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Messages - guille1434

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Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« on: August 08, 2014, 03:54:02 am »
I just want to report a little bug: In the ruleset file of the Final Mod Pack, in the Ufopaedia entry for the Autocannon AA Clip, the section line (number 12768) says: "WEAPON AND EQUIPMENT"... this causes that the AC_AA_Clip to appear in the game ufopaedia. As I see that all other Alien Alloy ammo clips are not shown as individual entries of the ufopaedia, I think that this would be a little mistake. In consequence, I believe that the line in question shoud read "section: STR_NOT_AVAILABLE".

Hello Aldorn: Just a question... The SkyGuardian is another variant of the craft or you just renamed the SkyTrooper? Thanks!

Very well done graphics!  8)

Harald: Thanks for your answers! I will do as you say with the ruleset load order, and then report! :-)

Hello! Very nice concept! Just some quick questions: Will this race replace the regular Sectoids? Or if I add this mod I will be able to see sometimes Sectoids and other times Mechtoids in the battlescape? Do you think this mod is compatible with the Final Mod Pack? Thanks!

Work In Progress / Re: [WIP] Up Close and Personal Mod Pack
« on: August 02, 2014, 05:35:29 am »
Well done! I like your ideas! Thanks for sharing!

Work In Progress / [SOUND] X-Com Enemy Unknown v1.2 original sounds
« on: August 02, 2014, 05:33:45 am »
Well, I don't know if I am really adding something new here, but in my old files I found a patch that someone made for reinstalling the original alien death screams (from version v1.2 and earlier) to the newer (v1.4) version of X-Com. As I like that old screams more than the newer ones, I made a test adding the two files to the OpenXcom Data/sound folder and they worked!

So, if you prefer the first version of the alien "voices", here are they...

Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« on: August 02, 2014, 05:15:32 am »
Solarius: so, you tell me that your own two mods (gauss and Recycled Aliens) will ever be up to date.... but could you integrate the latest Terrain/Missions v1.9.7? Or will it be added in next update?

Thanks for a fabulous work!!! Your mega-mod really gives the player a totally fresh experience with X-Com!

Work In Progress / Re: [WIP] Up Close and Personal Mod Pack
« on: August 02, 2014, 04:56:40 am »
Ivan: Very good concepts! I specially like the BlasterPack IED! ...Wouldn't it be nice to add one blaster bomb (may be a captured one, or also a base manufactured one) a required item to make one Blaster pack? This way, you can give those aliens their precious blaster projectiles back with some nice addition! :-) Keep up the good work!

Work In Progress / Re: [ENEMY] alien hybrid race project
« on: August 02, 2014, 04:28:50 am »
Well, I think that a new weapon family for the late game aliens could be a good idea, adding a new generation of weapons for them after they realize that X-Com armour is a bit too much for their standard plasma weapons... I think it could be a family of hand weapons derived from the fusion ball launcher (an alien technology) or as it was mentioned a particle beam based weapon family...
Also, the idea of making the Hybrid race a kind of poor cousins (weapons-wise) of the aliens is a very good one... Like they are used by the Aliens for the most risky missions as cannon fodder (better to loose a grouo of hybrids than some precious Sectoids or Snakemen). Could they also be made to attack in higher numbers than regular aliens, some kind of "Human (hybrid)-wave" combat tactic? :-)
Just a thought...

Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« on: August 02, 2014, 04:24:16 am »
Hello Solarius! Thanks for updating the mod!
As there were a rush of mod updates today, I would like to ask if you included in the FMP the following latests versions:

- Gauss Mod v1.5
- Terrain Missions Pack v1.9.7
- Recycled Alien Collection v1.3

Thanks again!  8)

Work In Progress / Re: Help Making A Mod
« on: August 01, 2014, 02:56:22 am »
Hello! I learned to use Aseprite software to work with icons, it is a little freeware piece of software and works very well to treat small image files. I believe there is a v0.91 version which is freeware, and also there is v1.0 version which is not. But the freeware version is OK!  8)

Work In Progress / Re: Learning to mod OpenXcom
« on: August 01, 2014, 01:38:05 am »
Yes, for the complete pack I plan to make, there would be five or six .rul files (some made by me, and others which I like a lot, "borrowed" --> Always credits!) and you will have to activate all of them if you want to apply all the changes, but I think this is a good approach because...

1) It gives "modularity" to the mod: You can use only the Battlescape weapons mod, or the Craft mod, etc... You can use only what you like. On the plus side, as this new rulesets will apply changes equal o similar to various of the rulesets that come included in the game download, you will be able to delete some of those "outdated" rul files, making the mods list a little more manageable.

2) As this is a mod to be used with another mod (the Final Mod Pack) if you integrate all the new code in the FMP file, I will be forced to do the same work any time that FMP is updated (and I see that people here fortunately updates their work quite frequently).

Work In Progress / Re: Ammo - Weapon Question
« on: August 01, 2014, 01:25:19 am »
Guys: Thanks for the savvy advice! I will test this elegant approach!

Arthanor: Tha X-Com Armoury is a very nice work! Congratulations!  :)

Excellent work!!  8)

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