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Messages - Dogbarian

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XPiratez / Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« on: May 12, 2021, 02:50:14 pm »
Nurse's medkit - the use of "stimulant" or "painkiller", I believed one of them should be restoring either morale or energy, and it does neither.  Tried both, aiming at a soldier that was down both.  When I then looked at the ANAL tab and checked Defaults, it does 0 recovery of morale, energy, or freshness.  It does do 20 stun recovery, presumably under stimulant. 

If painkiller doesn't do anything, then please remove the charges of it, to avoid player confusion.

XPiratez / Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« on: May 11, 2021, 07:56:41 pm »
I don't have a screenshot, but I have a saved game at battlescape entry, so I can get one for you.   On inspection of that save file, I did find these longitude and latitude data which might be helpful without the screenshot.  And as I said, it was just NE of Hawaii.

At the beginning of the file, where it shows where the camera is, it has:
Code: [Select]
globeLon: 3.5327107708878929
globeLat: -0.65350934290387441
globeZoom: 3

Then under "ufos", it has this data:
Code: [Select]
  - lon: 3.6136323881260304
    lat: -0.37691295722331153
    id: 399
      lon: 3.6845736722389328
      lat: -0.43175238542920535
      type: STR_WAY_POINT
      id: 0
This had an altitude of "ground" - and that current location is very close to the camera location in the first block.  And in the battlescape data, it says the map block terrain names are all "Mars".   :)   I'll have to check the save again, but I don't think it gave me the loot for a landed cutter (small loss, but still) - and no, the cutter wasn't on the map.

Let me know if you still want any screen shots.

XPiratez / Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« on: May 10, 2021, 05:42:57 pm »
Probably not a bug, but interesting.   Was following a Cutter on a Survey mission in the Pacific, just NE of Hawaii (with a Snake).  Was hoping to follow it back over land, but it changed directions to head away from land, so I was just going to shoot it down.  Just as I was reaching to click on the "shadowing" icon to engage, it landed!  Was expecting some kind of underwater map, to be honest, but the map it gave was old-school Cydonia surface!  No environmental effects (and my troops were in their normal armor, not sealed in any way).

XPiratez / Re: The Scarab?
« on: May 09, 2021, 06:37:47 pm »
Remember that red is not the only codex that exists. Try playing green without Scarab.

I realize that part - but the ability to intercept relies on speed. Gold has the Hawk, Green has the Worm, Red/Grey have the Snake. How do you use the Scarab effectively?  That’s assuming the Worm is effective, of course.

Or since I already have access to HK, Piranha, Shark, should I just move on and try it next playthrough?

XPiratez / The Scarab?
« on: May 07, 2021, 07:20:33 pm »
Having a hard time figuring out where the utility of this ship is (this discussion assumes you get your Codex ships early enough to be useful, ie, before you develop your own other aircraft).  I picked Red, so I have a choice between it, the Snake, and the Scorpion.  Given the following, I didn't even buy one yet, because I don't see it being useful.  The Scorpion is obviously the main transport, happens to be fast enough to keep up with the Runabout, and catch the slower Megapol/Bandit/civvy stuff (although vs Megapol and Bandits, it's probably better to use the Snake to avoid damage).  The Snake is a good multi-role ship, serving as light transport/intercepter, being durable enough with its shield to deal with most interceptions without taking (much) damage, although being slower, it can't catch some things.  I had exactly one Heavy weapon (the codex choice) until eventually unlocking the contact to buy the Ramjet, which has expensive ammo.  So the Scarab's two heavy weapon slots don't seem that great early, I've put my one heavy weapon on either the Scorpion or one of my Snakes as it is. It's slow, so it can't catch anything but slow civvy traffic, although I could see maybe using it to escort the Scorpion vs something with radar.  And the Snake does that better anyway (and can easily handle most of the small ship crews by itself anyway).  The Snake is even better as a pilot trainer too, since it uses 3 instead of 2.

Does it become more useful after I start unlocking STC modules and other upgrades (I think some of those fit in Heavy slots, so that could come into play then)?  The boosted power/damage from its special ability seems to imply it should be used as a heavy intercepter, but that seems a little insane until I get better weapons (and its lack of speed works against it there, too) and by then, I'll probably have better aircraft.  I don't even see a way to maybe "improve" it to the point of where I think it would be worth having, although maybe increasing the armor from 6 (the lowest weapon power of enemy craft looks like 15, I'm guessing they do the same 50 to 150% possible damage roll?  Or do they work differently?).

What am I missing here?

XPiratez / Re: A thread for little questions
« on: May 07, 2021, 06:14:21 pm »
Old returned player here.. I forgot so many things, that I even had to create a new account.
Easy early question. I'm on July-August of 2601
  • Earliest aerial weapon? Which is the best chain of research?, I find weird that I could got  already several vessel but no weapons for them.. I feeling that I´m missing all the training targets of early months.
  • After Barbarian-Warrior-Chain mail.. Next armour to aim? this month in many missions. I even couldn't leave the vessel with several foes aiming the door. with out being killed

Snipped the list a bit.   I agree, it's weird to have craft with no weapons - if you get your Codex craft early, you literally have 1 craft weapon for them (which is either light or heavy, depending on which codex), and you might have access to 25 mm.   I'm several more months in, just finishing March 2602, although this is my first campaign, so I had no idea what to focus on.  Spent last month or so actively trying to improve the craft weapon situation, so where I am now, I can make up to 50 mm cannon for Light, I can make Spike Rockets or Harpoons for the Missile slot (or buy Seagulls, which are expensive), and I can buy the Ramjet or use my Codex Lil' Ilya for the Heavy slot (Ramjet also very expensive).  Researching 250 mm RL for Heavy slot as well, that should be done soon. Just finished researching Gauss Cannon, and assembling my first one (but don't have enough parts for a 2nd).  Haven't even seen a Reticulan ship yet to try and get plasma charger.  So my airfleet (documented in a reply on the previous page) is mostly equipped with 25 or 30 mm cannon, 1 50mm, 1 Seagull, 2 harpoon launchers, 1 Ramjet, and 1 Lil' Ilya.  This month I will try to buy some Piranha or a Shark, I'm being harassed by Ninja Jetbikes that are too agile for me to shoot down unless I use expensive Seagulls (although I want to try a harpoon the next time I see one).

And as far as armor, I just researched full plate mail and I'm making my first 2 suits of that.  I picked Red, so the several suits of Aggressor armor from that have been quite nice to use over Warrior.  I also went up Tactical Armor (although I have very little aqua plastic), so I have a few suits of that, and 2 suits of Hover.  Also have some suits of Boss armor.  I also just built my first armored car, so I was going to see about using that, although neither the Scorpion nor the Snake can deploy it, so it may only get used on defense for now (thinking I probably need to go ahead and built my Metallo).  I've been using two gals with chain & shield as my "tanks" to absorb the opening salvo, and been lucky so far about not losing one.   Been close a few times, and the gals probably aren't too happy about that duty.  :)  At least the Surgery Center cuts down the time lost to the disabled list!   Like you, not sure where to go from here, I'm working towards the Industrial Printer, so that should open more options.  Looking at Nilex's reply, I have Metal armor (needed for Plate), and I need research to move on, although I think I have the path open to me as far as Junkmaster.   I haven't defeated any Mercs yet, though, only seen them once, and I ran from that fight (although now I have better gear and could probably make the effort), they are a block to get to Synth.

I've recruited 1 damsel and used her as a dedicated medic, although she's leveled up pretty well.  The others I came across, I've either enslaved or pimped, they aren't any better than peasants, of which I have several for base defense and occasional rotation when needed.

XPiratez / Re: A thread for little questions
« on: May 07, 2021, 02:02:24 am »
Yeah, I'm wrapping up March 2602 now.  It's kind of "gamey", but assuming the enemy base radar pings every 30 minutes like everything else, I can time it and dash in.  I definitely have better ground gear than what you listed.  Although since I haven't seen a provost or guildmaster yet, so that could be interesting.  I'll have to try it this weekend!

XPiratez / Re: A thread for little questions
« on: May 06, 2021, 09:35:19 pm »
Well, since I barely have an air force (exactly one HK, and two Snakes, plus the Scorpion and some random air cars), maybe I'll hold off a while.  :)

I have a lot of things to research anyway, just finished Full Plate Armor, which is the last thing I needed for Industrial Tools.  A second base just got dropped in, so I probably need to try to take one of them out to avoid the escalating score penalty.  This new one is pretty near one of my bases, so I can pop the supply ships.  It appears to be Traders, the first one is Church.  Maybe after I make a couple of sets of plate mail, I'll give it a shot.

Will a convoy slip in under the base's radar?  Or is that even a thing?  Otherwise I'm pretty limited on how many troops I can take in.  It might be time to go ahead and finish the Metallo research and get it built.

XPiratez / Re: A thread for little questions
« on: May 06, 2021, 06:57:19 pm »
Is there a mission impact for the "is alarmed" and "is angry" conditions from Guild and Academy?   I have captured a few folks that I noticed if I break them and then research, it triggers those conditions (also, the Marsec powered armor guy leads to that if I research the parts, but I'm not even close to researching a factory, so I wasn't going to do that yet).

I just saw my first pogram from one of the factions (Academy) and was a little surprised at the Cyberdisc - I was prepared to deal with the armored Osiron guys and the drones.  Luckily, a custom shooty gun evidently hits hard enough to take it out (the secondary explosions from the refinery equipment probably did more actual damage, but whatever).  Also luckily, there was only one.  And the captured Esper was a nice bonus, she's the third or fourth one I've "collected".

XPiratez / Re: Question about wall-breaching
« on: May 05, 2021, 05:08:13 pm »
"Any idiot that can lift it", eh?   Well, I have soldiers that qualify on that score (maybe it's good for melee training).  :)   Thanks for the clarification!   So, if it had a terrain destruction modifier, like say the +50% that dynamite has, it would be more effective vs walls?  Is there something somewhere that shows the HP for various types of terrain?

XPiratez / Question about wall-breaching
« on: May 05, 2021, 01:39:07 am »
Searches has mixed results, since apparently a number of things have changed over time.  Meridian pointed out to me in a comment on his Youtube that melee weapons only recently have affected walls/fences.   Since I've been using axes or tech blades as breaching tools with good success, I'm wondering whether rippers, chainsaws, and the auto-ax are still worth lugging along?  In admittedly limited testing, they do not open walls as easily.  In fact, since I just got the auto-ax recently, I have never had it successfully cut a wall for me.   Last night, I was even trying it in an Infested Cellar where my starting staircase was actually sealed up completely from the rest of the map.  The pickax worked well, the auto-ax made a nice noise, but didn't otherwise do anything.  I will admit I didn't really expect it to do anything to the dirt/stone tile, but I was curious.   I was more disappointed that it didn't open up a brick wall I tried it on last weekend (as advertised in its pedia article), or even what looked like a lumber wall (side of a house).  Is it just a flashy (splashy?) melee weapon, rather than an actual breaking & entering tool?

Maybe rippers are just a nice melee weapon for infiltration missions?  Too bad the aqua ax wasn't a hatchet instead.

The X-Com Files / Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« on: May 05, 2021, 12:10:36 am »
Why exactly is the bank that the robot ninjas are robbing flying the Jolly Roger flags? Are they a pirate bank?

This is obviously not gamebreaking, but I do find it a bit weird.

Is it not well known that ninjas and pirates are mortal enemies?   Why wouldn't ninjas rob a pirate bank?   
(sorry, bored at work)

XPiratez / Re: A thread for little questions
« on: May 05, 2021, 12:08:09 am »
I also have some questions about game's lore!

What Star Gods' motivations? What do they want to achieve? Why they are so evil? Or these guys are just evil because they are evil like in some bad anime (Naruto) ?

Is an elephant evil because it steps on an ant?   That's about what we are, to the Star Gods.   

Or, when someone's behavior and motivations is unknowable to you, how can you say they are evil or not?   Just because you don't like what they do, doesn't mean they are evil.

The X-Com Files / Re: Real weapons overhaul discussion
« on: May 04, 2021, 06:25:05 pm »
Since you're talking about an overhaul based on real-world observations.
- a scope actually hinders snap fire, it takes longer to aim and you lose a lot of situational awareness and sight picture.  It should improve aimed fire accuracy (and/or effective range), perhaps at a malus to TU usage.  Snap fire accuracy is improved by red-dot or holo optics, improved iron sights (and by improved, I mean tritium dots, better pattern, etc), lasers (put the dot on the target and pull the trigger), and "handiness" (improved by better slings, hand-grips/foregrips/pistol grips, and shorter overall length, which could be shortened barrel, collapsed stock, bullpup, etc).
- 5.45 and 5.56 have better armor piercing characteristics than .45 or 9mm (pistol/SMG ammo) because of bullet shape and velocity, not "AP rounds".  The stock FMJ rounds of 5.56 goes through Class II body armor (which stops 9mm FMJ ammo - although you would still take "stun" damage), and Class III armor typically needs hard plates to stop them.  True AP rounds of 5.56 is only stopped by Class IV plates.  Not sure you're really looking for this kind of granularity, but I'd say that "pistol" ammo should improve armor effectiveness (like musket balls or slayer ammo in Piratez), armor has 100% effectiveness against rifle ammo, and true AP ammo applies against maybe 75% of armor.  And even 5.56 ammo would do more damage from a longer-barreled weapon (so a pistol or SMG firing 5.56 does less damage than a rifle) - the longer barrel gives more time to accelerate the bullet.

XPiratez / Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - L9 30-Apr-2021 Personal Attention
« on: May 01, 2021, 09:22:17 pm »
Nice new sound on the 30mm craft cannon.  :)

And new condemnation for Tank Killer!

Thanks Dioxine!

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