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Topics - sectopod

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XPiratez / A (very serious) thread for kinky ideas!
« on: March 10, 2017, 07:03:34 am »
I propose less guns and more kinkyness! (Dioxine put a lot of work into the variety of guns. Which I respect.)

proposals and ideas to be collected here. this is the pink velvet room with shackles.

So I would like to see more choking and more whipping. maybe a new orgasm-attack. but just between characters of the same sex. the loser goes unconscious.

how about civs running after a naked gal? so they can be lured to safety.

and a strip-diversion: if successful all - enemies and allies alike - which have LOS in a certain radius drop their weapons - no go insane/berserk. so better turn around baby, when she gets nekid!

and then the more nasty big dick slap. it makes those male mid tier security forces very dangerous to the gals. because, sometimes they sure like a good **********. and panic because they are overwhelmed.

and spanking! we need spanking! increases pleasure, thus is a daze attack.

and then maybe some facility for "special" pleasuring and kinky interrogation and education types. only after enduring a treatment in there a castaway is kinky-resistant and kinky-educated enough to join the sisters in the battle.

Marzas addition: the big boob attack. a melee attack, which does concussive and choking damage. also good to smash the environment. like with the hammer.

XPiratez / Why negative Score for killing church fanatics?
« on: March 07, 2017, 01:28:44 am »
The gals raided a temple of sirius. They killed 6 and captured 12 more. On the score screen it said

Enemies killed      6        -4

So I got 6 kills, which counted -4 points.  -0.6666.... each?

I rechecked the combat history of every one of the 6 gals. They killed or stunned only church people (priest, maiden, altar boy, neophyte, sharp guy, tough girl). Are unarmed sharp guys and though girls civilians?

I can not explain this score. The whole mission, though 100% successful, was very underwhelming. Just +78 points.

hi piratez!

can you help me with ruleset/script changes to avoid gvts destroying the pirates after 2 consecutive bad months? additionally i want to prevent a single gvt, which thinks the pirates are a joke, to leave the flock, of those paying protection money, forever, if such a thing exists in piratez+.

my last game was my first piratez game and i did ok. 19 missions, 3 lost, 1000+ average monthly rating on jack sparrow/supermutant difficulty. and then, the last month the gvts were bloody scared of me and the next month they unite and destroy me via a text screen.  :D

i was ... surprised. then i read on the forums about the 2-consecutive-bad-months-and-it-is-over mechanic.

now i ask for guidelines on how i can achieve the following behavior in piratez:

1. completely disable the 2-consecutive-bad-months-and-it-is-over mechanic
(this is obvious. i want to be able to, although i had some bad months, be bad-gals-ass back with a new transport, better equipment and a larger crew after i prepared and hid some months in my hid-out.)

2. change the percentage in changes in protection money if gvts are more or less scared
(this i want, so i can make the impact of more or less scareddom be larger. and i would like to see it so that the drop in PM of a less scared gvt is larger than the rise in PM of a more scared gvt. this way the way up is hard and the way down easy)

3. if there is a game mechanic like in vanilla and OXC, by which not scared at all gvts are leaving the group of those paying PM, i want to disable that. - and/or change it, so the PM of a not scared gvt drops to 0$ instantly (this way i will think twice, trice and quadruple before i let myself appear like a joke. but if i did so, i can always work my way back into the gvts pockets)

4. if it is not too complex: let not-scared-at-all gvts launch attacks on my hideouts frequently (additional punishment and danger on one side, but also some sort of potential additional income during bad times)

i like the scenario a lot - if things go that bad - where we (the pirates) are decimated, worn and fought down considerably and forced to retreat to our hideouts, left to sell x-grog (and ourselfs) to the locals for some income while hiding in the dark, manufactoring and restocking gear and building up numbers. preparing for our comeback. after all, with some slimming down, it always was possible to become halfway selfsustaining in XC by producing the stuff with the biggest profit/workhours ratio. and if it wasn't for that ability to destroy us via a text screen, i know we will recover from setbacks and eventually prevail against all odds (and odd aliens).

i would be glad about some instructions.

XPiratez / [solved] Help to install Piratez Extended on Ubuntu
« on: February 19, 2017, 11:06:24 pm »

I run Ubuntu 14.04 and installed OXC by following the install instructions on

And i found the directory to put the original assets into to be /usr/share/openxcom/data

But I dont know how to install the Pirates Extended mod (nor any other non stock mod).

Can someone give me instructions on how to?

Thank you kindly!

Builds & Ports / Better Documentation for Ubuntu Installation needed
« on: February 19, 2017, 10:59:56 pm »
I run Ubuntu 14.04.
I was able to install OXC by following the installation instructions given on

which are these (2017-02-19):

Code: [Select]
# sudo add-apt-repository ppa:knapsu/openxcom
# sudo apt-get update
# sudo apt-get install openxcom

But it took me 30 min more to find the directory where i have to put the original assets into. I found it to be 


I think it would be helpful to include that installation step and this folder into the installation instructions.

And btw the version text on reads
Current Milestone: 1.0 ยท June 13, 2014
which imo is a bit bewildering because of the 2.5 years old date. Maybe remove the date and just leave the milestone?

greetings from mars

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