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Messages - Quixote

Pages: 1 2 3 [4]
Hello everyone, first of all a BIG THANKS to the project coders for making me relive my happy memories of this excellent game.

While playing it again last night, I suddenly realised something:

Heavy Plasma has a weight of 8 units.

Comparing to the other "heavy" weapons, Heavy Laser weighs 18. Heavy Cannon weighs 18. Auto-cannon weighs 19.

It seems to me like the Heavy Plasma was also supposed to weigh 18, but a typo in data entry meant it ended up weighing only 8. So it became the "super weapon" we all know.

Now, thanks to OpenXcom, we can mod this data easily, I think. Maybe we should make it a toggle in the advanced options?

What do you think about this? Should it really be 18?

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