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Messages - gix

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Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« on: June 03, 2015, 06:48:35 pm »
Hi, Solarius

Yeah, it's an attempt to add some depth to the armours. They get more carrying capacity too.

Then you wanna also alter the ufopaedia description, the current one:
A powerful new protection for soldiers, this armor is powered by an Elerium energy source and greatly amplifies the speed and strength of the wearer, it offers the best protection yet for combat troops.
IMO implies rather a TU increase (speed).

Released Mods / Re: [WEAPON] Explosive bombs for Small Launcher
« on: August 04, 2014, 05:16:44 pm »
Hi, Fatrat
Good mod, makes the small launcher really versatile
I played using your mod and also another one, the alien armoury expanded, which I found being conflicting in alien deployments.
Would you agree that the author of alien armoury expanded us portions of your mod inside it's in order to directly offer both?

Released Mods / Re: [ARMOR] Combat Armor
« on: November 22, 2013, 10:35:56 pm »
Now, when the armors have ufopaedia text description, a small mod upgrade may be in order...
In ruleset add say:
  - type: en-US
      STR_COMBAT_ARMOR_UFOPAEDIA: Standard combat armor, offers basic protection against enemy fire.
  - type: en-GB
      STR_COMBAT_ARMOR_UFOPAEDIA: Standard combat armor, offers basic protection against enemy fire.

Released Mods / Re: [GLOBE] Improved Nations Mod
« on: November 20, 2013, 09:23:14 pm »
Trying out the -delete string and it keeps crashing the game with the git_master_2013_11_20_0723 version.

See attached ruleset.
Hi, MK
Would you try putting all delete's in a separate rule file placed between the original xcom rul and the improved nations in the cfg file?
I think it would work this way.
On the latest build, you can also give a tray to the graphs scrolling buttons.

Work In Progress / Re: Cross-MOD: Is Listorder needed?
« on: November 10, 2013, 12:48:37 am »
i'd make it 2203, listOrder is generated internally in increments of 100 for all items that appear in lists, starting from the top to the bottom.
rifle clip is the 22nd item listed in the ruleset, hence it's listorder is 2200. you want it to appear after this in the list, so you set it to a higher number, the higher the number, the lower on the list it goes. 2201 is the sniper rifle, 2202 is it's standard clip, 2203 is the next open slot between rifle clip and heavy cannon (2300)

this also has some future proofing built in, so if you have 2 or more mods that define an item using the same listorder, it will automatically assign the next available listorder slot according to ruleset load order. so if you defined your clip as 2200, but listed it after xcom1ruleset and sniperRifle, it would automagically get pushed down to 2203 anyway.
Well, all listorder stuff was removed from all ufopaedia/modding/ruleset stuff. Therefore came the Bug report I'd suggest since SupSuper is working on this to give him time to fix it and surely on ufopaedia will appear some ruleset guide once a definitive(?) solution will be  chosen...

Released Mods / Re: Improved Nations Mod
« on: October 27, 2013, 09:41:29 pm »
Well, that's why I was talking about regions also.
Each Region (South America for instance) is composed in ruleset from several squares (rectangles). What I see feasible is
- defining an extra square within your region (which will enclose French Guyana and it's spaceport), and at it's center to place the label...
- adding an extra label node-list => will look into this also

Released Mods / Re: Improved Nations Mod
« on: October 27, 2013, 12:30:13 am »
Just one request since you're messing about with the system -- would it be possible to add support for labels not connected to a nation?

Currently, labels are connected to nations -- it'd be nice if we could have non-connected labels that we could place over locations like Alaska or Hawaii called Alaska (USA) or Hawaii (USA).
Free labels over the map IMO was never thought of... they require a new "base rule"
I could think of instead:
  • optional labels placed at center of each country area and/or
  • optional labels placed at center of each region area
Is that what you're looking for?

Released Mods / Re: Improved Nations Mod
« on: October 26, 2013, 01:58:10 pm »
Yes; I recall there was some talk about how polylines were going to be externalized at some point.
Hi, MK...
Just added PR#707: which deports the country borders into ruleset...
Along with the previous PR#701: - erase rules enabler, which allows you to delete countries, and the PR#699: - scrolling country/region buttons in Graphs screen, I think that the Geoscape support for this mod is almost complete.
If you have something else/new in mind...

Released Mods / Re: Improved Nations Mod
« on: October 23, 2013, 08:36:35 pm »
I don't see the point of this mod. X-Com is not realistic, it's a sci-fi game in an alternate/retro reality (well what people in 1990 thought things might be like in 2000). Remember the Cold War had just ended (had the USSR collapsed yet?)

Actually I'd like to see a mod which takes it more in the direction of TFTD... Neo-Japan, the People's Republic of Alaska, Africa Corporation etc

Or part of the way there. A United States of Europe or a divided USA maybe

Yup, man, USSR collapsed in 1991.
And please note that we're talking about introducing modding capabilities to the game that would allow precisely to do with relative ease what you're expecting... only by rule setting...

Released Mods / Re: Improved Nations Mod
« on: October 23, 2013, 07:02:33 pm »
Just thought - in order to make this mod almost complete in geoscape - would be nice to take the polylines (now hardcoded in Resources) as point-lists attached to each country rule in order to draw its borders...

Released Mods / Re: Improved Nations Mod
« on: October 21, 2013, 09:48:43 pm »

If you want to get the full use of this ruleset, you need to enter your Xcom1Ruleset.rul and make it so that the:


section is blank or commented out -- you want your opening of Xcom1Ruleset.rul to look like this:

Code: [Select]
# X-COM 1 (UFO: Enemy Unknown) ruleset
# For documentation on these values, see
Well, IMO there should be a ruleset facility added to the game in order to allow erasing by complementary ruleset. For whole rules, the, sadly doesn't apply.
So maybe should add a facility like '%key' meaning fully erase the key? This could allow you to have an empty  - type : STR_NIGERIA% which would do the job...
Added PR#701

Released Mods / Re: Improved Nations Mod
« on: October 20, 2013, 11:31:01 pm »
Yeah vanilla X-COM clamps starting funding to $6M, so you're either gonna have to rebalance your countries or have a really cheap ruleset. :P

Got the PR (in starting which parametrizes  the $6M in ruleset, and also, which gives button scrolling on graphs for countries and regions (if added over 16).
Hope you'll enjoy it...

An useful "upgrade" imo could be (feature request #307):
- the flying suit's engines are initially off while the wearer is on the ground (Movement type=walking)
- hit the up arrow button once
     => if the ground height on the tile is 0 or 1, the wearer starts flying in the same tile (right over the ground , movement type=flying), minor TU cost, no more terrain penalties => else the wearer does start flying in the same tile , but terrain penalties apply, (movement type=flying) at minor TU cost
    =>hit the up arrow button again => go to the tile above (as it happens now) at the normal fly cost
- assume the unit lands as now. One more down arrow shuts down the engines, (Movement type=walking) at minor TU costs.

This would allow to directly go downstairs or fall from heights.
Would need a probably ruleset change to allow multiple movement types to armors (a set). And the armor/unit would need a current movement type from it's set, so savegames may not be compatibles...

Released Mods / Re: Improved Nations Mod
« on: October 03, 2013, 06:53:13 am »
You should start a new game to see them. As SupSuper stated, there is some work to be done for the graphs to be fully functional.

Released Mods / Re: Improved Nations Mod
« on: October 02, 2013, 08:38:44 pm »
That would turn Mother Russia angry indeed...
Poor aliens...

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