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Messages - _Raven_

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4
Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« on: April 24, 2024, 11:12:50 am »
I'm pretty sure FMP includes some of these maps, but nowhere near all of them.
I’ve already added new maps from XCOM-Terrain-Pack-1.0.2 to my FMP build once (I added a port with a ship from TFTD) and maybe I’ll add some more maps in the future.

Can anyone give a complete list of maps from the CMP and Terrain Pack and tag those that are already added to FMP (so I can easily find them by name and not have to search for new maps or take hundreds of screenshots to compare the FMP and CMP, and I was sure that there was no such card and that if I wanted, I could add it).

I also thought about adding underwater maps, but for this you need to change the globe and hard-code restrictions (everything land cannot go under water, such as: aliens, UFOs, xcom planes, soldiers in land armor, weapons).
Maybe someday another addition to FMP will be released that will add an underwater world, but until then, I myself need to learn how to create a hybrid globe and program the transformation of armor (land-sea) and also introduce a type of damage that instantly destroys everyone in land armor under water.

OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) / Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
« on: April 22, 2024, 03:55:00 pm »
Yes, I just added a few scientific units to the base using the spawn command (regardless of how many there are on the base), the rest of the scientists were evacuated, only a few people remained (this gives the base some kind of completeness, closes the emptiness).

I can, in principle, make sure that 50 scientists appear in the laboratory (not the number of them on the base at the moment, but the maximum number that can be accommodated in this module), but in this case there will be a lot of people on the base, it’s better already implement it like I did, just make a spawn for 10 civilian units that are dressed like scientists.

I don’t think that it is generally necessary to implement this completely (as many as there are on the base, there are as many of them when defending the base), it is enough to implement it as I did (they constantly spawn in a static number, for example 10 scientists, the rest were evacuated).

Maybe this is not a full implementation of such a function, but just a superficial spawn function, but nevertheless it looks good (scientists spawn even if they are not at all on the base, so that this does not happen, I tied the spawn of these units to one module of the base, if there is no a laboratory has been built, which means that when the base is attacked, scientists will not spawn).

OXCE Wishlists / Re: _Raven_'s wishlist
« on: April 22, 2024, 02:52:33 pm »
I know that you are all busy and that my ideas may be completely ignored, but here is another idea for your consideration.
The .nam file in this file with names has already been added with the function of indicating which country and region the names belong to, you also need to add the following command “flag: 15” there:

###country: STR_RUSSIA
###region: STR_SIBERIA
#flag: 15
###globalWeight: 65500
###  - 25
###  - 35
###  - 35
###  - 5
###  - Дмитрий
This way, for each file with names you can specify your own flag, no more arrangement of flags in the correct order in the "extraSprites" file, you can simply specify any flag under any number, and then indicate this number in the .nam file and all the soldiers who will receive names from this file, they will also receive the flag that is indicated there (you can specify even just one flag in extraSprites, numbered 15, and the soldiers will receive this flag, even if the file with names is numbered 20 in the folder with names).

Add a feature like this, it will be easier for everyone to assign flags, even if the .nam files are located in different folders.
Yes, I know that there is such a function
###  - type: STR_PILOT
###    flagOffset: 33
This function does not allow you to select a flag, just ignore flags 0-32 and immediately assign flag 33 to the first .nam file in the folder, and I suggest linking flags to .nam files.

I don’t think it will be difficult to do, the main thing is that you have the time and desire.

OXCE Wishlists / Re: _Raven_'s wishlist
« on: April 22, 2024, 02:40:36 pm »
I came up with this psionic SQS function that is similar to regular SQS but works differently.

It would be nice to add a new type of psi-sqs (or better called psiAura or psiShield) only to psionics, so that when a regular soldier shoots at a creature with great psionic power, the psi-sqs will work and the bullets will fly away, but when a psionic soldier in psionic armor , then he ignores psi-sqs and shoots at the target, but when such a soldier is attacked by an ordinary alien, he can deflect the bullets with a psionic shield.

This reminds me of the mod for xcom2012 "Long War" in which Ethereal reflected shots with the help of his powerful psionic aura and I decided to propose adding this function for psionics, so that only psionic creatures could do such tricks with deflecting bullets from the target.

Think about this new mechanic that is similar to SQS but designed for psionics that works at a distance. I think it’s a good idea to add a psionic aura that repels bullets with some probability (the chance of deflecting bullets or penetrating the aura depends on the accuracy and psionic strength of the soldier, as well as on the psionic strength of the enemy). This new mechanic can also be applied as SQS as a separate command to armor (for example - psiAura: true, you can also add an aura power multiplier, which can be used to manually adjust the aura strength).

OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) / Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
« on: April 22, 2024, 02:23:57 pm »
I will publish everything that comes to my mind in “Topic: _Raven_'s wishlist” because I don’t have any specific big idea for which I need to create a separate topic.
[OXCE] Why was my suggestion rejected?
« on: 08-08-2018, 20:10:13 »
scientists/engineers "don't exist individually", they can't defend the base
I have already implemented this (I used two functions, the spawn of a civilian faction on the xcom base and the spawn command in the ufos and facilities files which allows you to spawn any unit or item at any point in the location), my base is also protected by scientists, engineers and other working personnel, all those who did not have time to evacuate from the base (I created them in the form of a faction of civilians, created spawn points for them, gave them individual weapons to each type of unit in their hands (scientists with one weapon, engineers with others), now there are brave defenders at the base without body armor).
[OXCE] Why was my suggestion rejected?
« on: 08-08-2018, 20:10:13 »
How many of you knew the game actually has a 3D engine below the 2D battlescape?
I knew that this 2D game had 3D because I played the original xcom1 and xcom2 on playstation1 and there in Ufopedia there were 3D models of xcom tanks as well as xcom aviation and UFOs, for some reason there is no 3D in OpenXcom at all, yes it simplifies modding, but It was possible to at least add original tanks, planes and UFOs to UFOpedia in 3D mode (with switching 3D - 2D in the UFOpedia file). It’s good that the “Visual Upgrade” mod brings back the background pictures into the game that were in the PSX version, I don’t know which version of the game you created OpenXcom from, why these pictures appeared already in OXCE and in a separate mod, as well as cutscenes in the style of an animated comic, they are missing in OpenXcom, even the final cutscene is converted into regular slides, it’s good that I found a mod that returns all the standard cutscenes from PSX (“Hardmod expansions” seems to be the name of that mod).

Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« on: April 21, 2024, 03:06:17 pm »
Please tell me, whats the best way of killing the Obliterator?
I don’t even know what to advise, I have a couple of ideas.
The OBLITERATOR has armor (damage absorption) worth 100, that is, you need a weapon that exceeds damage above 100 with such damage there is only one weapon Heavy Rail Gun 120 armor-piercing damage, only this weapon can cause at least some damage, but I’m not sure, because the OBLITERATOR's armor absorbs armor-piercing damage by 20%, that is, the strongest weapon will only do 88 80% damage and therefore will not penetrate the armor and will not cause damage.
I'm not sure of my calculations, but since you say that 20 shots from a heavy rail gun did not have any effect (it is useless to shoot at it with pistols and lasers), then this means that there is no weapon that can penetrate such armor.

How to solve the problem (just select one of the points):
1) Go to the armors.rul file and reduce the obliterator’s armor to 60 points;
2) Go to the armors.rul file and remove the absorption of armor-piercing damage or laser damage, or even make it vulnerable to some type of damage;
3) Add EMP weapons to the mod and make the obliterator vulnerable to EMP damage (I did this, I just knock out the obliterator with a EMP grenade);
4) Add new types of damage from the FMPE addon (for example, plasma weapons can cause damage to armor, and the more shots are fired at an armored target, the less armor it has left, and this way you can remove armor and pierce thick armor even with a plasma pistol).

OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) / Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
« on: April 11, 2024, 10:26:32 am »
Tell me how it would be more convenient for you to view my ideas (which I suggest adding to the game from time to time), present me with a possible new feature in this topic, or publish all your ideas separately there “Topic: _Raven_'s wishlist”?

OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) / Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
« on: April 09, 2024, 05:19:38 pm »
Rule of thumb: don't have any enemy units next to you if you want to avoid CQC mechanics.
Maybe exactly what you're talking about happened.
Hmm... then you are aiming at one enemy, but at this time another enemy intervenes and pushes you in the back, after which your soldier misses. Well, what an unusual mechanic you came up with.
I'll think about it and decide whether I need such a function of pushing weapons to the side, or stick to the standard gameplay, but I would like to add a psionic shield.

OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) / Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
« on: April 09, 2024, 10:20:08 am »
Not exactly close combat, the fact is that after activating FMPE, I began to receive such a notification “the attack was repelled by the enemy” and the soldier simply began to shoot a little away from the enemy at whom I was aiming. Then I decided to move 3 squares away from the target so that the alien could not push away my weapon and I could finally shoot him, but again he repelled my attack. In the end, I entered two commands "createsMeleeThreat: false" and "ignoresMeleeThreat: true" after which my shots were no longer reflected.

OXCE Wishlists / Re: _Raven_'s wishlist
« on: April 08, 2024, 06:52:53 pm »
This is how we would do it and everyone would be happy, scrolling text with a slider, instead of the standard command (rect_text) use a window for scrolling text (scroll_text)

###  - id: STR_SKYRANGER
###    rect_text:
###      x: 180
###      y: 160
###      width: 140
###      height: 60

OXCE Wishlists / Re: _Raven_'s wishlist
« on: April 08, 2024, 05:11:34 pm »
Okay, for now my text in Ufopedia will be a standard size of 320×200, then in the future there may appear for all platforms such a “text window” function so that you can specify a small window for text and scroll through it up and down using the slider on the side, as during production products, you can scroll through the list of materials required to create this item.

The world turns out to be such a small place, so here we are already corresponding with you yergnoor (you’re from 4PDA right?)
I also use a translator, I use the “Tab Translate Screen” but I don’t admit it to anyone, although it’s probably clear who is using the translator and who really knows the language. We have lived to an era in which there are no barriers to communication, you can correspond with the whole world and at the same time know only your own language and not know English.

OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) / Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
« on: April 08, 2024, 01:22:26 pm »
Tell me, are these commands (meleeDodge) responsible for SQS?
###    meleeDodge:
###      reactions: 0.6
###    meleeDodgeBackPenalty: 0.5
###    createsMeleeThreat: false
###    ignoresMeleeThreat: true

I entered the commands (MeleeThreat: false) because this sqs (from the FMPE addon mod) interfered with the game more than it added variety, because sqs works even at a distance (like a psionic shield from bullets), and not right next to each other.
I decided to add sqs only to psionics and ignore the enemy's sqs, so that when a normal soldier shoots at a creature with great psionic power, the sqs will work and the bullets will fly away, but when a psionic soldier is wearing psionic armor, then he ignores the sqs and shoots at the target, but when such a soldier is attacked by an ordinary alien, he can reflect the bullets with a psionic shield.

I'm going to remove sqs and keep them for psionic armor only, because sqs is less like a melee dodge bonus from melee weapons or point-blank shooting, and more like a psionic bullet shield that repels bullets even at a distance.

Tell us in more detail about the sqs function, is it possible to adjust the trigger radius of this SQS?

OXCE Wishlists / Re: _Raven_'s wishlist
« on: April 08, 2024, 12:57:21 pm »
When I turn off the “maintain screen proportions” function, then the screen stretches; when I maintain the proportions, then there are black bars on the sides of the screen.

But I managed to select images, but I can’t attach them to the message, I even tried the following command “[img]1test16x9-.png[\img]”, there is still text but no pictures (during viewing and after publishing the message).

I finally figured out how to attach images, but I didn’t understand how to attach an image not at the end but in the middle, between the text, besides, I blocked the topic for myself and couldn’t understand why I couldn’t create a new message and edit the old one. Here the devil himself will break his leg, it’s good that I already have some experience using these types of forum sites.

OXCE Wishlists / Re: _Raven_'s wishlist
« on: April 08, 2024, 10:50:45 am »
Pedia scrolling
I don’t see any scrolling of the text, all the text just goes off the screen, no more description can be added. (OXCE v7.12)

Also widescreen mode, 16:9 with black bars on the sides, “does not maintain proportions”, highly stretched image across the entire screen (I can imagine what it looks like on phones with a 21:9 screen).

I don’t know how to attach an image, nothing works, I select a file, and then what?

OXCE Wishlists / Re: _Raven_'s wishlist
« on: April 07, 2024, 11:20:53 pm »
I have such a complex proposal, maybe someone will want to turn this idea into reality.
Why not try expanding the size of all the sprites in the game, increasing the resolution of the pictures by 2 times, or at least adding a 16x9 widescreen patch to remove the stripes on the sides of the screen without stretching the image.

Sometimes these limits on the size of small sprites are so straining (base and aviation sprites on the base, weapon sprites, indicator sprites - for example, an armor indicator and other very small sprites), maybe there is a way to enlarge some sprites, for example, enlarge the ufopedia sprites and background sprites (those size 320×200), it will be possible not only to make Ufopedia pictures better, but maybe more text will be included (sometimes there is not enough space to make a normal description of the fighter, besides, you also need to try not to cover the entire picture with letters, scrolling the text will not works in OXCE only works in XCOM2012).

If you could make the fighter sprite larger, or make the globe more beautiful, or at least make some of the sprites larger in size so that there are more pixels in the sprite, then some sprites would look sharper with a higher resolution.

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