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Topics - Aldorn

Pages: 1 [2]
For brainstorming purposes...

In order to add some spice, what about introducing, from time to time, some conditions to start, or to complete a mission ?

Eventually, some of them could be "optional" : a success will provide bonus points, whereas a failure will not generate any malus

Some examples :

1) "This mission needs to stay secret, and so will need experienced team : equip your craft with maximum six units of minimum rank 'sergeant'"
   => Also if craft does not fulfill requirements, it will not ne possible to land

2) "This mission has to be fulfilled in urgency : complete it in less than 15 turns"
   =>  Skyranger go back home at end of 15th turn, also if mission not completed before, this will be a failure and all soldiers not on board will be lost

3) "You will not be able to use lethal weapons for this mission"
   => If craft contains any lethal weapons (based on battletype ?), it will not be possible to land

4) "This mission only requires rookies equipped with one handed weapons and no armor"

5) Rescue Mission (cf. Unknown Hero)

6) Large shipment of new type of Alien weapons
"Our Intelligence service has reported the delivery of a large shipment of a new type of Alien weapons.

We absolutly need these prototypes to know exactly what the Aliens prepare.
We know that the delivery will take place in the following week (from June 12 to 19) somewhere in Asia, but we don't know exactly where.
We have 5 hours to attack the UFO after landing.
Monitor your radars, and try to not shoot the UFO in flight, wait until landing.
Exceptionally, crew will consist of Mutons and Ethereals with Sectopods.
The report precise they are heavily armed, expect lot of Blaster Launchers."


Mission Bonus-Malus:

UFO ignored: -2000 points.

UFO destroyed: 100 points.

Landed UFO assaulted: 300 points.
Weapons recovered: 100 points, 100 weapons --> sell them, use them.
New Alien Technology to research.

UFO crashed and assaulted: 150 points.
Weapons recovered: 100 points, 100 weapons (random, 10% chance to recover weapons, random weapon number).
New Alien Technology to research (only if at least 1 weapon recovered).

7) If player has not captured and interrogated any aliens at all, then encourage him to do so.

8 ) If player only captured and interrogated a soldier type, then encourage him to try and ID+capture medics/etc.

9) If laser weapons were recently developed, encourage trying him out by saying R&D is eager to see how the weapons perform in actual combat situations.

10) True missions with some goal(s) to be reached (like extract VIP civilian, assassinate Alien Commander, ...) that would end the mission, like shooting the alien brain in the cydonia mission.

11) "Hold the line" mission : have to resist X turns against a huge alien attack

12) "This mission ..."

Suggestions / [MODDING ORGANIZATION] - Sort Mods in Options screen
« on: June 27, 2014, 12:41:28 pm »
I wonder if it would be possible (and interesting) to have possibility to :
- display mods sorted by loading sequence
- be able to change this sequence directly under the Options-Mods screen

About making it compliant with new appearing mods, whose sequence order has not been set yet, eventually split screen in two parts Current and New ?

This is... just a suggestion

Suggestions / Newbie Need Help
« on: June 22, 2014, 08:59:34 pm »
About new members who don't want especially become modder, but just want to install, activate some mods and play, what about creating a new section where they could ask some basic questions (how to install, ...) ?

See for example THIS QUESTION

Or have they to post under Troubleshooting section ? :o

It is a wish, or an idea to dig in...

Currently integrating some mods together, I think it coud be nice to have a new setting "addDependencies" at our disposition

Aim is to be able to keep two mods independent one from the other without having to make too many changes

Assuming that we have a global research node that contains already lot of dependencies
Code: [Select]
    - ...

Suppose now I created two new research nodes, that have to be included, if and only if exists, as dependencies of MYRESEARCH

It could be easy to declare

(1st Mod)
Code: [Select]
(2nd Mod)
Code: [Select]

Same idea for addUnlocks, addGetOneFree
And regarding "Manufacture" & "Ufopaedia" : addRequires

Work In Progress / [MODDING ORGANIZATION] Calling of sub-rulesets
« on: May 21, 2014, 06:04:29 pm »
Is there a way to define a "father" ruleset that just calls "children" rulesets, so that
- we keep possibility to organize our mod rulesets in split files
- in order to activate our new mod, we do not have to select 36 rulesets but just the father

something like :
- ruleset\MyRuleSet.rul
- ruleset\MyRuleSet\MyRuleSet_Aliens.rul
- ruleset\MyRuleSet\MyRuleSet_Crafts.rul
- ruleset\MyRuleSet\MyRuleSet_Weapons.rul

Code: [Select]
  - MyRuleSet\MyRuleSet_Aliens
  - MyRuleSet\MyRuleSet_Crafts
  - MyRuleSet\MyRuleSet_Weapons

I have some questions about referecing external files (sprites, sounds, ... )
I made some tests and have some answers, but ideally I would like to know opinion from some developper, to be sure...
These questions are interesting while trying to merge many mods

1) Is it allowed to use same number as reference inside two different RuleSet files ?


Example :

Code: [Select]
  - type: STR_WEAPON1
    bigSprite: 10001
    floorSprite: 10002
    handSprite: 10003

Code: [Select]
  - type: STR_WEAPON2
    bigSprite: 10001
    floorSprite: 10002
    handSprite: 10003

2) Is there any limit to these numbers, while referencing any of following properties ?
(I mean : could I use 10000, 100000, 1000000 ?)


Code: [Select]
  - type: STR_MY_NEW_CRAFT
    [b]sprite[/b]: 100001
Code: [Select]
    [b]bigSprite[/b]: 10001
    [b]floorSprite[/b]: 10002
    [b]handSprite[/b]: 10003
    [b]bulletSprite[/b]: 10004
    [b]fireSound[/b]: 10005
    [b]hitSound[/b]: 10006
    [b]hitAnimation[/b]: 10007

Code: [Select]
  - type: STR_MY_NEW_ARMOR
    [b]spriteSheet[/b]: 1001
    [b]spriteInv[/b]: 1002

3) ListOrder

3a) In case two items (of same nature) having same listOrder in same RuleSet file, will they be sorted :
- alphabetically ?
- by order of appearence ?

3b) In case two items (of same nature) having same listOrder in different RuleSet files, will they be sorted :
- alphabetically ?
- by order of reading RuleSet files ?


3c) Is there any limit to listOrder (1000, 10000, 100000, ...) ?


Some clarifications:

- Every ruleset has a safe numeric ID range of 0..999. No rulesets can conflict within this range, except when modifying original resources. If you exceed this, then all bets are off (we'll probably just use string IDs for everything in the future), so don't try to guess and avoid other mod's IDs, you'll just make it worse.

- If a numeric ID matches an original resource, than it's treated as such, otherwise it's treated as a new resource. If you don't wanna keep track of where the original resources end and the new ones start for everything, it's probably safe to always start at 100.

- listOrders are different. They apply globally to every ruleset combined, and have no limit.

- Every item by default gets a listOrder based on the mod order first, line order second, unless manually specified.

- If multiple items specify the same listOrder, they'll be next to each other. Which comes first depends on how the algorithm is feeling that day, as it's not stable.

EDIT : other interesting information related to BaseBit, IntIcon or bulletSprite ->

I cannot find any reference to what seems to be "Sell Production" button under GetLocalization (I looked for both SELL and PRODUCTION without success)

Did I miss something ?

This is not really an issue, as STR_PSI_LAB is unlocked by other dependencies below

Anyway I found strange to meet  STR_ETHEREAL_MEDIC and STR_ETHEREAL_NAVIGATOR in STR_PSI_LAB dependencies

Up to you to let it as is (not an issue) or to correct it (could be confusing and make people ask questions or post warning, as me  ;))

From openxcom_git_master_2014_05_18_0656
Code: [Select]
  - name: STR_PSI_LAB
    cost: 420
    points: 25

Work In Progress / [ALIEN FACILITY] Alien Habitat
« on: May 19, 2014, 07:17:15 pm »
Does anyone know if Alien Habitat are really used in game ?

Because I can see that STR_ALIEN_HABITAT_UFOPEDIA is not defined in default Ruleset

I wonder if it is really lacking or if it is just obsolete

Work In Progress / [CRAFTS] New SkyRangers
« on: April 17, 2013, 02:33:42 pm »
I was using a modification of Skyranger without knowing it was not part of OpenXCom mod but coming from UFO Extender mod (thanks to Moriarty for information !)

Would someone be interested (also capable !) to include this in a future release, as a mod ?

It totally changes XCOM deployment, strategy, possibilities :
- it is now interesting to put some high level soldiers rear
- if get only 8 soldiers, it is possible to fight from SkyRanger for some rounds, before exiting it
- depending on mission, for example if SkyRanger is on a border, it is possible to exit from "protected" side, then hide behind SkyRanger
Really, I can just say this : "trying it is adopting it !"

The only issue I saw is that units deployment contains a little error (one soldier on a door)

Edit : in fact, this mod does not only add rear doors, but floor protection too (it is now possible to hide under wheels or between weels, particularily interesting in case of lot of aliens around SkyRanger !), and is longer than original one (but keeps only 14 places) ; also I uploaded some screen shots level by level

Edit2 : I attached -> To install : just unzip PLANE.MAP under OpenXcom\Data\Maps

About Ufopedia, I noticed that if I change some facilities capacities, as for example :
- Living Quarters = 10
- Research Laboratory = 10
- Manufacture = 10
- Alien containment = 1
UFOPedia displays original capacity

It is not really an issue, as it is possible to update description directly in .lng files, but perhaps a solution could be to split STR_LIVING_QUARTERS_UFOPEDIA in two entries (i.e. before and after "50" for Living Quarters) , and display first part of string, then real capacity, then second part of string.

Work In Progress / Mod idea : "Protection shield"
« on: April 02, 2013, 12:51:15 am »
It is just an idea that came to me : possibility to equip soldiers with a shield
I do not know if it could be modded with existing rulesets (and would need some sprite)

This shield :
- would protect as a light armor (cumulative)
- perhaps just front, or front and sides
- has to be hold on hand to be effective ; possible to be kept in bagpack (3X3 ?)
- may be strucked up to destruction ; shield is hit first, then armor (if any), then hit points ; if to difficult, another way could perhaps to add some hitpoints to soldier
- no idea if it could be bought or should be researched and produced
- could be very useful in some situations, to save your life...

I currently use 2013_03_30_0921 Git build, but was same in 0.4.5 release

I made following test : increase Health min and max, for example over defining in RuleSet as follow
  - type: XCOM
      health: 40
      health: 80

=> every time soldiers, who killed some alien and were wounded in battle, get stats advancement, they never earn any health bonus.

I did not participate a lot of battle yet (I mean in this git build), but I tried it a lot in 0.4.5 and it was same result.

Did someone make same experience ? Does anyone know if there would be a hardcoded max health in OpenXcom ?

I am speaking about an improvement I noticed in UFO Extender : the possibility to build new facilities, without having to wait for previous one to be built.

I mean, in original game, it is not possible to build a facility if not connected to an existing one. In Ufo Extender, it is possible to put first a facility on a connected square (also with immediate effect of "building in progress"), and put a second facility next to it, which will be pending until first is built.

It is clearly not a really major improvment, but I find it user friendly, and useful in terms of budget management (In a custom version where money is scarce, this would be a way to reserv money for building purposes).

Suggestions / Experience and Promotion set as parameters in ruleset
« on: March 30, 2013, 03:42:42 am »

Before asking for my request, congratulations again for your amazing job on this remake.
20 years earlier, I could not imagine such a version could be released some day...
In fact, I wonder if you are not some Xcom agents that endly decided to exit virtual life to become living beings  ;)

So, go back to my suggestion...
As I have to learn a lot, before being able to make some adaptations myself, I wonder if it would be difficult/interesting/useful (useful for me, sure !) to set needed experience points (XP) and related promotion points (PP) as parameters in RuleSet
To be more accurate, I am speaking about BattleUnit::improveStat function, and about the fact to add 7 new parameters as described below
   double v = 4;                                                 => STR_PROMOTION_PP4 = 4
   if (exp < 3) v = 1;                                           => STR_PROMOTION_PP1 = 1 ; STR_PROMOTION_XP1 = 3
   if (exp < 6) v = 2;                                           => STR_PROMOTION_PP2 = 2 ; STR_PROMOTION_XP2 = 6
   if (exp < 10) v = 3;                                         => STR_PROMOTION_PP3 = 3 ; STR_PROMOTION_XP3 = 10
   return (int)(v/2.0 + RNG::generate(0.0, v));

I am thinking about how to provide this game more RPG aspects, and this would be helpful for me to reach this goal

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