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Messages - Juju Dredd

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Tools / Re: Playing comfortable with a dual screen.
« on: September 02, 2013, 11:12:48 pm »
now that would be something... but with a RTS :D

"you are the commander of a global operation. everything depends on you. you will be losing multiple battles simultaneously. good luck."  8)

Corrected  :P

Programming / Re: New graphical option: Black bands to keep aspect ratio
« on: September 01, 2013, 07:11:16 pm »
My sample of code does letterbox for screen. This is what you need?

Oh, err, I don't really understand what you have done, I thought it would extend the shown screen the same way increasing the baseXResolution in options.cfg. I guess the "mouse cursor jump" issue is avoided this way...

Programming / Re: New graphical option: Black bands to keep aspect ratio
« on: September 01, 2013, 07:04:15 pm »
I haven't been answering the question in this thread because I've been too busy with my own stuff, but I would've thought it would've been as simple as just changing the screen surface to match whatever you need, as this doesn't change the scaling ratio so everything else would be fine.

But this is what I have done! The complex thing was changing the way cursor's position is calculated to avoid a "jump" when it enters or exits the game window. I don't know how to explain this better...

Programming / Re: New graphical option: Black bands to keep aspect ratio
« on: September 01, 2013, 06:56:09 pm »

This code does exactly what you need.

But I don't want to increase the size of the base resolution, I just want to add black bands, this is not the same...

Git will automatically merge any changes once you pull (fetch & merge) the remote master branch into your master branch. Don't bother applying it to your pull request branch though, or you might just duplicate my changes.

I haven't been answering the question in this thread because I've been too busy with my own stuff, but I would've thought it would've been as simple as just changing the screen surface to match whatever you need, as this doesn't change the scaling ratio so everything else would be fine. Also, the technical term for what you're trying to accomplish is "letterboxing".

Sorry, I am simply too impatient because I am discovering OpenXcom...

Programming / Re: New graphical option: Black bands to keep aspect ratio
« on: September 01, 2013, 06:10:19 pm »
I tried but I was unable to do it. I believe this is either because I was doing wrong or because I am not in the contributor list...

Programming / Re: New graphical option: Black bands to keep aspect ratio
« on: September 01, 2013, 05:43:45 pm »
How do I merge SupSuper last changes in my master branch and in my other branch? (on GitHub for the moment)

Programming / Re: New optionnal feature: storage in hangars
« on: September 01, 2013, 05:17:33 pm »
Anyways, rulesets will eventually get a GUI, I didn't hide them in the "options.cfg" out of spite, they're just an incomplete implementation that the community ran away with. :P

If you do this, I hope the rulesets will be duplicated in user directory. Data in the installation directory should not be writable for lambda users. I hope you agree with me.

Programming / Re: New graphical option: Black bands to keep aspect ratio
« on: September 01, 2013, 05:15:15 pm »
What is the simplest way too check if this will be the case?
I have updated a branch of my own fork on GitHub with my development, but this branch is not up-to-date with the master branch of SupSuper. In the diff done with GitHub, how can I see if a merge will be necessary?

Edit: I see a rassuring "These branches can be automatically merged" message when trying to do my push request, so I think I am going to submit it.

Edit: Pull request sent.

Open Feedback / Re: Missions Auto-Succeeding on Landing
« on: September 01, 2013, 04:33:50 pm »
I think it is not that simple.
According to ufopedia, successfully attacking a landed alien ship does prevent him from succeeding its mission. The problem is alien infiltration and alien base construction in vanilla UFO defense do not need any UFO mission success. This means that if you destroy/crash or successfully attack on ground a UFO with infiltration mission, you will only prevent alien to decrease your monthly score and you won't prevent them from infiltrating those stupid Chinese, Indian, American or French governments...

We speak about that in this other topic

Quote from: kharille
Have you played Laser Squad Nemesis, Laser Squad, Rebelstar, Rebelstar Raiders?

No, no, no, no.
That's too bad I presume.

Open Feedback / Re: *gasp* It's so beautiful!
« on: September 01, 2013, 04:01:58 pm »
I think beautiful is a far too weak adjective to qualify the work of this team...

OpenXcom is pure transcendent beauty, no less!

Programming / Re: New graphical option: Black bands to keep aspect ratio
« on: September 01, 2013, 03:38:10 pm »
this quote on wiki is mostly obsolete because most problems with UI was fixed.

So it should be corrected.
Anyway, as a purist, I prefer to keep the game the same, changing base resolution is evil! Do not be evil!

@code contributors

I have finished developing the feature, but there was a commit yesterday. Should I incorporate new sources before submitting mines? Please answer, I'm not regular at working with Git.
I'm pretty sure the way I handle zoom without OpenGL will have to be reworked because what I have done does not seem efficient to me. I get the correct result but I introduce a supplementary buffer...

Programming / Re: New graphical option: Black bands to keep aspect ratio
« on: September 01, 2013, 02:52:14 pm »
If you play on 16:9 screen (for example 1600x900), you can set the option baseXResolution: 356 (because 200/900*1600 = 355,555). As result - screen without distortions.

Code: [Select]
  baseXResolution: 356
  baseYResolution: 200
  displayHeight: 900
  displayWidth: 1600
  fullscreen: true

That seems a good alternative, even though the game just don't look the same. Not forgetting what have been written in ufopedia:

Quote from: ufopedia
WARNING: Changing this setting will cause serious UI and performance problems, as the game is not designed for flexible resolutions.

now, i understand, sounds like a nice feature.

I think the title of this topic is inadequate, I am fixing it.

do you think it would be possible - at least for the battlescape - that the "extra space" is used for the battlescape itself, while the GUI stays as it is? it would be nice to have a widescreen battlescape (not stretched, but extended, of course), as long as the GUI stays in the bottom center and isn't deformed.

is it possible at all to "detach" the GUI bar from the actual battlefield in this way?

I don't know, the space we have is not very big. You probably think of playing on a 16/9 screen, right? Extended 320x200 to this format means 356x200, you gain only 18 pixels on each side. Of course, you could add it at a better resolution but if you do that the cursor has to be drawn differently in this UI, seems pretty odd.

Offtopic / Re: How do we lose?
« on: September 01, 2013, 11:23:45 am »
(...) but an early base attack can easily catch you off-guard and ruin your game.

Hm, now I'm not sure, perhaps this happened to me during my first "true" superhuman mission.

Edit: so, we can lose all investors and still play? This is amazing.

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