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Messages - theophilos

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The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 3.0: Beyond Human
« on: August 31, 2023, 07:20:16 am »
Hello lo wo refuge popped up, but I still only have tasers and the starter electric stick 😂 (any shotgun with Stun ammo is my main method of stunning but hard to hit ninjas)

Should I bother trying to capture him? It appears the mission will never come again if I don't go there

My plan if not to capture him is to just throw fire everywhere, because I also lack motion scanners to find ninjas , and to jist kill him but I worry about the fire destroying the objects he might have?

To get a ninja I flash-banged him then piled with sticks , but I doubt I will survive doing that here

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 3.0: Beyond Human
« on: August 28, 2023, 05:36:22 am »
Depends on which manor it is and how good your soldiers are. A manor is doable with even 6 good soldiers and proper armor, if you can take out the terrorists. Additionally, it also completely depends on which map you roll. There is one that makes a manor very easy and one very annoying one.

You should not enter the manor itself, just stay outside and do reaction traps. Do be aware that starting from second tier you may also get elite soldiers spawning in. The danger with them is that they like to spawn very close to you with no easy way to react to them.

How do I get to the manor at all? I seem to get intercepted some way, although I am new to air combat in xcom in general. I sent an empty helicopter to it just to see what would happen

Do the extra troops spawn at a side of map or do they just spawn, right next to you? I do have good troops to send at least

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 3.0: Beyond Human
« on: August 26, 2023, 04:26:10 pm »
1998 arrived and I jist got science lab, but no osprey yet.

A manor appeared , but it seems difficult go get close and I hear they are difficult

Shpuld I ignore it until osprey ?

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 3.0: Beyond Human
« on: August 24, 2023, 07:54:13 am »
HQ provides the function "Intel Lab", so the text is correct. It is needed for interrogations (and a few other things). It is still useful to build an intel lab, because you get the additional scientists.

"Intel Lab" facility just allows you to research somethings you otherwise couldn't research. It doesn't speed things up at all.

If you are curious, here's the list where it's needed:

When deciding what to research it is advisable to also take into account how much work it takes. MIB agents require 180 scientist days, while for example Black Lotus Footmen only 10 days. You can see the difficulty with symbols ".", "-", "=" and "#" which correspond to how difficult it is (from the easiest to the more difficult). In the beginning I wouldn't waste the precious research capacity to MIB agents.

ohhh ok makes sense now

Does canceling a research project make it start over when started again? I have had a single guy on the MIB guy for awhile , but afraid to cancel it in case it makes me start from scratch again lol

Also I never noticed those symbols, I will have to look out for them, are they on the extra info screen of the techs?

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 3.0: Beyond Human
« on: August 24, 2023, 01:25:28 am »
The intelligence center states "you won't be able to research intelligence projects without this lab (or an HQ) present "

Why does it say "or an hq"? Does it mean this facility is nit necessary on your hq base?

I am also confused on what exactly it does and how to tell if a tech requires the building to research. Will you be able to assign researches but it won't make progress?

For example, MIB has been taking a long time to interrogate, abd I wonder if it's because I have no intelligence center on main base

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 3.0: Beyond Human
« on: August 23, 2023, 09:40:36 am »
Hello sometimes I see people recommend to leave abort missions

For example, I also saw in the yogscast playthrough years ago, they landed and aborted many missions but didn't take point loss unless civilians

Sometimes when I abort missions I get a hefty abort mission negative, while in other missions there is only maybe civilian dying negative. Is there a way to know which missions are skippable? Generally I try to do all missions

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 3.0: Beyond Human
« on: August 17, 2023, 11:02:51 pm »
Thank you Delta and Juku for your replies,

1. I saw in tech tree topic search the intelligence center requires figuring out the basic gangs existence, while the bio lab requires medicine track.

In my playthrough, after briefly getting distracted attempted to get better armor (I stopped just short of kevlar vests, want to do that soon thgough) I instead diverted to go do bio lab first, and then beeline to intelligence center (Aiming for these things only hoping to get more scientist slots than 5, as soon as I saw there are a million research topics lol)

Without telling me the best absolute way to start, how would you rate this plan from POOR up to EXCELLENT  ;D I just want to know if this was a catastrophic idea to do it in this order

2. Does researching regular weapons change how well they can be used? I have a AK-47 unresearched but when I tried it from a dead guy it seemed pretty junk and I stuck with shotguns and pistol loadouts lol. I assume aliens weapons of course are unusable without certain techs

3. is it a good idea to get a second base pretty quickly? For now I just been saving money hoping to build bio lab and intelligence center, and then try to build second base

4. In the gym, what does the + button actually do? I see stats change when clicking but idk what it means. Also, some agents that I think are assigned as pilots, cannot be in the gym perhaps? They have a plus or minus thing next to name but again I am unsure what that does

Thanks for help with my basic questions

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 3.0: Beyond Human
« on: August 17, 2023, 11:46:50 am »
Apologies for dumb n00b questions:

1. Is there a way to heal ONESELF with the starting medical equipment? I thought I saw on playthroughs, people healing wounds with their own kit before, but I can't seem to do that myself. Perhaps it is a later equipment?

2. Looking at the beginner's lightning stun rod, it appears 1 handed, because stats for nerds never mentions it being 2 handed. Is there really zero negatives at all to hold it and a pistol at the same time? Is there likewise zero issue holding a regular pistol and a tazer at the same time lol

3. If I forgot to research in the first month should I restart  ;D

4. What button can you use to quickly armor people up? I saw on a video someone was able to click a single button to equip armor on a lot of crew, rather than have to open list every person

5. Is it generally best to spread out researchers rather than pile them into one thing unless need to rush something? I heard for each one assigned they become slightly less effecient.

6. Is there much point researching really terrible outdate equipment /melee weapons like a baseball bat

7. Is there a limit on how much you can bring on public transport? I am paranoid that I am missing things that I assign

8. I am enjoying the mod great job :)

The X-Com Files / Re: Has much changed in the past 5 years?
« on: August 17, 2023, 05:27:48 am »
oh good idea thank you!! I will try your suggestions

The X-Com Files / Re: Has much changed in the past 5 years?
« on: August 17, 2023, 02:56:46 am »
Here is the mod I apologize,

I only had hesitation because it states it has dynamic nationalities based on region where base is, and I saw in the readme for the upcoming version that some regions were added (serbia?), so I wondered if things might conflict in the dynamic naming

I did see this error pictured with the game, only using the x files mod, the extra names mod, and expanded soundtrack

Stating that flag/67-southafrica.png could not be found

I only got this error after turning off "Lazy Loading"


By the way, my screen resolution is 1366x768, but when I put that in the game everything is quite stretched and blown up. Do people have any recommendations on video settings? Often when I see videos , especially on battlescape the art is not blown up too bad yet can still see a lot of the environment. Is this what the scaling option is for? I apologize I am not very good at understanding resolutions

I remember when I played Star Control II I had to download a black screen to run to hide the desktop!


When I click a button as described in the screenshot, the game just closes, I only started getting this error after I turned off "Lazy Loading" setting, but now I can't get back in to turn it back on or turn the other mods off! I will see if there is a techinical issues area to post on

The X-Com Files / Re: Has much changed in the past 5 years?
« on: August 16, 2023, 11:22:56 pm »
Ok I will use that version instead! Yes, I really like how prophetic Alpha Centauri seems to be

Do you think it would be best not to use the extra names submod to not break anything?

As to the "yes", when I installed xcom from steam years ago on my desktop I think I installed it in a seperate area outside of program files, is this necessary here?

I assume to run the mod, I must launch openxcom extended with the mods in the correct folders and enabled? BTW Is there any "manual" sort of place to see what are recommended settings/hotkeys/other such things like utilizing special features added such as searches and other shortcuts added in the game

The X-Com Files / Re: Has much changed in the past 5 years?
« on: August 16, 2023, 07:45:11 pm »
Hello. thanks all for replies! Seems nice, I am going to attempt to install...!

Also I like the "WE MUST DISSENT", after having playing a lot of Alpha Centauri lately!

btw, is a regular install of UFO DEFENSE enough to run the mod and openxcom extended? Or will I need to install it in a special way outside of steam, or does it also require an expansion like terror from deep?

The X-Com Files / Re: Has much changed in the past 5 years?
« on: August 12, 2023, 11:06:54 pm »
Oh I havn't finished their playthrough, but on video #69 they updated to 0.9.6

How does advanced soldier types effect the game compared to it's absence? NAmed dogs... well they can rename the dog's names if that's what you mean  ;D mansions I don't recall if they had, I do remember them dying horribly starting on top of some square building that was then attacked by lots of grenades and a tank by cultists outside, could this be the mansion?

Also reading some of the threads, some people mention cults having planes now? I don't recall seeing that in their videos,

thanks for reply, would you say this is the best place to talk at for now? I have never used matrix

The X-Com Files / Has much changed in the past 5 years?
« on: August 12, 2023, 05:46:26 am »
So I really enjoyed watching the Lewis and Ben playthrough, but they played it 5 years ago. Is the mod changed much since then? I heard one person complain that there is a lot of content bloat at this point. What would be ones response to this? Is there definitive versions to play, or only the latest build?

Also, is there any discord or other places to talk about the mod at? I am very excited to try out the mod and lose horribly! A big cudos to the workers of this mod!

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