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Messages - guille1434

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Work In Progress / Help modding a craft weapon
« on: August 27, 2014, 03:04:07 am »
Hello: Here I found one problem that I cannot solve, and I would like that some kind person here give me some advice.

The problem is that I am making a small air combat rebalance mod, part of it is the adition of some new craft weapons. I did mod in a new craft cannon, which was researched and manufatured without a problem, but while in the "Equip Craft" screen, the very moment I choose one of this weapons the game crashes...

Can anyone give me some suggestion about what to do to solve this problem?

Thanks!  :(

Released Mods / Re: Ironfist Dropship 1.1
« on: August 27, 2014, 12:23:52 am »
Yes! An emergency floor escape hatch for the Ironfist would be great!

Also, I would like to see someone knowledgeable to add a stairway to the roof and a floor escape hatch to the Avenger Craft! 8)

Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« on: August 26, 2014, 11:21:41 pm »
Hello: Another small bug report, the newly incorporated Laser Shotgun, is visibible in the Ufopedia before it being researched... I think it is a problem of the requisites in the ufopaedia entry...

Work In Progress / Re: Asking for graphics help
« on: August 25, 2014, 07:47:13 pm »
I will be "borrowing" this weapon for sure! Also, thanks to your advice, I found the necessary sprites on line. 8)

Work In Progress / Re: Asking for graphics help
« on: August 25, 2014, 07:05:40 pm »
Very good icon, Dioxine! Thanks for sharing! :-)

Well, after reading this, and some other thread wich dealt with bigger bases, I have some ideas I would like to share here:

1) Bigger bases (not "infinite" ones!): may be some day could be coded the posibility to add a special facilty called, for example "large base life support", which would have expensive cost and mainteinance... The effect of this facility would be that when you build it, you are allowed to make your standard 6x6 base larger, say 8x8 or may be 10x10 o may be a moddble new base size... So, you can have a large or very large base, but you will have to pay a lot for it (again, this building and fixed monthly costos should be moddable)

2) Two level bases... I don't know... wouldn't it  be cumbersome to show such a base in the base managing screen? May be making an "upper level - lower level" button just like the one in the battlescape? I think it would be easier just to have the possibility to scroll around a bigger map base on that screen.

3) For the two level bases, I assume hangars will be only be able to be built on the upper level (or being a double height facility, taking 8 squares (four lower, four upper) to allow  the alien raiders to easily get to the lower level of the base. The same will be true for the main elevator shaft, one square area, two squares deep. Will aliens directed by the AI ever invade the lower base level?

4) The "space program base" is an excellent idea... To win the war you will not be able just to launch any ship from any base... but a special spaceship from a special base... Pray for the aliens not to find that base before you can equip and laouch your final assault!

PS: I would love to see what is explained in points 1 and 4 included in the game, or, at least, some similar thing!  8)

Work In Progress / Re: Asking for graphics help
« on: August 25, 2014, 01:44:27 am »
RSSWizerd: Thanks for the ideas/concepts... some good things there! :-)

Another graphics help asking: Anyone has the sprites for the images of the craft weapons which appears in the Ufopaedia screen? In case they are not available, can they be ripped by taking a screenshot of tha ufopaedia page and then making a sprite out of that screenshot? I would like to mod some new (or modified) craft weapons and give new images to them, also to give some already existant wepon systems their distinctive images (like the Craft Alloy Cannon, and Stormlance missile from the FMP).


Work In Progress / Re: Asking for graphics help
« on: August 23, 2014, 09:51:49 pm »
Very nice icon, Aldorn! I like them very much when they have the same "vanilla style" look, so they don't look aout of place when used along the original icons... Thanks for sharing!  8)

Work In Progress / Re: Asking for graphics help
« on: August 22, 2014, 12:58:10 am »
Exactly! This is the weapon I was looking for!!! Thanks guys!  8)

Released Mods / Re: Ironfist Dropship 1.0
« on: August 21, 2014, 06:43:08 pm »
A front line report from the troops about the Ironfist assault craft:

Troops and HWP that cannot hover (Flying suits and hovertanks) are unable to climb back inside the craft after they exit... That is not good news if you discover that the mission is too much for your squad and want to make a hurried dust-off...

Otherwise, thaks for the excellent design and valuable addition to the craft variety.  8)

Work In Progress / Asking for graphics help
« on: August 21, 2014, 06:12:11 pm »
Hello to all:

  For my little personal modding project, an Addon-multiple ruleset to complement the Final Mod Pack, which will be released after I finish my test game, I want to add a "custom made" X-Com autopistol... This is part of a whole new family of powder weapons, because I feel that X-Com should be using "terran" wepons for a longer game-time. I don't like it very much to start getting laser/gauss weapons in the first three or four moths of game time... So the idea is:

- Weapons Tier 0: Vanilla firearms
- Improvement: Alien Alloy ammo for those wepons
- Weapons Tier 0.5: Improved X-Com model firearms, incorporating not only AA ammo but also some Alloys components, so thay are manufacturable and need Alien Alloys to be made. In general they are a small evolutionary step, with moderate improvement over the tier 0 weapons. They are Ok if you have to fight Sectoids, Floaters... Against Snakemen, they start to be inandequate, and forget about fighting Mutons, except you use large rockets and lots of Fragmentation Grenades (power = 75)... :-)
 This "intermediate" family is planned to have two or three level research three. You obtain the first, basic improved models of rifles, etc... and then with the following research levels you get improved heavy wepons (Autocannon, Heavy cannon. Rocket Launcher), also new concept weapons, like assault shotguns, assault grenade launcher, combo rifles (which can fire regular bullets and rifle grenades, or rifles that have under-barrel attachments like short shotguns, grenade launchers, etc)

- Then, the research tree continues with the regular FMP gauss/laser/adv laser, etc...

For this I was planning to include n X-Com Machine Pistol, for which I had seen a very nice graphic of a very "vanilla style" sprite with a shape similar to an UZi or Ingram submachine gun (i.e. with the handel in central position and with the magazine inserted thru it... The problem is that I cannot find in which mos pack this graphic is included...

Anyone can give me a clue with the info I am posting here? I spent a lot of time searcj¡hing fpr it, but no results...


Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« on: August 21, 2014, 05:49:39 pm »
Some issues report: after unlocking the manufacture of the Hovertanks, they are available to be manufactured, and deplyed in the battlescape, but they don't show in the ufopedia... I think this has to do with the ufopedia section requisites: I read that "New Fighter Craft" is a requisite... This ufopedia requisite is different from the research requisite. Also in the same ufopedia section, the entry for the Hovertank Launcher seems to be incomplete, because it shows only the id line and nothing else...

Another problem: immediately after finishing the research on a captured "Hybrid Agent" alien, tha game crashes (The "view report" screen does not show before the program shuts down. If one has that alien unit "conained" in the base without researching on it, or while it is being researched, there seem to be no problem, the same when you sell that alien, there is no crash. But immediately after finishing the reserach, something cause the program to crash.

Work In Progress / Re: [CRAFT] 4 weapon aircraft
« on: August 20, 2014, 03:49:52 am »
Very well said Moriarty! I like this idea... For example, engineers can do (a less efficient) scientist work, and viceversa... Also they can form a last stand base defense if there are no soldiers present or if the squad is out. May be we will have to mod in some acid filled flasks as improvised hand-thrown wepons? Hehe... 8) :o

Work In Progress / Re: [CRAFT] 4 weapon aircraft
« on: August 20, 2014, 12:48:44 am »
Yes, the pilot could be added in the craft cockpit in the battlescape... and should also be, in an emergency, able to defend himself, but his ground combat stats, and quantity of weaponry and armor he can carry should not be the same as the infantry troops. And, yes, is a good idea to add the pilot as a unit in the battlefield but with the special "pilot" skill... It would look like a soldier, but he should be the only one able to pilot the craft. In short, a unit (soldier) with the same stat classes as the regular troops but with the added pilot attribute.

That would be nice!

Work In Progress / Re: [CRAFT] 4 weapon aircraft
« on: August 20, 2014, 12:19:11 am »
Yes, this would be very good from the point of view of "customizing" the aircraft...  I really would be so happy to see it implemented...

Also, craft weapons could be given a weight (and may be each hardpoint a maximum weight carrying capacity, so you could limit what weapon can be fixed to any particular hardpoint), and the craft can also be given "encumbrance"... so if you put a heavy weapon load on a craft, it would suffer some performance penalty in range - speed - acceleration, just like the foot soldiers when given a heavy load of equipment.

 Another idea I want to put under consideration is that if X-Com ground soldiers improve with their battle experience... Why not to add the recruitment of aicraft pilots and assign them to craft and also they will be gaining batter stats after they battle the UFOs in air-to-air combat... Also if the aircraft is damaged, they would return to base with wounds, and they will also be a number of days off-duty, just like the foot soldiers... Also, if the craft is destroyed it can be made that there is a chance that the pilot ejected and then you can mount a rescue mission to save the valuable pilot from the aliens who want to capture or kill him (more or less like Ufo Aftermath). I know that this is not very "Vanilla X-Com", but it would be only an optional addition, and any player could choose not to play with this feature. I think it would be nice to have "Air aces" modded in game. Just my two cents to this wonderful and immortal game!!! :-)  8)

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