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Messages - Sturm

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I like your screens a lot, I often use them as wallpapers.

yes, obviously for total realism, you actually shouldn´t even be playing with a mouse. You should be screaming orders and at maximum have a camera on each soldier's helmet. Wouldn´t be too much fun. And your companions AI would never be good enough.

A compromise must be reached. Turn base is cool for playing but there is absolutely no realism. I think RTwP is the best compromise.
RTwP is even less realism.

RTwP has certain downsides, namely:
1. Loss of intimacy of violence. TB allows centring screen around explosions , hits and deaths while playing animation which is pretty important for UFO's (and Laser Squad's) mood.
2. Absolute control of action for the player. Compared to TB where there are periods when it's impossible to give orders and the other side gives orders and pure RT where the player control is limited by time.

I think that if it has to be RT, pure RT with subordinate AIs would be much better than RTwP, SOPs and stuff like that. Additionally, even such pure RT would need some simulation of propagation of orders and information to be reasonably realistic.

Suggestions / Re: SUGGESTION - Fatigue?
« on: July 17, 2014, 08:14:51 pm »
Is called battle fatigue, basically a soldier morale  and stats start to take a hit if you soldier has been in battle constantly, it is well known. In war that is why they have rotation of soldiers they need to removed the soldier from the battlefield and give time to recover not from physical  tiredness but from the stress of being on the battle front.

It is also called shell shock, this also has to do with the  thousand yard stare
Do X-Com soldiers live long enough to experience it, though :D ?

Suggestions / Re: SUGGESTION - Fatigue?
« on: July 17, 2014, 03:22:42 am »
In my case average soldier life time is 3-4 missions.

Offtopic / Re: What do you think has caused OpenXcom to succeed?
« on: July 17, 2014, 03:09:42 am »
The options/mods/enhancements debate is a huge prickly issue with the dev team right now and we're internally discussing what to do about it.

Long story short, while OpenXcom was founded on vanillaness, supporting options was inevitable given the history of the original X-COM (Xcomutil/Extender/MapEdit/etc). However they were never given that much thought, given the focus was getting X-COM done. But now with 1.0 over and the huge community increase, they've become more of a development nightmare and source of community attrition. For every 1 person that's happy with the way things are there's 10 that have got their own differing conflicting opinions. Things will have to change. A line has to be drawn somewhere.
So, we're at point of diverging into different versions of OpenXcom...

It creates a question of what to do when one wants to use options created by different people.

Offtopic / Re: What do you think has caused OpenXcom to succeed?
« on: July 15, 2014, 10:04:07 pm »
I guess everyone should write his own options and compile his own sourcecode. Also everyone should have his own mods that are dependent on his personal version of X-Com and won't work with anyone else's.

Originally MiBs were planned to be used as a separate X-Com agent type that is specialised in espionage and can be send to places to gather data. I suspect they'd provide graph updates or something like that and detect alien bases. It was cut out because there was a MiB game in making.

How about a simple decapitation mission against the enemy government without aliens getting involved?

Suggestions / Re: Alien Medics
« on: July 13, 2014, 10:03:09 am »
I suspect that alien Medics are more like doctor Mengele. They'd probably just observe the dying alien or do some sort of sick experiments on them.

Clicking that icon could minimize the window until it's on land.

Programming / In which source file can I find damage calculations?
« on: July 11, 2014, 09:48:28 am »
1. Unit damage calculations.
2. Damage of exploding stuff like Power Sources.

Programming / Re: New Feature: Unlimited bases, POLL
« on: July 11, 2014, 09:46:51 am »
Is there any place I can find code for it?

Programming / Re: Option for autofire recoil
« on: July 11, 2014, 03:13:52 am »

Suggestions / Re: Damage Type Options
« on: July 10, 2014, 12:06:23 am »
Speaking of damage, which source file contains calculation for damage?

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