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Messages - Murmur

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Work In Progress / Re: Maximum blastRadius?
« on: April 29, 2014, 05:32:28 am »
Why is this idea getting so much flak? I'd love to try to set a tactical nuke in the middle of an alien battleship and then get out of dodge as quickly as possible.

That is exactly the kind of thing I wanted to use this for... but I get the problems some people have with it. Others would just use it constantly to remove all challenge from the game. I don't personally have an issue with people doing that, but I get where the people that do are coming from.

Released Mods / Re: [WEAPON] Laser Rifle Recolor
« on: April 28, 2014, 11:35:25 pm »
Hey, thanks for the tip! I'll do that now, and in the future for anything else I might make.

Work In Progress / Re: Maximum blastRadius?
« on: April 28, 2014, 11:17:37 pm »
Look, I wasn't making fun of and/or mocking the game when I made this... not at all. I made this just to see if I could. I wanted a little project for myself. So I looked into uncapping the blast radius. This was purely for my personal use and, like I said before, a novelty. This is not how I think the game should be played nor how I will play the game. It's been about 14 years I think since I discovered XCom, it's been my favorite and most returned to game ever since. I'd never want to ruin it for myself.

You are totally right about the damaged tiles looking ugly like that though. Obviously never intended, haha.

EDIT: Also, I have to wonder what the point is in clamping this, but not the other easily exploitable things mods can currently do... I am not by any means saying it shouldn't be this way or meaning any disrespect to the devs. I am simply curious, why can someone make a super over powered no fun weapon, but not have an explosive with a blast radius of 12?

Work In Progress / Re: Maximum blastRadius?
« on: April 28, 2014, 10:34:23 pm »
Why to bother? Just add "Win" button to battlescape, which automatically kills all aliens. And "Win" button in "alien craft detected" screen. Also make radar radius 6000. After 30 minutes of playing that game you simply will delete this game.
It's called "game raping". And totally destroys gameplay and game itself.
it's quite reasonable that developers don't want to make their game piece of shit. Even by third-party mods (i.e. ain't taking responsibility for this raping directly).

Woah woah, man, I love this game, I don't want an automatic win button. Which this isn't anyways. I made the bomb cost so much money that it's impractical to use. It's a novelty item. Use it once, go "Heh neat", get a chuckle or two, then play the game normally. Besides, I'm not asking for something this stupidly powerful to be added to the game. No, I made this for my personal use, basically just to see if I could. I may use it in the future just for fun, set up a scenario in my head and act it out in the game. Like I said, I don't want a win button. I just wanted to see a huge explosion in the game. And I did. And I'm satisfied. However your point at the end is kind of invalid. Third party mods can totally "rape" the game anyways. You can make armor that is invulnerable to anything. Guns that are perfectly accurate and cost nearly nothing to fire. The list goes on and on and I can't see the devs locking those things down because someone can make a completely optional mod.

And to the person that asked me to upload it, it's a bit more complicated than that. I had to download the source, do a minor edit, and compile it myself. Without those steps the bomb's blast radius is that of a blaster bomb.

Work In Progress / Re: Maximum blastRadius?
« on: April 28, 2014, 09:58:58 am »
Haha, so I took a peek at the source code and removed the cap on the blast radius... the results are hilarious.

My Micro-Nuke, with a blast radius of 22:



After the smoke has cleared:

Quite the bang! I need to try this on a terror site next.

Oh and Warboy, those two floaters to the top right thought it was very unsporting indeed!  :P

Work In Progress / Re: Maximum blastRadius?
« on: April 28, 2014, 04:31:47 am »
Sure it is a little! But so is making a gun cost 1% TU for auto fire with a huge accuracy value, and we are able to do that... I get what you are saying though, uncapping it would allow some truly ridiculous things.

Work In Progress / Re: Maximum blastRadius?
« on: April 28, 2014, 03:55:44 am »
Haha believe me, I know I'm not. Just seems like something that feels right, considering how much damage we usually end up doing on terror missions anyways. Why not take it to the next level? "The city block was destroyed but the 12 aliens are dead. Mission accomplished! Promotions all around!"

And if it is just an arbitrary cap then maybe it can be lifted.

Work In Progress / Re: Modding Psi Usage?
« on: April 28, 2014, 03:45:54 am »
I was so excited when I saw that. Much appreciated!

Work In Progress / Re: Maximum blastRadius?
« on: April 28, 2014, 03:20:54 am »
Hm... I wonder, is the cap there for a technical reason or is it there because 11 was the largest explosion radius in the base game?


What I have now:

Sure, that is a massive explosion. But i'd like it to be even larger! The idea is that this bomb is very heavy: weight 33, and costs $200,000. It's causes minor damage to UFO's, blasting through a few adjacent walls, but as you can see from the picture it absolutely levels everything else. But as it stands I feel like I've made an improved High-Explosive that's way too heavy and expensive. If the blast radius could be further increased I think this would be fun to use in emergencies. Chrysalids just zombified half of your squad and all the civilians in a terror mission. Survival unlikely. Nuke the bastards.

Work In Progress / Maximum blastRadius?
« on: April 27, 2014, 11:07:01 pm »
Is 11 the maximum size that a blast radius can be set to? I'm trying to make a very expensive and heavy 'Micro Nuke', I'd like a rather sizable explosion out of it, but through my testing it seems that if the blastRadius is set higher than 11, it acts as if it were 11 anyways.

EDIT: Removed the attached picture. Replaced with a better one in my next post.

Released Mods / [WEAPON] Laser Rifle Recolor
« on: April 26, 2014, 07:11:20 am »
I made this purely for myself but figured I might as well upload it in case someone else might enjoy it. I never understood why the Laser Rifle didn't match the other laser weapons. Figured I'd try my hand at some minor modding and see if I could rectify that.

Big Object, Floor Object, and Hand Objects all recolored. No stats on the weapon have been altered.

Download at the mod site:

To install, using the 0.9 Nightly build, place the 'Laser_Rifle_Recolor.rul' file into the 'Ruleset' folder. Then place the 'murmursLaserRifle' folder into the 'Resources' folder. Finally, enable the mod in the options menu.

Enjoy your matching laser weapons!

EDIT: Also, if you're into laser weapons, check out my other mod that rebalances the Heavy Laser: It basically makes the differences between the Heavy Laser and the Laser Rifle quite similar to the differences between the Plasma Rifle and the Heavy Plasma. It's such a small tweak I didn't think it deserved it's own thread, so I tagged it on here.

Work In Progress / Re: Modding Psi Usage?
« on: April 25, 2014, 05:31:23 am »
Ideally, I'd like to have 3 options. One, works just like it does now: Psi is limited to squad sight for humans, magic all seeing eye after first contact for aliens. Two: Psi is limited to squad sight for humans and aliens, and Three: Psi only works on direct line of sight for both humans and aliens.

I've looked at the source code and I think I see how to do option three, but option two still eludes me.

Actually now that I'm thinking about it, a fourth option could limit psi to direct line of sight for humans, and limit it to squad sight for the aliens. Call it a limitation of the psi-amp maybe. That would probably be better balanced, as you could no longer sit back in the sky ranger and puppet master the entire battlefield.

Work In Progress / Re: Modding Psi Usage?
« on: April 23, 2014, 09:45:41 am »
Yeah I think the way it works is once a human is seen by any alien, that human can be psy attacked whether they are still in view of any aliens or not.

I'd like to be able to change it so a human has to be in sight of any alien for them to be psi attacked. I don't mean just in sight of the one doing the attacking. I'd like it to work just like it does for the humans.

Work In Progress / Modding Psi Usage?
« on: April 23, 2014, 05:52:26 am »
Is there any way to mod the aliens usage of psi to bring it in line with how it works for the humans? I'd like it if a member of the alien team had to actually see a member of my team for them to be vulnerable to psi-attacks, as opposed to the 'see once, forever vulnerable' way it has always been.

If this is at all possible, I'd really appreciate someone pointing me in the right direction.

Open Feedback / Re: *gasp* It's so beautiful!
« on: June 23, 2013, 04:54:54 am »
I registered an account to pretty much say the same thing, so I figured I'd just post in here instead (Long post warning).

The original XCom came out when I was 9 years old, so I kind of missed out on it then. But in the year 2000, PC Gamer magazine had a disc with a bunch of older classic games for free that they sent out with one of their issues. XCom was on it. At the time one of my favorite games was Jagged Alliance 2, so I figured I'd try out this XCom game since it was another tactical turn based strategy game. Ever since then, I have been hooked. XCom is one of the few games I always come back to and never seem to get bored of. I just love games that lay out the rules for you and then say: "Have at it", and that was one of my major problems with Firaxis's "remake".

When I first heard about Firaxis's game, I got really excited. Especially how they kept going on and on about staying true to the original. All of the screenshots and videos looked super slick. I thought to myself: "My god, XCom? Looking like this? I'll never need another game again!". I preordered the game as soon as I could and excitedly waited until I could play the damn thing. Needless to say, when it finally came out, I was let down. It's not a bad game for what it is. And it sure looks fantastic, but all the complexity of the original was gone. And I think my biggest problem was that I felt railroaded down a path that the plot demanded. I didn't want a plot focused game out of a new XCom, I wanted a sandbox like the original. To be able to go at my own pace. I should have seen it coming I guess. The closer we got to release the more I had read about things they had taken out or changed. Removal of TU's, class based soldiers, but I was too excited. I kept telling myself that it would be fine.

And it was fine. Just fine. I wanted amazing though. So after that let down I had to play the original again, and that's when I found out about the Enemy Unknown Extended mod. I thought it was awesome.  All the little fixes and tweaks made the game so much more enjoyable, and I was perfectly happy with it. I thought that it was the definitive version of XCom, the version I will always play.

That is until I discovered OpenXCom. This is the XCom I had always wanted. And this is the version I will be playing until the day I die. You guys took my favorite game of all time, removed the annoying bugs, added in the great optional features, added modding support, and let it run perfectly on modern hardware. And even though to me that sounds like it couldn't possibly get better, you guys are adding more things in all the time.

There aren't any words to describe how grateful I am for all of your hard work, so these ones will have to do: Thank you. Thank you for everything you've accomplished. I hope you all feel truly appreciated by others like me that one day feared they may not be able to play their favorite game. And not only that, but now we get an improved version of that game.

Thanks again, and keep up the fantastic work.

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