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Messages - theophilos

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The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 3.1: Lights in The Sky
« on: November 30, 2023, 12:31:00 am »
How many engineers should one have per workshop? I never understood how it works

If I have 2 workshops how many engineers should I have

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 3.1: Lights in The Sky
« on: November 22, 2023, 12:45:38 am »
oh alright, didn't know it had such kind of damage

ah well

btw it is august 1997 and I am still promotion I due to having only seen 1 black lotus foot soldier this entire game (sadly bled out by reaction fire, and died laying beneath my troop with medipack in hand  :'(

I got a -140 score event for not beating black lotus enough, I assume for not researching the network still

BUT I did just get a mission where it says the black lotus, due to being hidden so long from Xcom, that they essentially took control of a local city and corrupt policeforce , I am assumign some black lotus footmen will be at this mission so I can finally progress

Is this too late to recover from? I have not wasted time with other things, I have 15 scientiests and have quite good progress with the research I can do, got bored enough to research alien containment (sadly too late for a military shot down ufo mission but I lost barely anyway because I Could only reach it with a car... was really hoping for that cash boost but I told myself no reloading! died to the last alien and a panic that ran the other guy into the alien)

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 3.1: Lights in The Sky
« on: November 20, 2023, 07:05:31 am »
okay thanks all for advice, and yes I meant to say, Mass Driver weapons, I am wondering where you get them? The description to me sounds like a rail gun. I am assuming it is worse weapon than other late game things but I just like the idea of them lol

I will say in my first playthough I also really liked the hunting rifle noticing it to be quite effective

For the spotter/sniper mechanic, if the spotter is killed do the snipers still see+shoot you if the sniper themselves are not in range to see you?

For my 2nd playthrough I have been doing missions at night against cultists now that I know how view ranges work a bit better, and I have had a lot less deaths so far

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 3.1: Lights in The Sky
« on: November 19, 2023, 06:01:23 am »
I got to the alien invasion on my 1st playthrough but took a break. I feel it was going quite well, I was able to get 2 interceptors available with railguns the day they invaded, and soon enough had 3 and that japanese alien ship. Starting getting some UFOs down but then stopped playing

But I feel I would like to start all over, this time trying to do ironman as best I can so I can feel more accomplishment now that I better understand the tech tree of getting to promotion III

Some questions:

1. What is the best way to avoid or survive the grenades on first 1-2 turns coming out of a ship? This is the main cause of reloads. It was depressing to have a first turn pass on the same old cult manor map , and have some kind of grenade kill your best troops. I was able to get better at surviving this by having good enough accuracy to kill most visible troops at first turn, but with leaving troop transports? What should be done? I did get a habit of throwing smoke but it sometimes is not enough

2. How do you aquire the railguns for your troops? I was lucky in my playthrough to aquire some type of research for it early so I had railgun cannons for my interceptors, but had no way to give them to my troops, not having aquired an actual troop style gun. Is it perhaps in the under ground missions? Or do only certain aliens have it? I just like the idea of them and would like to know where to find them in the first place. I had lasers and sonic weapons and had yet to find one

3. Is tonfer better than the starting beat stick?

4. Is it a bad idea to shoot down every small UFO? I read comments year ago on youtube that it is like hitting a hornet nest and best to leave most of them alone if score can manage this.

5. Is it really so bad to leave missions unattended if you don't need the people or the items in them anymore? As long as dont start going too low on score? youtube playthrough years ago, they had so many missions and so many UFOs that they ignored probably more than half of them, yet still won the game. I wonder if this is still viable? (They would sometimes land somewhere and immediently abandon for no negative score). I do know some missions start to really get annoying to do for the 20th time

6. If you shoot down a UFO and do not go there later, is this negative score? Is this worse than just leaving it alone for score? What is best practice for UFOS that you do not care too much about or perhaps that is too difficult at the moment

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 3.1: Lights in The Sky
« on: September 23, 2023, 09:49:08 am »
Ok thanks for replies,

Does anyone know any ways to improve performance? I'm on pretty junk laptop but, for example Dr. ALPHA map, it takes a longggg time ti move my troops on the top starting level, it's taken over 20 minutes to walk to other side of map, and then the game drashed when I went to night vision so now I got to do it all over again lol didjt even get to enter the lair

Had similar issue with red dawn HQ, things speed up lower level I go

Edit: I found workaround: if I move troops in a way where they are offscreen while moving, they move much faster not showing animations

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 3.1: Lights in The Sky
« on: September 23, 2023, 03:35:02 am »
Another q:

How is the advanced intelligene center actually improvemt over original besides more scientists? Is it's purpose simply to have a building thay can have 7 scientists?

Also, I am confused if I'm supposed to build an intel center, then an advanced one? Do I destroy the old one? Do I have both? Do I go straight to building one?

It simply states each base can "only have one intelligejve center or an advanced intelligrjve center" which I take to mean you cannot have both.

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 3.1: Lights in The Sky
« on: September 23, 2023, 01:01:55 am »
Thanks for replies,

Ok it must have got nerfed long ago, there was also no sanity back then lol they just had a stimmer following them around , but it seemed to make alien bases extremely easy so makes sense it got nerfed

A nice update:

I managed to get promotion 3 with cyberweb portal being taken, the cyberweb "bases" are not so bad! Their attack on a military base was more difficult. I had some newly aquired smart black ops rifles which came in handy , used motion scanners to slowly advance through , and took the portal. Now I have 3 months to research some missiles and planes

1. BTW, does psi defense (on armor) where it does the calculations for psi skill*stuff*stuff, ... does this reduce damage by psi damage such as from ghosts? Or does it only defend against psi attacks like panicking and mind control ?

(In other words, does high psi skill agents take less damage from ghosts which do psi attacks)

2. How does carapace plate work? It seems be just an item but how do I get the benefits? It doesn't seem to count as an armor,  do I just have it in backpack?

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 3.1: Lights in The Sky
« on: September 22, 2023, 08:20:24 am »
Ohhhhh ok, i was assuming that was just referencing the multiplier for psi skill

At least in the playthrough , that was back In 0.9 version.. the sectopods were vulnerable to the staff of heart grip, so it was very effective way to dispatch them from safe distance. Their highly trained+talented psi guys could kill a sectopod with 2 hits from the staff

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 3.1: Lights in The Sky
« on: September 22, 2023, 06:10:52 am »
does that mean, its only lookable by going to the wiki website, or by looking at files for the game? (that is to say, is it listed nowhere in-game)

Also, I researched the staff of heart grip and using staff of heart grip, but I can only throw it, is there a different button I am supposed to be using to use it?

Is it still really good against those one giant alien monsters with the huge armor?

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 3.1: Lights in The Sky
« on: September 22, 2023, 03:41:16 am »
Is there a way to know which aliens, or if hybrids, can see through smoke?

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 3.1: Lights in The Sky
« on: September 21, 2023, 08:22:34 am »
I have all the dagon sorcerer follow-ups completed, I assume you mean messengers of dagon? It says for that will attempt to catch these messengers on land (although I have this completed for quite some time, not seen a mission like this yet)

Yes it was pretty foolish, I have every other creature of dagon cult researched thoroughly,  I even did the HQ twice, but it slipped my mind to get a deep one I kinda assumed there would be a lot of "deep ones attack village" mission that i remember from Lewis and Ben playthrough but not seen any yet , so i didnt worry so much

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 3.1: Lights in The Sky
« on: September 20, 2023, 02:45:57 pm »
It is August 1998 but I do not have promotion III

I cant find a shambler for that route, and unsure what a shambler is,

I havjt seen a deep one since destroying dagon cult

The 2 alien missions I had I didjt have alien containment set up yet, so no interrogated saucer aliens yet

Cyberweb I have a mystek researched and am beginning the council friendly enemy tree, and researching the cyber web plans. Although fighting around another dimension sounds very difficult so I am skeptical of completing this for promotion III

is there anything I can do to help get more missions for any of the 4 routes, the pieces I mentioned are the only research I'm missing to complete the prerequisites

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 3.1: Lights in The Sky
« on: September 15, 2023, 04:20:53 am »

I have this "technology" but I don't remember seeing what it said. But I also can't seem to find it in my ufopedia

Is there a way to view it or what is it's purpose? Or where can i find it again

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 3.1: Lights in The Sky
« on: September 15, 2023, 12:48:11 am »
Ok thanks all for advice, I ended up just stunning them all, and stunned a priest to use a cross on some them too  ;D

Another question: in the Vincent Decker mission I managed to capture 2 MIB scientists and 1 MIB enforcer , but I took heavy losses

It is mid 1998, im wondering without spoiling too much, would it be a mistake to try to research MIB tree ans possibly hit "effects game progression" for some them? Or are these techs abd presumably missions it might unlock meant for more end game period  , with no real benefit to earlier game

(Did my soldiers die in vain?)

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 3.1: Lights in The Sky
« on: September 14, 2023, 03:19:31 am »
One other thing, on the first ghost mission,

I threw about 12 grenades on the demonic circle but still couldn't get the mission to end, is there sone other concealing Explosive I'm supposed to be bringing?

I'm bringing a ton of tasers because I'm not sire what else works

I saw on a zombie mission a priest had a cross that could do psi damage but I didnt knock him out in time to grab it😢 it wpuld have been thematic to have my 99 psi guy use a cross on the ghosts ! Although I don't know how they do against psi, and idk if it counts as "concealable"

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