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Messages - Mackus

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Damn, those are some good weapon and armour graphics. Any chance they get released?

Work In Progress / Re: Valkyria: Triton in OpenXcom
« on: December 30, 2014, 11:57:06 pm »
To fix the sounds and minimap graphics you need to edit the Triton's MCD file. However, it will not be possible to reproduce the Triton's look on the minimap since all of the MCD files use the same file for the minimap images, so you're stuck with the Skyranger/Lightining/Avenger images for the minimap.

The placement issues have to do with the map generation rules.

Pretty much this. MCD editor allowed me to fix sounds, and select slighly less horrible minimap. I guess I would have to wait for perfect mod untill TFTD comes out.

Work In Progress / Valkyria: Triton in OpenXcom
« on: December 30, 2014, 03:15:20 pm »
I've tried to use Triton as a base for new craft, Valkyria, but I've run into couple problems.
Graphics - Wrong graphics appear in battlescape minimap.
Sounds - when soldier walk on the crafts deck, or its roof, they make squishy sounds, rather than proper metallic ones
placement - ocassionally, on missions craft appears stuck inside the building, or has a tree sticking out of it. (most of time time this happens with MiB terror missions, so it could be mods conflict fault)
How do I fix the minimap?
How do I make it use proper walking sounds?
I even managed to get palette work "good enough" (at first the craft was pink...) So I would really like to finish this.
Any advice?

Programming / Re: OpenTFTD Question
« on: December 23, 2014, 03:08:07 pm »
It looks very good, but apparently many, many things are to be done. I think that at this point, you couldn't even have UFO and TFTD installed in same system, since many things are still hardcoded for Ufo1 only, you would have to mess with config files every time you want to play this different game you did last time.
While you certainly could play if you managed to get your hands on the TFTD ruleset, it would be very jury-rigged.

Open Feedback / Re: Playable Dev Build of TFTD?
« on: December 16, 2014, 11:55:01 am »
Got it. Any chance we get videos or screen-shots of geoscape, just to let us now how work on it is moving along?

Open Feedback / Re: Playable Dev Build of TFTD?
« on: December 16, 2014, 12:08:03 am »
in due time.
In due course. At the appropriate juncture. In the fullness of time. When the moment is ripe. When the necessary procedures have been completed. Nothing precipitate, of course.

Open Feedback / Re: Playable Dev Build of TFTD?
« on: December 14, 2014, 02:12:47 pm »
Mid 2015 :o !? We are gonna go crazy in the meantime! I was sure of "any day now", since battlescape is very playable. Why no open beta, at very least? OpenXCOM had open betas, back when it was nowhere as close to complete as OpenTFTD looks now.

Programming / Re: OpenTFTD Question
« on: December 10, 2014, 01:29:37 pm »
I'd say it looks fairly playable, as far as Battlescape goes.

Open Feedback / Re: SUPER FUEL TANK
« on: November 25, 2014, 05:23:02 pm »
Its fault of modding. You've must've had mod that doubles maximum fuel of Firestorm and disabled it, Or just turned on mod that halves maximum fuel capacity.
Fuel currently in craft is stored in absolute value, but displayed in percentage value. That why skyranger and interceptor both can have 100% fuel, but one will stay in air longer before refueling.

Open Feedback / Re: Odd Gender Ratios
« on: October 09, 2014, 07:40:23 am »
It's always been a 50:50 ratio. I have no idea where the ruleset thing comes from because it has no effect.
Well, this would explain why when I tried to modify the ratio game ignored any changes.

Work In Progress / Re: [GLOBE] random desert world
« on: September 28, 2014, 11:19:56 am »
If there is a desert world here is another idea (apart that I am a great Dune fan):
StarGate. You go to the desert world of Abydos and try to defend it from Ra's successors and their invading jaffa armies. You could capture nice stuffs like staff weapons, deathgliders and even a pyramid ship toward the end. It is a very similar to original X-com so not need to drastically change game features.
For anyone working on mod like that, XSGCOM fanfic is mandatory.

Suggestions / Retaliation Amnesia?
« on: September 22, 2014, 04:10:31 pm »
In Original games, once Battleship/Dreadnought got to land, aliens forgot about the base they were assaulting.
In OpenXcom, they seem to send ship after ship until end of game.
Wouldn't it be nice if we got some settings to determine, whether aliens forget about the base? Lets say they simply give up for now, since they suffered losses for little to no gain, better terrorise poor civies.
Options would be:
- Chance of Aliens "forgetting" a base after assault defeated by ground troops: 0-100% (default 100%)
- Chance of Aliens "forgetting" a base after assault shot down by base defenses: 0-100% (default 20%)
- How much easy it would be for aliens to "rediscover" a base they once forgot: 0-100% (default 50%)
Last option would emulate how aliens are fed up with Xcom, and try another shot at the base. At 100% its just as hard as if they never knew (full amnesia), at 0% they'll find it pretty much by flying near it once, since flyover would be only confirmation if xcom still has base here.

Work In Progress / Re: Needing a few tips for my new Lightning
« on: September 18, 2014, 02:22:49 pm »
It should work if you specify deployment coordinates, no?

Yup, it should. It just didn't. I wasn't editing anything other than rulesets (so no new look for lighting like you did), and if specified any deployment points other than those in my post above, game simply flat-out ignored them. "No, f*** you, I won't spawn them here".

I am surprised at new look you came up with. I though you would increase size of craft up to 8x8, rather than decrease it dwon to to 6x6. Most importantly, there is no way for more tanks than one to get back in, unless you use hovertanks.

Work In Progress / Re: Needing a few tips for my new Lightning
« on: September 17, 2014, 10:37:53 pm »
I once tried editing Lighting to make it less useless. I was able to increase maximum number of Soldier per craft up to 16. Deployment looked something like this:
x- old soldier spawn point, z-new soldier spawn pown, o-not spawn point
note that there empty tiles that soldiers can walk on inside the craft, but game refuses to spawn them on it, even if I define it to do so in ruleset.

Open Feedback / Re: TFTD
« on: September 06, 2014, 06:16:28 pm »
Any chance we'd get some sort public beta, at least with "New Battle" only, since battlescape seems much closer to being finished? To help test it of course ::)

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