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Topics - Unknown Hero

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46) Add buttons for convenience in this screen.

46 a) Add a "Craft" ("CR." in image) button to assign the soldier to a craft (or to remove him from the craft).
Left click on the "CR." button open the "Select Craft for Soldier" screen (second image), exiting the "Select Craft for Soldier" screen come back to the "Soldier Stats" screen (where the button were left clicked).


46 b) Add a "Psi" button to access to the "Psionic Training" screen to allow to change the soldier assignment to Psionic Training.
Left click on the "Psi" button open the "Psionic Training" screen, exiting the "Psionic Training" screen come back to the "Soldier Stats" screen (where the button were left clicked).

Info about soldier current psionic stats are displayed at bottom screen (Unknown, Unknown), and later replaced when known (Psionic Strength - 22, Psionic Skill 26/+26 - 26).


46 c) Add an "Inventory" button to access the soldier "Inventory" screen.

With the same principle as in this thread: [SUGGESTION-UNCUT][#045] Wounds infos - Inventory button - Options, point 45 a).

"And therefore, allow the ability to equip soldiers at base for base defense mission.
The soldiers in base can only be equipped with items at base, and the soldiers in crafts can only be equipped with items in respective troop transport.
The inventory template is memorized for soldiers at base.
I think there is no need to have (but very nice to have) 2 memorized inventory templates for each soldier (different equipments for different tactics), one for base and one for craft; so this can be implemented for better player convenience if not to much work."

"Select Craft for Soldier" screen:

Name, Rank and current Craft assigment are displayed.
Unaivailable crafts are displayed in red text (no more free slot (AVENG-1 Av-Ca - Crew: 14)).

As usual, the images are for explanation only.

45) Display the numbers of days of unavailability for wounded soldiers in screens - Add Inventory button - Options.

45 a) Display infos about wounded soldiers in the "Soldier List" screen - Add Inventory button.

Display the numbers of days of unavailability for wounded soldiers in the "Soldier List" screen.
And add an Inventory button in this screen.

And therefore, allow the ability to equip soldiers at base for base defense mission.
The soldiers in base can only be equipped with items at base, and the soldiers in crafts can only be equipped with items in respective troop transport.
The inventory template is memorized for soldiers at base.
I think there is no need to have (but very nice to have) 2 memorized inventory templates for each soldier (different equipments for different tactics), one for base and one for craft; so this can be implemented for better player convenience if not to much work.


45 b) Add an option for base defense mission:
"Wounded Soldiers Fight During Base Defense Mission" - "YES" - "NO" - (default "NO")

Wounded soldiers have reduced Health and reduced stats (just like during other missions) but right at the start of combat (easy targets for Aliens, and possibility for them to kill some precious XCom soldiers even if they lose the combat).


45 c) Add an option for base defense mission:
"Aliens Can Liberate Aliens Prisoners During Base Defense Mission" - "YES" - "NO" - (default "NO")

Attackers Aliens need to reach the Alien Containment facility to liberate the Aliens Prisoners.
Attackers Aliens give weapons to Aliens Prisoners and they fight against XCom soldiers (at the same time this reduces the opportunities to XCom for research and sale of live aliens (and their use for the manufacture of items (mods)).


45 d) Add an option:
"More Chance To Discover XCom Base If Aliens Prisoners" - "YES" - "NO" - (default "NO")

There is more chance for the Alien UFOs (%) to discover XCom Base when patroling if there is Aliens Prisoners in the XCom Base (Aliens Prisoners can be detected with Mind Probe technology (and position info about the Alien Containment facility), and Aliens Prisoners send psionic messages (they also send messages about the Alien Containment facility position in the XCom Base and the best way to go to this position (AI improvement needed))).

+10% for Xcom Base detection if Aliens Prisoners with no psionic skill (ex: Muton, etc., UFOs crew use Mind Probe technology to detect Aliens in XCom base),
+20% for Xcom Base detection if Aliens Prisoners with psionic skill (ex: Sectoid, etc., Aliens prisoners send psionic messages),
(+20% (+30%?) for "robots" Aliens Prisoners (ex: Cyberdisc, etc., send automatic position messages (eventually for mods allowing capture of live Aliens Robots"))).


45 e) Display the numbers of days of unavailability for wounded soldiers and soldiers Rank (yellow icons) in the "Sell Items/Sack Personnel" screen.

The player need these infos to make decisions.

Ex: The player can sack the unavailable soldiers for long period if they are only rookies, and at the same time choose to conserve high Rank soldiers even if they are unavailable for a long period.

Note: Wounds only appears for soldiers (None, Wounded>10).


45 f) Display the numbers of days of unavailability for wounded soldiers and soldiers Rank (yellow icons) in the "Transfert" screen.

The player need these infos to make decisions.

Ex: Sometimes, I send unavailable soldiers for long period to an "inactive" base (no troop transport) for psi training; I also need to known the soldiers Rank to send them to others bases for better organization (Commander, Colonels, Captains, Sergeants, Squaddies, Rookies).

Note: Wounds only appears for soldiers (None, Wounded>10).

As usual, the images are for explanation only.

***** Added 07/04/2014 - Start

If not enough space, it can (example) be done this way.

Next to the Rank icon (yellow), I added icon for soldier Armor type (blue):

One solid line --> Personal Armor
Two solid lines --> Power Suit
Two solid lines and one dotted line --> Flying Suit

Adding the possibility to personalize icons for Armors (mods) would also be nice.

Also, add the icons for soldier Armor type for all screens in game.

As usual, the images are for explanation only.

***** Added 07/04/2014 - End

Add "P.Skill>XX" and "P.Str>XX" to Inventory screen during combat.

In the Inventory screen, during equipment phase, under the "OK button" there are some info displayed:

- Weight>XX/XX
- Acc>XX
- React>XX
- P.Skill>XX
- P.Str>XX

During combat phase, only some info are displayed:

- Weight>XX/XX

Add (at least) the "P.Skill>XX" and "P.Str>XX" info to this screen:

- Weight>XX/XX
- P.Skill>XX
- P.Str>XX

Quite useful for management during combat.

Add options - Zombies Will Hatch - Advanced Chryssalid AI; New Equipment - Chryssalid Dialler

UFOextender option: "Zombies Will Hatch: Zombies will automatically convert to Chryssalids after a few turns. The resulting "mature" Chryssalid will have stats based on game difficulty. Killing a zombie will result in an "immature" Chryssalid emerging. Fire is still the only means to kill a Chryssalid in a zombie. Fire damage slows the hatching process. Any amount of fire damage will delay the Chryssalid's hatching."| - UFOextender

Option: Zombies Will Hatch After Some Turns --> "YES" - "NO" - (default "NO")


Advanced Chryssalid AI.

Chryssalids move first, then Zombies, then Snakemans. Exept a Zombie can move (one tile at a time, if it blocks the Chrysssalid path) to allow the Chryssalid to reach her intended victim.

Snakemans fire only if no risk to kill a Chryssalid, but can sometimes fire on Zombies to kill them (one fire at a time, to not fire on hatched Chryssalid) if they estimate that there is not enough Chryssalids, and when it can be beneficial to transform Civilians or XCom Soldiers (poorly armored) into Chryssalids.

Snakemans do not fire on Civilian/unarmed Soldier if a Chryssalid can reach it next turn.

Chryssalid never hesitates if her intended victim is a disarmed Civilian/XCom Soldier.

Snakeman can call a Chryssalid (by nature, without equipment), so that the Chryssalid attacks Civilians/XCom Soldiers if the Chryssalid has enough TUs to reach them and kill them.

Snakeman can call a Chryssalid by emitting an inaudible cry for the human ear (frequency range of 40,000 Hz), the Chryssalid recognizes this cry as an appel ("there is something to attack here") and moves towards the origin of the sound.

Option: Advanced Chryssalid AI --> "YES" - "NO" - (default "NO")


Change to AI behavior, troops priority.
Generally, the Terror units should move first. And aliens should not fire if there is a risk to hit a terror unit.

The Reaper has a lot of HP and he can sometimes take some risks, but he should never hesitate if his intended victim is a disarmed Civilian/XCom Soldier.

The Reaper should also "run away" when he is near a fire tile on the map.


Perhaps also another option.
Option: More Aggressive Terror Units --> "YES" - "NO" - (default "NO")


New XCom Equipment.

Chryssalid Dialler.

Reseach needed: Live Chryssalid, Chryssalid Autopsy, any rank Live Snakeman.

Research hours: 75
Manufacturing: $4,000 for parts, 50 Engineer Hours.
Workspace: 2
Sell Price: $5,200

Size: 1 high x 1 wide
Weight: 3
TUs: 25% per use.

Effect: This equipment allows to a XCom Soldier to "call a Chryssalid"; he not really "control it", but the Chryssalid(s) located at some distance (to be determined) moves towards the origin of the sound.

Add option - Mind Probe also displays Psionic Strength and Psionic Skill for all Aliens/Civilians (not only for Sectoids and Ethereals).

When using Mind Probe on Aliens, Zombies and Civilians, unit stats about Psionic Strength and Psionic Skill are displayed.

I don't know actually if each Muton Soldier (and other Aliens with/without P.Skill) has random different P.Skill and P.Str values (with fixed reference value, ex: value reference XX +/- 20%), or if it's definite fixed values?

Option: Mind Probe Displays Info About Psionic Stats All Aliens/Civilians --> "YES" - "NO" - (default "NO")

Change the text in the window when a soldier is turned into a zombie by a Chryssalid.

Sometimes, this brings confusion.

Instead of "(Soldier Name) has been killed", replace it by "(Soldier Name) has been turned into a Zombie".

And perhaps, change/add the sound when this happens.

UFOextender option: "More Chryssalid Sound Effects: victims will howl during zombification and newly emerged Chryssalids scream."

Display a window, with an "OK" button, when an unconscious Soldier/Alien/Civilian is killed by an explosion ("Soldier Name/Snakeman Soldier/Civilain has been blasted").

Sometimes there are a lot of explosions, and the player do not gets notification when an unconscious unit is killed by an explosion.

Just like UFOextender "Stunned Units KIA" option:

"Stunned Units KIA: Usually, unconscious units just disappear when they blow up. Now you score the kill when you blast stunned units with explosives (with the experience, morale and all the stuff that goes with it).

In case of XCom units destroyed that way, they'll no longer go MIA but KIA."

Suggestions / [SUGGESTION-UNCUT][#033] Civilians game options
« on: June 28, 2014, 08:18:23 pm »
Add options to the game:

Civilians can pick up weapons.
Civilians Pick Up Weapons --> "YES" - "NO"

Civilians actively fire on Aliens troops.
If Armed, Civilians Actively Fight Against Aliens --> "YES" - "NO"

44) Display the number of times an action can be performed in the Actions Menu.

Note: For Throw action, the possible numbers displayed can only be "0" and "1" because once thrown, the action is no longer possible.

Also, generalize the mode of operation similar to the Psi-Amp (option).

When a soldier uses a Psi-Amp, the player do not need to reopen the Actions Menu to select the action to perform (Panic Unit, Mind Control), it's selected automatically (ex: Psi-Amp: Select Panic Unit action, Panic Unit, Panic Unit, Panic Unit).

With other items, the player need to reopen the Actions Menu to select the action to perform (ex: Select Auto Shot, Fire, Select Auto Shot, Fire). Oops bad example, I meant use of Stun Rod like items.

It would be more practical to automatically select the last action performed (if enough TUs); the player need only to reopen the Actions Menu to change the action; but it only should work if it's the same unit that is targeted to avoid to fire at another XCom soldier instead of select it.

Stun Rod: select Stun action, Stun, Stun, Stun, instead of
Stun Rod: select Stun action, Stun, select Stun action, Stun, select Stun action, Stun.

As usual, the images are for explanation only.

***** Added 07/04/2014 - Start

For actions with use of Grenade like item (Prime action and Throw action) the sign "+" is added when the soldier has enough TUs to prime and throw the item.

Also, it would be nice to add an "Unprime" action (with use of Grenade like item) during the combat phase.

And, the sign "+" is added when the soldier has enough TUs to perform another action after an action (ex: perform an Auto Shot action after an Aimed Shot action).

As usual, the images are for explanation only.

***** Added 07/04/2014 - End

43) In the Select Destination Window, add the used space for each base ("SPACE USED>XXX.X:XXX").

As usual, the images are for explanation only.

42) The Mobile Hyper-wave Decoder can be equipped on Crafts (1 slot - 1 max per craft).

Research needed: Hyper-wave Decoder

Research hours: 450
Manufacturing: $560,000 for parts, 820 Engineer Hours.
Workspace: 20
Sell Price: $840,000

The Mobile Hyper-wave Decoder has half the detection radius of a Base Hyper-wave Decoder (to be tweaked).

***** Added 06/27/2014 - Start

If this is not possible with the slot for weapons, perhaps adding a button top of the screen to permit to choose the onboard radar (just like the armor button for soldiers).

***** Added 06/27/2014 - End

41) Display infos when mouse cursor (with 3D box) over XCom/Alien/Civilian (option).

Moving the mouse cursor over an XCom/Alien/Civilian unit gives informations.
Color coded message with infos is displayed above the control bar, and the mouse cursor (yellow color by default) is changed.

41 a) XCom soldier, Conscious, no Stun, no Fatal Wounds.

Text background: green.
Mouse cursor: yellow around, green inside.

First line: Rank, Name.
Second line: TUs, Health.


41 b) XCom soldier, Conscious, Stun, Fatal Wounds.

Text background: orange.
Mouse cursor: yellow around, orange inside.

First line: Rank, Name.
Second line: TUs, Health, Stun, Fatal Wounds (only Stun if no Fatal Wounds).


41 c) XCom soldier, Unconscious, Stun, no Fatal Wounds.

Text background: orange.
Mouse cursor: yellow around, orange inside.

First line: Rank, Name, Unconscious.
Second line: Health, Stun.


41 d) XCom soldier, Unconscious, Stun, Fatal Wounds.

Text background: red.
Mouse cursor: yellow around, red inside.

First line: Rank, Name, Unconscious.
Second line: Health, Stun, Fatal Wounds.


41 e) XCom soldier, KIA.

Text background: black with white border.
Mouse cursor: yellow around, black inside.

First line: Rank, Name, KIA.
Second line: Corpse.


41 f) Alien, Conscious, no infos (no Mind Probe check, no Medi-Kit check).

Text background: green.
Mouse cursor: yellow around, green inside.

First line: Life form.
Second line: nothing.


41 g) Alien, Unconscious, no infos (no Medi-Kit check).

Text background: orange.
Mouse cursor: yellow around, orange inside.

First line: Life form, Unconscious.
Second line: nothing.


41 h) Alien, Dead.

Text background: black with white border.
Mouse cursor: yellow around, black inside.

First line: Life form.
Second line: Corpse.


41 i) XCom soldier, Conscious, no Stun, no Fatal Wounds --(same tile)-- Alien, Unconscious, Medi-Kit check.


XCom soldier, Conscious, no Stun, no Fatal Wounds.

Text background: green.
Mouse cursor: yellow around, green inside.

First line: Rank, Name.
Second line: TUs, Health.


Alien, Unconscious, Medi-Kit check.

Text background: orange.
Mouse cursor: yellow around, orange inside.

First line: Life form, Unconscious.
Second line: Fatal Wounds (nothing if no Medi-Kit check).

First version (infos displayed at the same time, one above the other, and the cursor change color (not in image) alternatively):
Better lisibility, but can be invasive.

Second version (infos displayed alternatively, and the cursor change color alternatively):
Lesser lisibility, but can be utilised if there are many units (ex: 1 live unit, and at least 1 dead unit on the same tile).


41 j) Alien, Conscious, Medi-Kit check (only Medi-Kit check, no healing before), Fatal Wounds.

Text background: orange.
Mouse cursor: yellow around, orange inside.

First line: Life form (Rank if healing with Medit-Kit before).
Second line: Fatal Wounds.


41 k) Alien, Conscious, Mind Probe check, no Stun, no Fatal Wounds.

Text background: green.
Mouse cursor: red around (for Mind Probe use already done this turn (but only if meantime: no action done against the alien, that can change the alien stats)), green inside.

First line: Life form, Rank, P.Str, P.Skill.
Second line: TUs, Health.

Function to add: if the player left click an alien on which a Mind Probe has been used this turn (without doing an action, against the alien, that can change the alien stats (ex: fire on it, use a Stun Rod on it, throw a grenade near it, etc.), he accesses freely to the alien stats last screen.

So the player do not waste TUs to access infos he already know, and without having to write them on a sheet of paper.


41 l) Alien, Conscious, Mind Probe check, Stun, Fatal Wounds.

Text background: orange.
Mouse cursor: red around (for Mind Probe use already done this turn (but only if meantime: no action done against the alien, that can change the alien stats)), orange inside.

First line: Life form, Rank, P.Str, P.Skill.
Second line: TUs, Health, Stun, Fatal Wounds.


Mouse cursor over, with action with Mind Probe (Mind Probe 3D box cursor).

41 m) Alien, Conscious, Mind Probe use already done this turn.

Text background: green.
Mouse cursor: red around (for Mind Probe use already done this turn (but only if meantime: no action done against the alien, that can change the alien stats)), green inside.

First line: Life form, Rank, P.Str, P.Skill.
Second line: TUs, Health.

Function to add: if the player, using a Mind Probe, left click an alien on which a Mind Probe has been used this turn (without doing an action, against the alien, that can change the alien stats (ex: fire on it, use a Stun Rod on it, throw a grenade near it, etc.), he accesses freely (no TUs used for the action: "Use Mind Probe") to the alien stats last screen.

So the player do not waste TUs, using a Mind Probe, to access infos he already know.


Same principle for all other cases while using the Mind Probe and the Psi-Amp.

***** Added 06/28/2014 - Start

Should work with mouse cursor over with all 3D box cursors: Fire, Throw, etc.

***** Added 06/28/2014 - End


Note: A delay can be set (ex: 500 ms, 1000 ms) before the infos are displayed once the player move the mouse cursor 3d box over an ocupied tile, to avoid a too frequent display when moving the cursor over the combat map.

As usual, the images are for explanation only.  :D

40) Windows about wounded and unconscious soldiers.

Display a window with info when a soldier is wounded (Fatal Wounds).

Display a window with info when a soldier is unconscious (Stun Level).

Display a window with info when a soldier is unconscious and wounded (Stun Level, Fatal Wounds).

As usual, the images are for explanation only.

39) Research New Projet window.

The research cannot be combined when the same research is performed at several bases; therefore display the text in red for the items already ongoing research at another base, to avoid the player to research them simultaneously for nothing.

As usual, the images are for explanation only.  :)

Suggestions / [SUGGESTION-CUT][#032] New Equipment - Adrenaline Kit
« on: June 24, 2014, 02:22:11 am »
32) Adrenaline Kit.

Ammo: 10 injections.
Size: 1 high x 1 wide
Weight: 3
TUs: 10 per use of an injection.

Research needed: Medi-Kit.

Research hours: 320
Manufacturing: $19,200 for parts, 300 Engineer Hours.
Workspace: 2
Sell Price: $26,880

Effect: The soldier doubles his Time Units, Energy and Health for 3 turns, and then fall unconscious for the rest of the combat. If he returns to the base, he is wounded for 3 days (in addition to his other injuries if he has one).

***** Added 06/22/2014 - Start

Perhaps it would be better if the Adrenaline Kit is an one use item, so the player need to manufacture it continually.
The soldier can use it on himself, or on another soldier.

***** Added 06/22/2014 - End

***** Added 06/23/2014 - Start

Add more possibilities to the OpenXCom engine to have more flexibility for uses of item, and consequences of using them.

I don't know if some of them are already possible.

I will explain this with the Adrenaline Kit as example.

Add the possibilities to:

- be able to set the effects on soldier skills (ex: doubles/adds X soldier Time Units, Energy and Health for X turns; the soldier fall unconscious for X turns/the rest of the combat; can/cannot be revived with Medi-Kit Stimulant before X turns/the rest of the combat). 

- limit the use of Adrenaline Kit to a fixed number of uses on the same soldier (ex: the use of Adrenaline Kit is limited at 1/X use per mission, and to 10/X missions max per soldier during all the same game).

- each use of an Adrenaline Kit on a soldier augments the soldier wounded time at base (first use, soldier wounded for 3 days; second use on the same soldier, soldier wounded for 4 days; third use on the same soldier, soldier wounded for 4 days; etc.).

- each use of an Adrenaline Kit on a soldier reduces his skills at base for the entire game/for a fixed number of days (ex: Reactions skill reduced by 3 points for X days/the rest of the game, Stamina skill reduced by 5 points for X days/the rest of the game, Health skill reduced by 2 points for X days/the rest of the game, etc.).

- each use of an Adrenaline Kit on a soldier (after the primary effect (bonus) dissipated) reduces his skills during combat for X turns/the rest of the combat (ex: Reactions skill reduced by 3/X points for X turns/the rest of the combat, Stamina skill reduced by 5/X points for X turns/the rest of the combat, Health skill reduced by 2/X points for X turns/the rest of the combat, etc.).

All of these can even be different for each soldier depending on his Health/Stamina/Etc. skills.

***** Added 06/23/2014 - End

Cut from this thread on demand for better convenience:

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