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Messages - kevL

Pages: 1 ... 30 31 [32]
Work In Progress / Re: Geoscape menu
« on: July 21, 2013, 07:43:56 am »

- copied english.geo (and englishuk.geo) to my xcom/geodata folder, renamed them to lang1.dat (and lang2.dat) and let BB's toolkit 'convmisc' turn them to .Gifs. Edit*. 'convmisc' them back to .Dat files, then copy them back into oxc/Language and rename them back to english.geo (& englishuk.geo)

* then save Gif as type87a ( non interlaced )

presenting, 0xC w/ modified Geoscape panel :)

Work In Progress / Re: Geoscape menu
« on: July 21, 2013, 04:23:18 am »
thank you, Sup

i did some searching and then got about -this far- in GIMP ( lol )

Work In Progress / Re: Geoscape menu
« on: July 21, 2013, 01:06:58 am »
yes, am familiar and have read extensively. The issue is that when I alter geobord.scr to look like geobord2.gif below, the Geoscape looks like screen020.gif. This tells me that the *menu* is no longer part of geobord.scr ...

Work In Progress / Geoscape menu
« on: July 20, 2013, 11:36:14 pm »
Can someone point me to the text (or graphic for text) on the Geoscape menu?

i'd like to get my old menu back :

Troubleshooting / Re: Where's the memory, Lebowski?
« on: July 20, 2013, 08:24:41 am »
all good :)

Now if I could just stop killing more of my own guys than the aliens do.

*grenade hits side of the Skyranger* oops

Troubleshooting / Re: Where's the memory, Lebowski?
« on: July 19, 2013, 11:26:57 am »
not sure what your voodoo is there but here's more info:

I tried again with original data, default ruleset, and only my Config & the .Sav in documents. ( i doubt my config has anything terribly unusual, 1680x1050x8 windowed & pinned @ 0,0, no OpenGL, no filters ) The .log says everything loads fine, then 10 seconds later when it enters Tactical:

[19-07-2013 02:03:05] [FATAL] Where's the memory, Lebowski?

The fault occurs between the "Exercise Caution" screen and soldier loadouts..... (the OK button sticks in the down position but music keeps playing.)

Troubleshooting / Re: Where's the memory, Lebowski?
« on: July 19, 2013, 08:42:59 am »
I just got it too, on gitbuild 2013_07_18_1326, when entering tactical. It goes away when i revert to 2013_07_16_1525.

- winXp SP3, modded ruleset + data files btw.

( .Sav attached, i hope.. )

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