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Messages - KingMob4313

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Released Mods / Re: [FINAL][MegaMod]Equal Terms 2.0++
« on: May 13, 2020, 10:56:40 pm »
The image issue is from a sloppy merge - same issue that screwed up the recon aircraft.  I will see about getting that completed.

I will try to troubleshoot the incendiary grenade issue - are the incendiary rockets and 40mm working?

[EDIT] It seems to be working fine.

[EDIT II] New version up with fixed images for the saw ammo and fixed a missing ufopedia entry for the small launcher.

Released Mods / Re: [FINAL][MegaMod]Equal Terms 2.0++
« on: May 13, 2020, 06:27:22 am »
Just fixed it - there were updates to the base xcom 1 ubase map list.

Just download the new mod and the map will generate properly.

Released Mods / Re: [FINAL][MegaMod]Equal Terms 2.0++
« on: May 13, 2020, 03:31:12 am »
Hello. I am trying this mod and it is pretty fun.

But now whenever I try to enter this alien base, the game crashes to desktop.

Also weird things I noticed: SAW magazine looks like 1x2 item but behaves like 2x1 and incendiary grenades do damage but do not light things on fire.

Hello! I'll investigate these two issues tonight. Thanks for the feedback.

[Edit] looks like a map creation error.  Reproduced it, now working on fixing it.

[Edit 2] Okay,
Error gets thrown here:
   if (_blocksToDo)
      throw Exception("Map failed to fully generate.");
I need to figure out WTF is happening with base generation that could be causing this issue.

Released Mods / Re: [FINAL][MegaMod]Equal Terms 2.0++
« on: April 28, 2020, 06:55:10 am »
Recently played the latest version and there's a crash after getting research results for Plasma Magnum.

Crappy typo in the Plasma Magnum mag code.

New version up at:

Released Mods / Re: [FINAL][MegaMod]Equal Terms 2.0++
« on: April 27, 2020, 03:40:44 pm »
Recently played the latest version and there's a crash after getting research results for Plasma Magnum.

I will investigate this tonight. Thank you.

Released Mods / Re: [FINAL][MegaMod]Equal Terms 2.0++
« on: April 22, 2020, 05:21:17 am »

New version 2.0.046 up.

Released Mods / Re: [FINAL][MegaMod]Equal Terms 2.0++
« on: April 22, 2020, 05:14:36 am »
Here it is:

Code: [Select]
      - name: UBASE_00
        width: 20
        length: 20
        type: 7
        items: # This adds the new Hyper Wave Encoder needed for the end game
            - [9, 11, 2]

Item is on the 3rd level (z=2) although the map block has only 2 levels.

Z indexes off zero, suspected that. 
But modding this game isn't something I can do at any time, was working when I replied to the message.

I also wanted to check if the item was within bounds of the actual tiles that can be accessed.

Released Mods / Re: [FINAL][MegaMod]Equal Terms 2.0++
« on: April 21, 2020, 11:22:47 pm »
It's fine, i am just playing the game for fun.

 ..045 works nicely especially now that i am trying it with the Terrain Pack mod. I'll be back if i bump into something again  8)
(or not, you never know...)

edit2. went and spent some time ingame, tried the alienbase 2nd time;    OpenXcom has crashed: Item STR_HYPER_WAVE_ENCODER is outside of map block UBASE_00, position: [9,11,2], block size: [20,20,2]

It's absolutely incredible how much tighter they made everything in the game.  I'll try to figure out this one, but it'll be hard without being able to see the maps.

Released Mods / Re: [FINAL][MegaMod]Equal Terms 2.0++
« on: April 19, 2020, 12:59:12 am »
Hi again, version ..044 shows up as ..043 in the mods section of the game.
edit1, going down to alien base resulted to this one: OpenXcom has crashed: FileRecord::at(MAPS/UBASEREDUX_00.MAP): requested file not found.

New version 2.0.045

I moved out the code for the Terrain pack mod out to an optional file, which was causing that alien base crash.

Can I buy you a steam game for doing this trouble shooting?

Released Mods / Re: [FINAL][MegaMod]Equal Terms 2.0++
« on: April 18, 2020, 01:45:49 am »
Updated version 2.0.044

Version 2.0.044 (Bug fix - version issues)
--== Current ==--
Corrected typo in Improved Grenade floor object
Fixed miss attributed grenade floor object.
Corrected bad merge of retaliator craft images
Fixed light rocket / small rocket ufopedia issue
Corrected issues with plasma HWP research
Corrected missing corpse types with power armor
Fixed missing ufopedia issues
Adjusted some sounds

Gonna continue to smoke out the rest of the game just to make sure.

Released Mods / Re: [FINAL][MegaMod]Equal Terms 2.0++
« on: April 18, 2020, 01:27:58 am »
Hi again =), sorry for not answering, kinda busy here.
Anyway, starting a new game (OXCE) and loaded the new version ..413, and ran into this one:

OpenXcom has crashed: Image missing in 'FLOOROB.PCK' for item 'STR_IMP_GRENADE'

-Tried to throw a enhanced frag grenade.


I literally just had one of my soldiers throw every item I have in game onto the ground. That bug has been there for years and you just caught it.

New version in less than an hour.

Released Mods / Re: [FINAL][MegaMod]Equal Terms 2.0++
« on: April 12, 2020, 12:11:45 am »

After a smoke test through most of the game, I've released a new version:

Version 2.0.0413 (Bug fix - version issues)
--== Current ==--
Corrected bad merge of retaliator craft images
Fixed light rocket / small rocket ufopedia issue
Corrected issues with plasma HWP research
Corrected missing corpse types with power armor
Fixed missing ufopedia issues
Adjusted some sounds

Hopefully my version issues are done now and I can get back to working on my OXCE targeted version of this mod.

Thanks for all the bug reports.

Released Mods / Re: [FINAL][MegaMod]Equal Terms 2.0++
« on: April 08, 2020, 12:29:40 am »
Making good progress.

Fixed the retaliator issue (0, +11, +33 issue AGAIN), now just working on the heavy armor issue.

I have a number of non-game breakers that I will be correcting in the future for the 2.5 OXCE release.

Work In Progress / Re: [WIP][MOD][OXCE]Equal Terms 2.5 For OXCE
« on: April 07, 2020, 04:07:07 am »
There's some really great audio I've cobbled together for reload sounds and improved weapon sounds for this next version.

Released Mods / Re: [FINAL][MegaMod]Equal Terms 2.0++
« on: April 05, 2020, 07:50:39 pm »
My deepest apologies to everyone using this mod - a bad merge has created a number of issues that I'll have to do a mod-wide smoke test to check.

Please bear with me.

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