) using Streamlabs or OBS?

I've successfully streamed with Twitch Studio but it's going away and thought I'd try the others. To no success today. Seems neither recognize it as a valid game.

EDIT: Just managed to fix it, courtesy R1d0 on Discord. Seems you have to go into Video Options and select any display filter that ends in an asterisk. No clue why. This makes OBS recognize OXCE as a valid window for capture.

OXCE Support / Healing Spray mechanics?
« on: May 04, 2024, 02:27:38 am »
Apologies if I'm missing someplace other than in-game where this is answered.

I was standing over an unconscious unit and tried to use Healing Spray but couldn't tell if it did anything. Is it supposed to work like a Med Kit on unconscious soldiers?

Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« on: April 23, 2024, 07:22:46 pm »
Umm, it says: "A companion submod to Final Mod Pack". I thought it would be clear enough? Is there a need to explain it further?

Not to mention the FMP is listed as a dependency...

In hindsight anyone reasonable knowledgeable about modding and files and computer programs will probably know what a "dependency" is.

I'm not at that level and can barely figure out how to follow the instructions to install OXCE and get it working. (The instructions at and did NOT help, and confused the heck out of me.) I just wanted to play the game with XCF or some cool terrain added.

Mad respect to you and the others who built these mods (yes, I contributed on your Patreon), but if you want less tech-savvy general audience people to more easily figure it out, then yep it needs to be spelled out along the lines of "YOU MUST ALSO INSTALL AND ENABLE FMP."

Or maybe I'm stupid.

Resources / Re: Community Map Pack
« on: April 23, 2024, 06:59:28 pm »
What is the situation with

Can I install all three, or just FMPE and one?

EDIT: As per FMPE includes some but not all of the terrain maps, and you should only install FMPE or things will break.

Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« on: April 23, 2024, 06:02:13 am »
Son of a donkey...

Turns out you need to have both FMP and FMPE installed if FMPE is going to work.

Should probably include that in the FMPE description...

Only found out b/c of some helpful people on the OXC discord.

Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« on: April 23, 2024, 03:13:58 am »
As soon as I enable FMP extended in the mods window in-game, the game reloads, I get a bunch of errors and then the game refuses to start until I remove the FMP folder from the mods folder.

What am I doing wrong? I've uninstalled and reinstalled OXCE v. 7.12

I uninstalled OpenXCom as the OXCE post says it's not needed. Is it needed if I want to run FMP?

Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« on: April 23, 2024, 02:43:39 am »
Newbie here.

I've successfully gotten OXCE going but would like to try out the FMP Extended.

I go to as the first post says and I don't see a download link. I've "subscribed" on the site but that doesn't automatically download anything (is that even possible?).

Do I need to go to the Github link  - and what folder does the mod go into?

EDIT: NEVERBLOODYMIND - turns out you have to mouse over the right side panel and scroll down. FML.

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