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Messages - Sturm

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IDT Modding Hub / Re: Pyramid Rebirth
« on: July 09, 2014, 05:19:37 pm »
I like this idea.

Work In Progress / Re: Rocket Launcher aliens a no-go
« on: July 09, 2014, 03:17:05 am »
The problem with the current set of ranks is that the aliens with heavy weapons i.e. engineers are almost exclusively restricted to the inside of UFOs where they are pretty useless. The Battleship is a good example. Th guys with Blaster Launcher stay on the top floor of the UFO until most of their comrades are killed, then they panic and drop their weapons or blow themselves up. I've been playing OXC quite a lot and I can't remember when I last lost a soldier due to Blaster Launcher attack, but it was a long long time ago.
I suspect that any competent use of Blaster Launchers by aliens would make the game unplayable.

Which is why I removed them altogether from the alien side and instead gave them higher reaction and accuracy :D .

Or maybe commanders could use some sick melee or short ranged weapon for inside of the ship.

Suggestions / Re: Sodier specialisation
« on: July 09, 2014, 02:52:52 am »
On the contrary, if I put even more soldiers on "sniper" role, they will get on average even less shooting experience - because there's still the same number of aliens in the open with no hard cover. The assaulters will have even more aliens to kill, and if they use rapid-fire low-damage weapons like pistol and laser pistol, they easily maximize shooting experience. If I follow the figures on Ufopaedia, such assaulter will progress 800% faster than a sniper who shoots twice and gets 2 kills (which is already pretty good for an average-size mission).
Increase reaction/accuracy of the aliens. You won't have experienced assaulters :P .

Also, to me assaulter suggests a dude with high strength and throwing and lots of grenades.

Programming / Re: New Feature: Infinite base sizes, POLL
« on: July 09, 2014, 02:27:56 am »
There's the whole long war movement that has ideas like more research needed, longer research needed, weaker facilities, etc. I think that it may end up with bases being needed to be quite bigger to do anything.

For example I use 20 man living quarters, 10 man laboratories, 10x longer research times, Elerium and Alien Alloys being required by many techs, etc.

In a long game with less powerful individual facilities greater space to growth are very desirable. Getting new crafts could require massive laboratory and manufacturing complexes. In my last game, my main research base was composed almost entirely of laboratories and living quarters.

Radars could also be made weaker, introducing many difficult choices.

One thing about the pencil and paper scanner - replicating the exact precision of aliens using pencil and paper to do planning would be unrealistic. Turns are pretty short and there's no time to make precise notes of where which aliens is and consulting it with terrain layout, especially from the first person perspective of the soldiers.
A general impression offered by the scanned display is probably the best that can be done in a such a short period of time. Especially that the aliens move around.

Open Feedback / Re: Chryssalid reaction melee?
« on: July 08, 2014, 04:07:57 pm »
Reaction move would be nice :D .

Fan-Stuff / Re: X-com Armour Types and movement
« on: July 08, 2014, 02:16:26 am »
You can already make an armor decrease TU's which are basically movement. However, an option for a % decrease (as opposed to numeric) would be nice...

The NVGs are like Jason, they're always coming back no matter how many times the idea had been killed :) The idea of "Night = Bad" is simple and elegant like most things in XCom. By implementing NVGs you do away with one of the core mechanics...
It wouldn't be detrimental to the atmosphere of the game if it would be done realistically. One thing that could be interesting for NVGs atmosphere-wise would be changing the colours to monochromatic green to mess with the player. Also, NVGs aren't a purely good thing. They reduce field of vision and prevent from using sights and decrease accuracy a bit due to loss of depth of sight. Which means that operatives wearing NVG would have narrower cone of view and wouldn't be able to use aimed fire and would fire less accurately. All while aliens don't suffer from the same problem.

Also bright lights would mess with night vision. Which could be also used against aliens.

Suggestions / Re: Damage Type Options
« on: July 07, 2014, 09:18:05 pm »
Soldiers getting set on fire by non-killing shots from plasma weapons :D .

Suggestions / Re: [CRAFT] Skyranger replacament
« on: July 07, 2014, 08:10:30 pm »
There's a larger Skyranger mod somewhere on this forum. One that can take 20 soldiers.

Suggestions / Re: Sodier specialisation
« on: July 07, 2014, 07:58:02 pm »
Any soldier with a few high skills and other medium/low is a specialist.

One thing that would be nice would be ability to define equipment sets and quickly assign them to soldiers.


Doesn't diagnosis of Fatal Wounds require using a medikit?

Offtopic / Re: What do you think has caused OpenXcom to succeed?
« on: July 07, 2014, 02:19:35 am »
4) Scope of this project - instead of remaking whole game, with 3d engine and arts, SupSuper decided to reimplement only game engine. There are many programmers in FOSS community, but not many artists. Thankfuly OpenXcom haven't needed them. So programmers could see effect of their work immediately.
It's especially important because graphics, animation, sounds and music are a critical part of the games atmosphere.

Offtopic / Re: X-com Apocalypse
« on: July 07, 2014, 02:15:26 am »
I gave up on apoc long time ago. While stuff like weak weapons can be fixed by modders, other stuff like horribly bad AI, unfinished cityscape with unbankruptable, unsurrenderable, invincilble, forever farmable organizations are just too much for me.

Programming / Re: New Feature: Unlimited bases, POLL
« on: July 07, 2014, 12:17:10 am »
I was recently playing with reduced power of various base facilities (smaller labs, smaller living quarters, weaker radars) + much longer research times and thought that ability to build more bases would be a very good thing.

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