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Messages - KingMob4313

Pages: 1 ... 33 34 [35] 36 37
Work In Progress / Re: Equal Terms Mod for OpenXcom
« on: July 07, 2014, 03:11:30 am »
Thanks for the mod! Actuallyy machine pistol is the vanilla pistol, so why not leave it as it is know and rename auto pistol or something else? Insteda of having a machine pistol would be intesestin have an mp-7 kinda hardware :8 or at leazt a mac 10 like one featured in men in black mod, though i prefer an imi uzi :p


Yes, it is a replacement for the standard pistol.  Going to craft for it custom graphics that resemble something suitable for the manufacturer.  There is a one handed SMG that fills a certain tactical use, and the giant revolver for another tactical use.

If you're compiling the dependencies yourself, you gotta build Debug and Release versions of yaml-cpp separately (named "yaml-cppd.lib" and "yaml-cpp.lib" respectively).

Thanks for the big help today. I have a release now built on my machine and I'm arms deep in mechanics now.

Work In Progress / Re: Equal Terms Mod for OpenXcom
« on: July 05, 2014, 05:44:36 pm »
Noted Warboy, thanks. I will revise in the documentation.

Work In Progress / Re: Equal Terms Mod for OpenXcom
« on: July 05, 2014, 04:10:25 am »
This will be the last version before 1.0

V1.0 will have  a few more graphics for the rest of the basic weapons and some cleaner text for the weapons and maybe some body armor.

V1.0++ will have the new weapons types (Laser/Plasma SMG, LMG and Marksmans rifle) and research trees for those weapons.

Work In Progress / Re: Equal Terms Mod for OpenXcom
« on: July 04, 2014, 06:18:48 am »
New version 0.87 is out

Version 0.87 - July 2014
- added a magnum pistol
- fixed sniper rifle mag size 2x1 to 1x1
- added pixel art for SAW/LMG
- fixed minimum ranges for all relevant weapons

Along with future plans
- add body armors
- create modified graphics for all weapons
- create modified graphic for small rocket / APFSDS round
- change Avalanche missile description to remove nuclear from description
- add grenade launcher with arc shot
- add one shot rocket launcher (AT-4)

Work In Progress / Re: Equal Terms Mod for OpenXcom
« on: July 03, 2014, 10:40:11 am »
Already working on a version 0.87 that has minimum ranges, a new .454 magnum complete with graphics and sounds and graphics for the SAW.

Work In Progress / Re: Equal Terms Mod for OpenXcom
« on: July 02, 2014, 04:44:40 am »
Version 0.86 is now out.  Big thanks to everyone who helped.

Code: [Select]
Version 0.86 - July 2014
- ruleset cleaned up by 'yrizoud'.  Base weapons are removed from buy list and initial base stores and new weapons are added, instead of the ruleset overwriting the base weapons.
- added Designated Marksman's Rifle, a using a modification of a graphic added by 'Chiko'
- added an incendiary grenade
- added a Submachine gun
- adjusted TU and fire rate on laser rifle and plasma weapons slightly
- adjusted Range based accuracy numbers based on battlescape scale research
- removed rifle launched grenades
- changed ufopedia for machine pistol
- ufopedia cleanup

Version 0.85 - June 2014 (internal)
- added a shotgun and improved technology shotgun mod based on Warboy1982's mod
- added new graphic to sniper rifle and magazine based on Toshiaki2115, Warboy1982's work
- added new sound to sniper rifle
- added new sound to assault rifle

Future plans:
- add a magnum pistol
- change Avalanche missile description to remove nuclear from description
- create modified graphics for all weapons
- create modified graphic for small rocket / APFSDS round
- add grenade launcher with arc shot
- add one shot rocket launcher (AT-4)
+ possibly shift laser weapons to require alloy research
+ possibly shift plasma weapon research to require alien power supply research first
+ possibly add alloy ammo types for powder weapons, adjusting normal ammo's damage down towards standard, and current values will be for the alloy rounds
+ possibly rename Sniper rifle to Anti-Materiel Rifle per suggestion by 'Aldorn'
- possibly add DMR, SMG and SAW/LMG versions of laser and plasma rifle. Will require the proper technology sniper rifle and rifle both to be researched
   - shift laser pistol lose autofire and gain damage
   - change so that Heavy Plasma and Plasma pistols cannot be made by humans.
       - clips for those weapons, along with the DMR, SMG and SAW/LMG versions will be able to be manufactured, along with a new Plasma Magnum to differentiate with alien plasma pistol. 
       - X-Com can still use the Plasma Pistol and Heavy Plasma captured and returned from the battlescape, but just can't manufacture them.
Code proposals:
+ add code for recoil handling for weapon's autofire. Will account for strength
+ add code for causing initial damage from incendiary explosions, Damage/10 for 3 rounds
+ add code for dropoff of less than 1 ie: 1 per 5 squares
+ add code for damage dropoff after certain ranges
+ add code for stopping shots after certain distances

All yaml code, sounds and sprites by KingMob4313, except where attributed below.  Original concept by Ickschuss and KingMob4313/Shortstop4313.

Yaml reorganization: yrizoud (version 0.86)

Sprites: Warboy1982
Yaml Code: Warboy1982 & KingMob4313

Sniper Rifle
Sprites: Toshiaki2115, Warboy1982 & KingMob4313
Yaml Code: Warboy1982 & KingMob4313
Sounds: KingMob4313

Designated Marksman's Rifle (Marksmans Rifle)
Sprites: Chiko & KingMob4313
Yaml Code & Sounds: KingMob4313

Assault Rifle:
Sounds: KingMob4313

All: KingMob4313

Incendiary Grenade
All: KingMob4313

Open Feedback / Re: Question about fire.
« on: June 28, 2014, 09:03:52 pm »
Smoke still give a bit of stun damage, but only once by turn. The funkyfire bug made hit suffocate people additionally every time a fire bullet explodes anywhere.

Yep, you could stun whole batches of aliens, at least, until you ran out of smoke tiles.

Honestly, the incendiary rounds should do some more damage over being on fire. Being on fire and being covered in napalm, or more likely: thermite / white phosphorus are very different things.

Maybe something to play around with when I get my code base standing up.

Work In Progress / Re: Equal Terms Mod for OpenXcom
« on: June 28, 2014, 05:59:03 am »
The attached file contains already all the needed modifications
It depends if you made other modifications since you uploaded it to my intention (or if you want to redo yourself, what is a good initiative)

I was making modifications to merge my 0.81 version into your cleaned up version. I got it solved, this time.  Next release is 0.86.

Work In Progress / Re: Equal Terms Mod for OpenXcom
« on: June 28, 2014, 04:31:13 am »
aaaaand, I just hosed my yaml.

Back to trying to merge again.

Work In Progress / Re: Real World Weapons
« on: June 28, 2014, 03:19:01 am »
+1! :)

It's not hard, it's just really much work. And for what, ten times longer equipment lists, with no change in gameplay? I don't think many people would like this, and certainly not me.

It would have a bit more sense if there were other ground forces in the game, something like armed civilians (like regular soldiers in your missions) - they could haver all sorts of wacky guns. X-Com however uses standardized equipment, and according to lore the best there is on the market, so giving them the option of buying Kalashnikovs and M-16s is a bit purposeless.

Precisely the problem, though others have suggested that those weapons be added.  But the problem is that we'd be heading down the path of Jagged Alliance, which is fine by me, honestly, but would take some approved code base additions and new ruleset definitions to really pull off: adding recoil and a ready action, to start.

Work In Progress / Re: Real World Weapons
« on: June 28, 2014, 02:10:45 am »
Might have been easier to mod Jagged Alliance info UFO EU. :)

Yeah, I've done JA2 mods... So..

Work In Progress / Re: Equal Terms Mod for OpenXcom
« on: June 28, 2014, 01:36:08 am »
Hi King,

Find attach a correction of your Equal Terms mod, feel free to compare with your own ruleset yrizoud provided.  I'm essentially trying to make sure that my mod doesn't overwrite anyone else's.

But I may change the name of the file to 'Anti-Materiel Rifle' per your recommendation.

Check here for issues related to your Equal Terms mod

Hello, Aldorn!  I'm taking your recommendations and folding them into the code base that Y

Work In Progress / Re: Real World Weapons
« on: June 28, 2014, 01:32:51 am »
That would require code changes in order to implement, and a ton of weapons which are all not that much different from each other (at least in the stats we can affect currently).

Still, I love the idea. 

Work In Progress / Re: Equal Terms Mod for OpenXcom
« on: June 27, 2014, 06:04:39 am »
KingMob, I wanted to contribute more than just critics, so here's a modification of your ruleset which looks better as an OpenXCOM mod. It implements the above recommendations, plus:

For changes that modify only a few fields of an existing item, I kept only lines that change something. Personnally, I also keep the "original value" as a comment, I think it's friendlier as a reminder, and helps user see what the MOD brings.
Added  some listOrder numbers so that the items are listed "in the right place" in lists, especially if other mods insert weapons.
Defined a "starting equipment" which brings the right clips with the weapons
Added strings for the new ammo types

Just read through the changes. Wow, thank you ever so much. That was a lot of work you've done and it's great and easy to read.

This will be rolled up with the incoming changes soon, I just have some pixel art to do before 0.86.

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