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Messages - Jstank

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Find out for yourself. You don't even have to mess with dosbox. This comes with an installer and everything!

I would like to see a full combat replay

Wow thanks for that awesome post! I will be sure to add you as a senior tactical officer in my xcom squad!

Suggestions / Re: Transfer loot from sites
« on: August 15, 2013, 01:57:23 am »
I think that it should be that if the Skyranger is overloaded with materials on a successful mission the crash site should remain where it is and turn into a 'salvage' mission which contains whatever the Sky Ranger couldn't fly home. When you return to the site with a more empty Skyranger or some type of freighter class ship, the mission will start like this (similar to what was previously posted). Civilians will be placed at specific points around a wrecked alien craft and will remain stationary. Soldiers will be located in defensive positions around the ship. Aliens will be placed within X radius of the craft and advance forward. The mission will be to defend the civilians for a set amount of rounds. % salvage is based on % of civilians alive by the end of round X (or if all aliens are killed). If a civilian dies during a salvage mission, a random scientist or engineer will be deducted from your pool of scientists and engineers. I think this would make it simple for the player and not burden them with salvage in the beginning of the game because the small crafts would be able to be fully loaded on the Skyranger. This would also incentive the building of freighter class ships to receive more salvage. This will be an option that will help in the end of the game yet not be necessary for a successful completion on lower difficulties or in early game.

Suggestions / Salvage Vessel
« on: August 14, 2013, 03:55:44 pm »
I think it would be very cool to have a salvage ship that has to go and pick up the equipment and items from the secured alien craft. (Especially if the Skyranger is overloaded already) Then that salvage ship must be defended against possible alien attacks adding another level of game play.

Again thanks for the comments! I believe that the problem i am having with the shaking is youtube trying to 'fix' my video. I am going to have to re look at how i can 'unfix' them. I am also expecting to wrap up the series soon and will be shooting the second half sometime next weekend. See you then!

PS will be adding all of you to my squad. Good luck, and I will try hard not to get you killed!

Thanks for all the comments and criticisms.  I have uploaded a few more videos with improved sound. I added the lost episode # 9 to the playlist along with the base defense missions. As for my tactics, its the first time i have played with ranged based accuracy.

 PS this is my very first LP iv done so I'm still learning.

OPEN XCOM with Commentary by JSTANK

In this LP we test out a new feature, RANGED ACCURACY

I was surprised how much that option changed the way you play the game.

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