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Messages - djemon_lda

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
Troubleshooting / Re: kneeling bug
« on: November 29, 2013, 01:38:32 pm »
I neglected it because I was able to reproduce it without starting the movement off the screen, perhaps the situation also occured when it was done in two phases: get from air out of screen to air on screen and then geting on screen from air to land using move command. either way good job.

I was speaking of logic behaviour moriarity. when a projectile hits a tank, it isn't the explosion on the outer side of the armor that kills everyone inside, but a piece of metal torn away in the point of impact and all kind of rivets flying inside.

I don't quite remember vanilla work that way, but I trust in your knowledge on that topic.

Troubleshooting / Re: kneeling bug
« on: October 26, 2013, 10:09:09 pm »
I have september 16th nightly build. do you want me to attach the save ?

yeah, but if the wall stands it takes all impact, and you're not simulating shards of walls flying inside, are you ? :P

Troubleshooting / kneeling bug
« on: October 19, 2013, 04:46:04 pm »
I've seen somewhere in the code that you are preventing flying soldiers from kneeing and I think I've found a bug.

1. get on a mission with guys with fying suit
2. order the soldier to fly out the avenger
a) use the elevate down button
b) order soldier to "walk" to the voxel directly below him, so that he stands on ground
4. hit the knee button
current result:
a) the soldier doesn't do anything.
b) the soldier knees for one state machine update loop and stands up without command ( after that he can kneel normally )

what I think is the expected result:
the soldier should end up on his knee.

Programming / Re: code review #1
« on: October 19, 2013, 03:49:10 pm »
yeah, you can say preciselly that :)

I just prefer to have things like index << 2 hidden behind a forcedly inlined method that fully tells my intentions through its name.

by "precise" I've meant including covers like walls etc. but recently I've noticed that they are not taken into account, and a blaster bomb exploding on the right of my avenger has killed folks inside of my craft :p

Programming / Re: code review #1
« on: October 18, 2013, 11:54:13 am »
@Yankes: sorry, I've didn't express myself clearly: what I meat was that the increase in my case would be very biased, even if it was done many times, because the change between the solutions ( no inlining, inline, __forceinline ) might be hard to visualize in just such tests.

in final optimization it is always done in context - then you chose between optimizing for code size and optimizing for speed ( and sometimes size optimized code is faster ). I have also been told ( not tested that empirically ) that in some game dev studios whole code of the final build is merged into one big monster by a script and then compiled, as the hope for the compiler to see some specific code relations that can be optimized then.

and also it is a no optimisation vs -o2 as I've understood ( correct me if I'm wrong ) and that is a different story form just deciding over inline or not. out of optimizations that sound crazy  at first (code, not algorithmic) I mostly like cache optimizations and things like using aligned floats, for faster computation of floating point numbers. I wasn't barbaric enough to do asm blocks other than hooking to functions :P

What if was multiple calls of this function?
that is a valid question :)
the __forceinline marked method would be inlined into a method that is always invoked, because I have defined methods using those __forceinline mostly used by noninlined methods. in the assembly a code like this:

Code: [Select]
__forcedinline B(){ return something;}
other stuff...
int main(){
would look something like this:

Code: [Select]
stuff in asm
B in asm
other stuff in asm

entry point:
call A in asm
call A in asm
call A in asm

so this is why I am not afraid about the cache in case of my methods inlined by force, because they are really simple, and private (not used outside the heap class).

thanks for your questions, I'm waiting also for something related to the code. and for someone to state what I haven't posted here :P

Suggestions / testing the product on dev side
« on: October 17, 2013, 03:12:13 pm »
hey guys, have you ever considered using testing the code ? there is a neat thing called gtest and gmock made by google, that helps making tests and mocking classes. I can configure it for visual studio for you. there is a nice tutorial on how to make tests with this, called gtest cookbook or something like that - online and free.

this would enable you to test a lot of things before it gets to the users. for example you can make multiple scenarios checking things like:

1. all units with higher reaction than the walker/shooter are in the reactionist list
2. all units from reactionist list that can shoot, will do so
3. if an better scored reactionist can't shoot, he will not prevent other reactionists from shooting

and so on.

this also boosts the development speed.

basically everything can be tested like this, and this is also an indication of where you need modiffications in your architecture.

Programming / Re: code review #1
« on: October 17, 2013, 02:39:28 am »
well if you are measuring time before and after a big number of operations, just running it on your computer - you're doing it wrong. the information you get is biased by everything that is an opened application in your system and utilizes your cache for example, makes your test run lose the processor time etc. it is a lot more fruitful, to compare the generated assembly.

inline is not enough?
as explained above - certainty vs hope the compiler does as I need. I don't want to waste cache for the definition of that method.

Yeah -- The compiler is almost always better at deciding when inline
Yeah -- general slogans are often moot. just like the "premature optimization" one for instance... for example cache optimizations is something a compiler will basically never do for you, while this is very rewarding. the same goes with things like precise setting of memory barriers when you declare a variable to be volatile, and even if your volatile gets respected by the compiler, the you still have no clue if it will just resign from statement rearangement on the compiler level, or will it also take care of stopping the CPU from reorganizing this ?

what are the requirements for this class
you would notice that definetely if you have looked into the code. the heap I've made is indexed for external usage. I wanted the ability to change the priorities online, or remove arbitrary priorities from the heap.

what is rather disappointing is that no one has taken the effort to read the code. the heap is missing one simple detail, and I'm sure anyone taking a brief look would notice that. well, that indicates something about the readers after all

Programming / Re: How to code the AI
« on: October 13, 2013, 04:54:01 pm »
you are going to suffer deadly in all those "if-else/switches" just begging for someone to show you mercy and kill you.
make the core AI actions polimorphic and be produced by an abstract factory configured by your options with concreete factories for example:
Code: [Select]
virtual IAIBehaviour* Make(UnitCreationData creationData) = 0;
Code: [Select]
virtual IAIBehaviour* MakeSectiod() = 0;
virtual IAIBehaviour* MakeCivilian() = 0;
whatever suits you best, but I personally would chose the first version, and then make an implementation for each of the AI type like:

Code: [Select]
class VanillaAIFactory : public IAIFactory{ ... };
class RealisticAIFactory : public IAIFactory { ... };
class RealSmartAIFactory : public IAIFactory { ... };

That way you can write a lot of code, that won't have to be changed when you add new AI modes, or will wish to do stuff like sharing some AI behaviour, or distinguishing. You will be able to, at any point, say "hey, I want all sectoids to do ABC, but their commanders are going to act absolutely different, but only for Smart AI!", and the only thing you need to change in that scenario is:
a) make an SectoidCommanderSmartBehaviour class describing it's behaviour
b) change the RealSmartIAFactory to support the new guy - here is why I prefered the first factory, because giving it the creation data makes it THAT much more stabile code, and the interface would basically never change

Programming / code review #1
« on: October 13, 2013, 03:18:49 pm »
ok, so yesterday in EU4 I've got a little too greedy, kicked the shit out of a neighbour country and its allies, and took a little too much from their countries ( including vasalizing one of them by force, and taking a bit land from another ) so they made a coalition against me, and to regenerate before yet another war I turned off the game and thought I need to relax in a different way.

I'm aiming in fixing the reaction fire mechanics, so I wanted to use a priority queue, but then I thought that the regular priority que doesn't my full needs in my project, so it is likely it wouldn't fit yours here, hence I've got a fun attitude of making a nice heap that would meet most of my needs ( I still will need to expand it a little for my project ) and sharing it.

I've used __forceinline when I wanted to be totally sure the compiler will inline the code. I also tried to bring things up if possible, so that is why I've made static all the metods that don't use a field, or a nonstatic method, because not passing the "this" pointer saves time. That way I got both : speed as if all that was typed directly in the code, and readability - and thanks to this I could do things like bitwise shifts, instead of multiplying/dividing by 2, because things like that are hidden behind meaningful names that describe my intentions.

The reason why I did this in 3 ways ( defined a method outside the class, defined it inside the class, defined inside and use __forceinline ) is because I wanted respectively: to be sure that the compiler will generate a function call, to suggest that a method can be inlined if the compiler sees this as an optimization, to make sure, that the piece of code will be inlined.

I know you are compiling on different platforms, so this should do the trick :)

Code: [Select]
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define __forceinline __forceinline
#define __forceinline inline

so here it is:

Code: [Select]
typename DataType,
typename HeapIndexer = DirectIndexer,
typename HeapRelation = std::greater_equal<DataType>,
template <typename> class IndexParameterDefinition = PassByValue,
template <typename> class DataParameterDefinition = PassByValue
class Heap
static const size_t TopIndex = 1;
typedef typename IndexParameterDefinition<typename HeapIndexer::IndexingType>::PassedValue Index;
typedef typename DataParameterDefinition<DataType>::PassedValue Data;
Heap(const std::vector<DataType> data);

__forceinline const size_t& Size()const
return _heapSize;

const DataType& operator[](const Index indexToBrowseWith)const;

const DataType& Top()const
return _heapData[TopIndex];
void SetValue(const Index index, Data dataType);
__forceinline void Pop()
void Remove(const Index index)
const size_t indexToRemoveAt = _indexer.ToRawIndex(index);
const bool IsEmpty()const
return _heapSize == 0;
void Clear();

void HeapifyInternal(const size_t index);
void HeapDown(const size_t index);
size_t GetIndexOfHighestInTercet(const size_t index)const;
void HeapUp(const size_t index);
void Swap(const size_t leftIndex, const size_t rightIndex);
void SetMockOnZeroIndex();
void RemoveInternal(const size_t index)
Swap(index, _heapSize);
bool ShouldLeftsideBeHigherInHeap(const size_t leftsideIndex, const size_t rightsideIndex)const
return _shouldLeftGoUp(_heapData[leftsideIndex],_heapData[rightsideIndex]);
bool NeedsUpHeaping(const size_t index)const
const size_t parent = GetParent(index);
https:// if index = 1, then parent will be equal to 0. this is the only situation where an index doesn't have a legal parent.
return parent && _shouldLeftGoUp(_heapData[index],_heapData[parent]);

__forceinline static size_t GetLeftChild(const size_t index)
return index << 1; https:// multiply by 2
__forceinline static size_t GetRightChild(const size_t index)
return GetLeftChild(index) + 1; https:// GetLeftChild(...) is forced inline, so no overhead.
__forceinline static size_t GetParent(const size_t index)
return index >> 1; https:// divide by 2

__forceinline bool IsValidChild(const size_t index)const
return index <= _heapSize;

https:// an assumption that allows the optimization:
https:// the index of the parent given to this method is always acquired
https:// by using the GetParent method on a legal index inside the
__forceinline static bool IsParentOnHeap(const size_t indexOfAParent)
https:// index is in range 0 to 2^32-1, so 'index' returns the same bool value as 'index>0'
return indexOfAParent;

std::vector<DataType> _heapData;
HeapIndexer _indexer;
HeapRelation _shouldLeftGoUp;
size_t _heapSize;

typename DataType,
typename HeapIndexer,
typename HeapRelation,
template <typename> class IndexParameterDefinition,
template <typename> class DataParameterDefinition
const DataType& Heap<DataType, HeapIndexer, HeapRelation,IndexParameterDefinition,DataParameterDefinition>::operator[](const Index indexToBrowseWith)const
return _heapData[ _indexer.ToRawIndex(indexToBrowseWith) ];
typename DataType,
typename HeapIndexer,
typename HeapRelation,
template <typename> class IndexParameterDefinition,
template <typename> class DataParameterDefinition
void Heap<DataType, HeapIndexer, HeapRelation,IndexParameterDefinition,DataParameterDefinition>::Swap(const size_t leftIndex, const size_t rightIndex)
std::swap(_heapData[leftIndex], _heapData[rightIndex]);
_indexer.Swap(leftIndex, rightIndex);
typename DataType,
typename HeapIndexer,
typename HeapRelation,
template <typename> class IndexParameterDefinition,
template <typename> class DataParameterDefinition
void Heap<DataType, HeapIndexer, HeapRelation,IndexParameterDefinition,DataParameterDefinition>::HeapUp(const size_t index)
size_t reciever = GetParent(index);
size_t donor = index;
while(IsParentOnHeap(reciever) && ShouldLeftsideBeHigherInHeap(donor, reciever)) https:// a small optimization
Swap(reciever, donor);
donor = reciever;
reciever = GetParent(reciever);

typename DataType,
typename HeapIndexer,
typename HeapRelation,
template <typename> class IndexParameterDefinition,
template <typename> class DataParameterDefinition
size_t Heap<DataType, HeapIndexer, HeapRelation,IndexParameterDefinition,DataParameterDefinition>::GetIndexOfHighestInTercet(const size_t index)const
size_t higherItemIndex = index;
const size_t leftChild = GetLeftChild(index);
const size_t rightChild = GetRightChild(index);
if(IsValidChild(leftChild) && ShouldLeftsideBeHigherInHeap(leftChild, higherItemIndex))
higherItemIndex = leftChild;
if(IsValidChild(rightChild) && ShouldLeftsideBeHigherInHeap(rightChild, higherItemIndex))
higherItemIndex = rightChild;
return higherItemIndex;

typename DataType,
typename HeapIndexer,
typename HeapRelation,
template <typename> class IndexParameterDefinition,
template <typename> class DataParameterDefinition
void Heap<DataType, HeapIndexer, HeapRelation,IndexParameterDefinition,DataParameterDefinition>::HeapifyInternal(const size_t index)

typename DataType,
typename HeapIndexer,
typename HeapRelation,
template <typename> class IndexParameterDefinition,
template <typename> class DataParameterDefinition
void Heap<DataType, HeapIndexer, HeapRelation,IndexParameterDefinition,DataParameterDefinition>::HeapDown(const size_t index)
size_t donor = index;
size_t reciever = GetIndexOfHighestInTercet(donor);
while(donor != reciever)
donor = reciever;
reciever = GetIndexOfHighestInTercet(reciever);
typename DataType,
typename HeapIndexer,
typename HeapRelation,
template <typename> class IndexParameterDefinition,
template <typename> class DataParameterDefinition
void Heap<DataType, HeapIndexer, HeapRelation,IndexParameterDefinition,DataParameterDefinition>::SetValue(const Index index, Data dataType)
const size_t internalIndex = _indexer.ToRawIndex(index);
_heapData[internalIndex] = dataType;
typename DataType,
typename HeapIndexer,
typename HeapRelation,
template <typename> class IndexParameterDefinition,
template <typename> class DataParameterDefinition
Heap<DataType, HeapIndexer, HeapRelation,IndexParameterDefinition,DataParameterDefinition>::Heap(const std::vector<DataType> data)
: _heapSize(data.size())
https:// add 0 index mock value
for(auto currentDataItem = data.begin(); currentDataItem != data.end(); ++currentDataItem)
const size_t halfOfHeap = _heapSize / 2;
for(size_t currentIndex = halfOfHeap; currentIndex >= TopIndex; --currentIndex)
typename DataType,
typename HeapIndexer,
typename HeapRelation,
template <typename> class IndexParameterDefinition,
template <typename> class DataParameterDefinition
void Heap<DataType, HeapIndexer, HeapRelation,IndexParameterDefinition,DataParameterDefinition>::Clear()
_heapSize = 0;


typename DataType,
typename HeapIndexer,
typename HeapRelation,
template <typename> class IndexParameterDefinition,
template <typename> class DataParameterDefinition
void Heap<DataType, HeapIndexer, HeapRelation,IndexParameterDefinition,DataParameterDefinition>::SetMockOnZeroIndex()
_indexer.Add (Index(), 0);

I've wrote two simple heap indexers:
the default one, which allows direct indexing, and takes just one byte of memory :)
Code: [Select]
struct DirectIndexer
typedef size_t IndexingType;
__forceinline size_t ToRawIndex(const size_t& indirectIndex)const
return indirectIndex;
https:// no need to handle mapping in a direct indexer :)
https:// calls to those method should be removed from the binary when compiled with -o2
void Add(const size_t, const size_t){}
void Swap(const size_t, const size_t){}
void Clear(){}
a templated default mapped indexer ( for example to be able to map the things in the heap with strings, points or whatever you may wish ) - this one weights 40bytes
Code: [Select]
template<typename IndexType>
struct Indexer
typedef typename IndexType IndexingType;
__forceinline size_t ToRawIndex(const IndexType& indirectIndex)
return _indexToInternalMap[indirectIndex];
void Add(const IndexType& indirectIndex, const size_t directIndex)
_indexToInternalMap[indirectIndex] = directIndex;
_internalToIndexMap.push_back( indirectIndex );
void Swap(const size_t leftDirectIndex, const size_t rightDirectIndex)
const IndexType& leftIndirectIndex = _internalToIndexMap[leftDirectIndex];
const IndexType& rightIndirectIndex = _internalToIndexMap[rightDirectIndex];
std::swap(_internalToIndexMap[leftDirectIndex], _internalToIndexMap[rightDirectIndex]);
std::swap(_indexToInternalMap[leftIndirectIndex], _indexToInternalMap[rightIndirectIndex]);
void Clear()
std::map<IndexType,size_t> _indexToInternalMap;
std::vector<IndexType> _internalToIndexMap;

I also have given an option to chose how to pass the parameters to the public methods, whether it would be by value or by reference, thanks to these two guys:
Code: [Select]
template<typename T>
struct PassByValue
typedef T PassedValue;
Code: [Select]
template<typename T>
struct PassByReference
typedef T& PassedValue;
finally, I've made simplified templates, because mostly the change will be between the type of data hold and the type of index, so I've made these four guys, all with default way of passing value to the public methods, and relation set accordingly to their names.

Code: [Select]
template<typename DataType>
class MaxHeap : public Heap<DataType>{};
Code: [Select]
template<typename DataType>
class MinHeap : public Heap<DataType,DirectIndexer,std::less_equal<DataType>>
MinHeap(const std::vector<DataType> data) : Heap(data){}
Code: [Select]
template<typename DataType, typename IndexType>
class IndexedMaxHeap : public Heap<DataType, Indexer<IndexType>>{};
Code: [Select]
template<typename DataType, typename IndexType>
class IndexedMinHeap : public Heap<DataType, Indexer<IndexType>, std::less_equal<DataType>>{};

I've made a lot of automated, randomized tests ( I was hitting hard the part with removing items from an arbitrary index, and tested the mechanism above 500 milions of times on small and medium heap sizes ( <50, 10000 elements respectively ) and with bigger or smaller duplicate value ratio ( due to setting the value cap for 50 to 32 thousand ( the max rand value ) ), and in total there was above 1000000000 tests of all the heaps mechanisms in total).

the method I was checking the heap property preserved at all times is

Code: [Select]
template<typename T>
bool IsChildInRightRelationsWithParent(const T& child, const T& parent)
#ifdef _MIN_HEAP_
return child >= parent;
return child <= parent;

template<typename T>
bool RecurrentCheck(const T& heap, const size_t index)
const size_t size = heap.Size();
const size_t leftChild = index * 2;
const size_t rightChild = leftChild + 1;

const bool hasLeftChild = leftChild <= size;
const bool hasRightChild = rightChild <= size;

const bool leftChildOK = (hasLeftChild && IsChildInRightRelationsWithParent(heap[leftChild] , heap[index])) || !hasLeftChild;
const bool rightChildOK = ((hasRightChild) && IsChildInRightRelationsWithParent(heap[rightChild] , heap[index])) || !hasRightChild;

const bool rightIsOk = (!hasRightChild) || RecurrentCheck(heap, rightChild);
const bool leftIsOk = (!hasLeftChild) || RecurrentCheck(heap, leftChild);
const bool isEverythingAllRight = leftChildOK && rightChildOK && leftIsOk && rightIsOk;

template<typename T>
bool CheckHeap(const T& heap)
return RecurrentCheck(heap, 1);

I've used a trick here, that allows to avoid branching of the recurrent function.

if something looks suspicious, or like na error, post about it, and I will verify and comment the reasonin behind.

Offtopic / Re: Do you ever use pistols or autocannon? Motion sensors?
« on: September 30, 2013, 11:59:24 pm »
Weapons can do 0% to 200% of their listed damage but for purposes of test let's just assume they do listed damage.
this is true for vanilla version, but - as I've seen in the code - false for OXC. in OXC these vary from 50 to 150 percent. it works the same, having an expected value of 100%, it's just that the sigma of the distribution is smaller here.

If you shoot 2 times with 50% chance then the chance that you hit at least once is 75% :P
that is not what Yankes meant. he IS right. on average, if you shoot twice having 50%, you hit once. this is the estimated value of a discreete random value that returns if you hit or not with uniform distribution.

what you have written is true, but it is a totally different thing. what Yankes has written is like "well, having maths.. lets estimate how many times statistically we will hit, if we shot twice, and have a 50% chance to hit", while what you've written is "well, what is the probability that we don't miss, if we shot twice having a 50% chance to hit".

you are both right, but you can't compare your results, because they are different thing in nature ;)

OK! SO I'VE COUNTED THE AVERAGE (or in other words estimated :) ) damage for the auto/heavy cannon per action and per turn ( this is all computed for a soldier having 100 accuracy for convenience, as the relation between these numbers is the same no matter the skill ):

Auto cannon:

a single autoshot expected damage value is : 40.32

in one full turn, using autoshot with autocannon the expected value is 80.32

if you use 3 auto shots then on average you will do 70.56 damage in a full turn.

if you use aimed you will on average make 34.44 damage in a full turn.

if, on the other hand, you chose to use the heavy cannon you get:

average damage done with snapshots in a full turn is 100.8 damage
average damage done with aimed shot in a full turn is 50.4

I will also add rifles to this comparison if I finish computing it while my europa universalis IV is updating :)

Offtopic / Re: Do you ever use pistols or autocannon? Motion sensors?
« on: September 30, 2013, 10:53:51 pm »
Its not actually like that, this is a drastic facilitation. it actually comes from this:

where EX is the expected value of the random variable X.

and for discreete random variables this is:

where the x-s represent generated values, and p-s are probabilities of getting them.

what is important in deciding whether to pick snap vs auto is answering the question:

is getting one hit in an auto shot more probable, than a hit with snap?

actually a chance to hit exactly once with an auto-shot using an autocannon has a 44.4% chance of succeeding.
hitting exactly two times is  20.8%
and hitting exactly 3 times is in turn just 3%

that in a sum gives a chance of 68.2% of dealing damage with an auto cannon making an autoshot.

if you want, I can give you a tool to compute that with an explanation and possibly ( if I didn't get too rusty with maths ) a proof that it actually works :)

I will also compute an expected value of damage output dealt with heavy and autocannon :)

Offtopic / Re: Do you ever use pistols or autocannon? Motion sensors?
« on: September 30, 2013, 08:56:26 pm »
32*3 = 64% which is the combined accuracy for autocannons auto-shot
how did you actually compute that ?

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