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Messages - The Reaver of Darkness

Pages: 1 ... 82 83 [84] 85 86 ... 101
Work In Progress / Re: I can't change UFO weapon ranges
« on: February 09, 2017, 04:07:28 pm »
do you have any other mods affecting the UFO?
I found the problem: Luke's Extra UFOs was declaring UFO attributes even though it wasn't changing them (from their vanilla values). I removed the attributes and it works fine now!

Thanks guys!

Work In Progress / I can't change UFO weapon ranges [solved]
« on: February 09, 2017, 03:00:55 pm »
Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong here? It seems very straightforward, yet as I change the range value, nothing changes in-game.

    size: STR_LARGE
    sprite: 7
    damageMax: 2200
    speedMax: 3200
    accel: 6
    power: 60
    range: 50
    score: 400
    reload: 24
    breakOffTime: 3000

I changed range from 36 to 50, I also tried 20 and 60, but no matter what I change it to, all supply ships in-game have a range of 36. The mod is installed and turned on. All of my other mods are working fine.

Suggestions / Re: Repetitive missions
« on: February 09, 2017, 11:24:02 am »
You don't have to go to crash sites. Probably lore-wise the aliens' life support runs out and they die after some time, then X-Com agents clean up the mess after it's safe. But once the ship is down, you can safely ignore it without it impacting your score. I find that simply shooting down tons of aliens gives you a huge score boost and can easily make up for the occasional battleship you ignore. In the long term, just make sure you aren't ignoring any countries. If you let too many of them go, you can lose them game despite doing well.

Mods are of course another answer to spice up the game. Luke's UFOs is an excellent way to make crash sites a bit more interesting, especially with the larger craft because the interior design will be different almost every time. I believe Hobbes posted a mod that gives more terrain variations across all types of sites. And my Air Weapons mod makes fusion ball weapons a lot stronger so if you're willing to spend the elerium, you can destroy the smaller craft outright and even take out battleships without taking too much damage. Note: my Air Weapons mod actually makes air combat more difficult in general, but makes it scale better overall.

If too many soldiers die then I can hire rookies and start all over again.
There is much to be said about advanced technology boosting the effectiveness of your troops. It really helps you get back on your feet when you lose trained personnel. If you feel the tech advantages in your game could use a bit of a boost, there are mods that give even more options. I'm not well versed in these options, but I have a mod that tweaks the power and flying suits to grant strength or firing accuracy, respectively. It's very nice for rookies.

Luke's UFOs - this mod meets with my approval!

Terrain Pack by Hobbes - I haven't used this mod but I believe it is used in FMP.

Reaver's Air Weapons - my own mod
In posting this I have come to the realization that I don't have a page for this in the mod portal yet. That will be fixed eventually!

Reaver's Soldier Classes - also my own mod
This one changes armor in a way you might find useful, though it also makes some other major changes you may or may not like. Still, having hiring options may further assist you in getting back on your feet after losing soldiers.

XPiratez / Re: Siren Specific Armours Mod
« on: February 09, 2017, 10:05:13 am »
They're short and wide, the top of their hips and their waist is very low relative to the top of their legs, their shoulders are unrealistically broad. The male body is closer to realism yet way off, while the female body ignores all skeletal differences between men and women and simply tries (poorly) to slap boobs on a slightly skinnier male body--it makes the body thinner by deleting the inside seam.

Would be nice if a pixel artist could re-do the base images to keep the original design of the looks while making the base shape of the bodies look more like humans. I'd like something like this to be incorporated as a default mod in the base openxcom.

XPiratez / Re: Siren Specific Armours Mod
« on: February 09, 2017, 03:12:04 am »
Am I the only one who is bothered by the completely unrealistic skeletal structure in the original soldier model?

Work In Progress / Re: AI Aggression and Intelligence ranges?
« on: February 09, 2017, 03:05:26 am »
Simply put, it's not intelligence or memory, but clairvoyance.

Work In Progress / Re: AI Aggression and Intelligence ranges?
« on: February 07, 2017, 01:13:51 pm »
If any alien sees one of your units, all of them see it. Their intelligence then determines how fast they forget that. Even with an intelligence of zero, they still can remember for one turn. This means if your whole squad is hiding in the same place and an Ethereal with intelligence 0 successfully mind controls any of your units every turn, they can keep making attempts because they can still see your whole squad. They have to fail for an entire turn to forget your squad.

In practice, I find any intelligence value above 2 is essentially infinite: once you've been seen they always know where you are.

I agree that truly accurate numbers would be boring, because you'd get something like 40% Chinese. But I was thinking slightly more accurate ratios, still plenty of people from small countries, but such that it doesn't look like those countries are larger than they are.

Work In Progress / Re: Show determined ufopedia topic.
« on: February 06, 2017, 12:42:04 am »
The one that pops up seems to be based on list order. You just have to make it show up earlier in the UFOPaedia. You might be able to give it a low list order amount but have it show up later if it's in a later category, but I don't know.

I want to see a more realistic ratio in names, with the more populous nationalities showing up more, as well as the more militaristic nations being more likely to give soldiers to X-Com. There should be lots of Chinese, Indian, and American soldiers, but very few Afghani, Georgian, or Somalian soldiers, for instance.

Work In Progress / Re: Show determined ufopedia topic.
« on: February 05, 2017, 07:35:15 pm »
UFOPedia topics are unlocked by their dependencies. If you set fourteen topics to all depend on Alien Grenade, then when you research Alien Grenade, all fourteen topics will show up in the UFOPedia.

OXCE Support / Re: How to block other hand completely?
« on: February 05, 2017, 07:17:43 pm »
I have carried 80 lbs of equipment on my body and an assault rifle in my hands. Even without using the strap, it's easy to pick things up with a free hand. I couldn't pull stuff out of my pack, but that has nothing to do with holding a rifle.

Released Mods / Re: [CRAFT] Improved Interceptor
« on: February 05, 2017, 12:34:30 am »
But RETALIATOR in russian is the same word as AVENGER.

Why not call it Реталятор?

Work In Progress / Re: Please, help to choose graphic.
« on: February 04, 2017, 08:33:36 am »
I was leaning on I and IV because they look more organic to me. II and III look flashier but less organic.

They all look good though.

I calculated the sell values using an algorithm I have on a spreadsheet which takes into account the item cost, workshop space, and worker hours as factors to increase the per-engineer-hour profit above costs, and I'm using $30/hour as a baseline.
according to the Ufopedia, engineers have an hourly wage of $35/hour

$34.22 average, if you include leap year. Then add the cost of the workshop at its theoretical max capacity of 50 (so maintenance/50) comes out to an average of 95.8 cents per hour, or $35.18. Then if you're planning to build a new workshop for profit, you have to calculate how much profit you're actually making over wages and maintenance, and how long it'll take to pay off the building and hiring cost before you start actually making profit.

I'm setting the baseline for garbage production (cheap, low-tech small items) underneath the paychecks of the engineers and the facility. You can't make a profit manufacturing motion scanners, but it'll cover their wages far better than letting them sit around all day between important projects.

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