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Messages - shadics

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4
Work In Progress / Re: [ARMOR] Personal Armor Variants
« on: September 09, 2014, 08:40:21 am »
something like this?
or more  variant?

Work In Progress / Re: [ARMOR] Personal Armor Variants
« on: September 08, 2014, 01:39:13 am »
@ shadics if you could do a sprite collor swap to match your other pc armor collor i would enjoy it as and alt rul/spite opption for this mod

do you mean, recolor the personal armors like the power armor, to match the power armor mod?

Work In Progress / Re: Colored armor ''update'' 31/08/2014
« on: September 08, 2014, 01:36:44 am »
is is posable to bring thease back as a different armor with the peranol armor bottmes ? . like use the power suit masks on a smaller body for a new armor set ?

hum, probably in the future, we are going to make some modifications to the original desing. But, no for the moment :)

Work In Progress / Re: [ARMOR] Personal Armor Variants
« on: September 03, 2014, 10:45:13 pm »
here if you want update your mod for spanish
you can use my translate:
  - type: es
      STR_HEAVY_PERSONAL_ARMOR: Blindaje Pesado
      STR_HEAVY_PERSONAL_ARMOR_UFOPEDIA: El Blindaje Personal era lo mejor que podiamos hacer sin sobrecargar a nuestros soldados demasiado. Este traje sacrifica movilidad y añade mas peso para mejorar la proteccion.
      STR_POWERED_PERSONAL_ARMOR: Blindaje Mecanico
      STR_POWERED_PERSONAL_ARMOR_UFOPEDIA: La tecnologia alienigena ha traido a la vida  la idea del Blindaje Mecanico. Este traje esta lejos de ser perfecto y la bateria tiene una duracion de unas dos horas, pero funciona y nuestras misiones no toma mucho tiempo. La investigacion adicional, especialmente una vez que aprendemos mas acerca de la tecnología alienigena, debe ser capaz de mejorarlo.
      STR_HEAVY_POWERED_ARMOR: Blindaje Mecanico Pesado
      STR_HEAVY_POWERED_ARMOR_UFOPEDIA: Esta pesada variante del Blinda Pesado, comercia cierta movilidad para la armadura mas fuerte. Tenga en cuenta que mientras que la armadura aumenta la fuerza del usuario, la mejora de las habilidades es mas pequeña, necesario para compensar el peso de esta armadura masiva.
      STR_ABLATIVE_PERSONAL_ARMOR: Blindaje Ablativo
      STR_ABLATIVE_PERSONAL_ARMOR_UFOPEDIA: Esta armadura utiliza una combinacion de aleaciones alienigenas y capas ablativas para maximizar la proteccion contra el laser, plasma y fuego. La desventaja es, una armadura menos resistente a otras formas de daño, explosivos especialmente alienigenas y muchas de nuestras propias armas.

pd: i really like it! :D

Translations / Re: Spanish Translation for mods
« on: September 03, 2014, 08:42:44 pm »
Muchisimas gracias por el tiempo dedicado a esto! :)

Work In Progress / Re: Colored armor ''update'' 31/08/2014
« on: September 03, 2014, 08:37:23 pm »
The last.

wow, thanks!
but one of the ruleset its repeated, can you fix it?  :)
its the flying armor 4, must be the orange, but it the green again

Work In Progress / Re: Colored armor ''update'' 31/08/2014
« on: September 01, 2014, 01:21:44 am »
Testing better personal armor  :)

Work In Progress / Re: FMP & colored-armors Sprite bug
« on: August 31, 2014, 11:44:59 pm »
can you post a screen shot?

Work In Progress / Re: Color suit edited ''update'' 07/02/2014
« on: July 07, 2014, 03:29:14 am »
I was doing everything wrong, but i could found my mistake. Now works! thanks for you help!

soon wil be updated :)

Work In Progress / Re: Color suit edited ''update'' 07/02/2014
« on: July 06, 2014, 01:07:28 pm »
"and we have to make that the armors doesn't appear in the ufopedia before we can start investigate them. "

    type_id: 5
    listOrder: 1700

I dont know why, but dont work :/

Work In Progress / Re: Color suit edited ''update'' 07/02/2014
« on: July 06, 2014, 03:49:46 am »
Thanks for having uploaded material !

I will use it for sure  :)

You're welcome!! we were testing it, by ourselves, and we have to make that the armors doesn't appear in the ufopedia before we can start investigate them.

If you know some way to do that, will be helpfull :D

Work In Progress / Re: Color suit edited ''update'' 07/02/2014
« on: July 02, 2014, 11:38:22 pm »
Can I use it in the Final Mod Pack? ;)

I want to make a new line of armours, parallel to the classic ones.

Yes, you can :)

Question -
How do we actually go about assigning different colours to troops?

Since the UI doesnt allow for recolouring at will, I assume each colour shows up as a separate item on the construction menu?

It's correct, all are separate item to build

Work In Progress / Re: Color suit edited ''update'' 07/02/2014
« on: July 02, 2014, 11:57:31 am »
does that image work in ufopedia?
Yes, all works
the only we not add yet, its the ufo pedia.orgrmation and names

Work In Progress / Re: Color suit edited
« on: July 02, 2014, 07:13:28 am »
yeaahh!! we finally over with experiments, and this is the final result!!


Yeah, it's nice, though I expected it to adhere to the standard where the helmet is held in right hand. Though it'd be fine by me if it was carelessly lying on the floor, looking awesome :)

Your idea is really good! but we read your coment when we finished everything hahaha xD.

Maybe, in the future, we'll aplly this idea! :D

edit: fixed corpse gif color

Work In Progress / Re: Color suit edited
« on: July 01, 2014, 05:20:39 am »
I love the designs. I think I'll borrow some to make new armour types... :)

Do these suits come with the helmet off inventory sprite? If they don't, would it be difficult for you to make them? I really think it adds a lot to the game.

Thank you!! Hahaha you can take the idea, and then show us how is it going :D

We won't recreate them again, we are only going to try to recolor them. Anyway, if i can't end the recolors, i'll leave it here, ready for someone else who want to finish it :)

EDIT: do you like something like that?:

These helm off black/blue armors are nice, it could be that I find some idea to use them

Will you provide related stuff ?

Thank you!
I don't really get what you want to say, with realted stuff. Did you mean, if we are going to release the mod?

pd: how i can upload the work?

EDIT: We are trying to make the other colours, combined with differents hairstyles!


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