Work In Progress / Mercenaries - Total Conversion
« on: July 15, 2014, 05:08:39 pm »Hello,
I started working on a new mod Mercenaries. It will be a bigger one and will involve new code that I have already started to work on. Instead of saving world your goal is to make money by completing missions / jobs. There will probably be some kind of Highscore screen after you decide to retire or you have completed enough of missions.
Geoscape and baseview will be combined and replaced with a new Mercscape. There you will equip your team, hire new mercs and buy / sell new equipment. Instead of showing the globe it will show you missions that are available. These will be generated and there might be some unique ones too.
Mission types I want to at least have are:
Raid - destroy enemies and get paid by the number of kills.
Occupy - secure the area, destroy all enemies and get paid only if you eliminate all enemies
Assassinate - eliminate the target or targets ( laser squad level 1 )
Rescue - rescue the target units, this is a trickier one, but should not be too hard to code ( LS mines mission and many movies have this)
Destroy - destroy the targets ( xcom base missions, LS level 2 where you must destroy all the databanks on moonbase assault...)
Capture - capture the target, alive ( think about Alien movies, or just people that know too much, or simply take some hostages for the rival faction )
Patrol - Take part in some war and move though sectors eliminating enemies. Combines raid missions.
Basically the harder the mission the better it will pay. And ofcourse you can keep and sell all the loot.
The setting will be futuristic sci-fi where you can do missions on Earth, other planets, moon bases, space ships. Xcom generated ufo maps are ok, if you change the ufos into some kind of small bases, hideouts, outposts, research facilities... Maybe also some unique maps.
Weapons, armour and other equipment
I would like to use many mods on this. The prices will be adjusted and balanced. I also thought about having a new value on every item, rarity. It would determine how much of the items are available on the market, if any. The prices could also slightly fluctuate if you sell or buy something too much.
Again good opportunity to use mods. I would like to see more human factions as enemies than only aliens. Droids would also be nice. And when you think about it, it would be nice to be able to buy and hire droids and mutants for your own team.
I can do the code, but I welcome help on other areas. Ofcourse help on the code is also welcome

There is already many mods that I would like to use on this.
Maps. I have never tried map making, so this is one area that I know very little about.
English. I am not english and there is some parts where help would be welcome. For example I am not yet sure how to call them missions, missions? jobs?
Enemy factions. I have many ideas already and would like to use mods like MiB and the new armours to make factions like Omni-Corp and generally to have more human opponents than only aliens. Alien, mutant and droid factions though will also be in the game.
If you are interested to take part in this, let me know.