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Messages - TopCat

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Suggestions / Advanced unit stats
« on: March 13, 2013, 01:22:59 am »
Splinting Fire Accuracy on 3 stats:

1) Light Arms Fire Accuracy (for Pistol class)
2) Med Arms Fire Accuracy (for Rifle class)
3) Heavy Arms Fire Accuracy (for Heavy class)

This allow player better unit specializations and will have influence on game difficulty

Suggestions / Unit stats. modifications via Equipment
« on: March 13, 2013, 01:15:06 am »
Currently armors have no influence on unit strength!!! (even Power Suits)

Openxcom should allow unit stats change via caring equipment.

It should be customizable via ruleset  (+/- stats)

Suggestions / Re: New version of battleRangeBasedAccuracy
« on: March 13, 2013, 12:55:24 am »
Unit Strength should have influence on accuracy (and currently it haven't ). Even on  TwoHanded penalty (when you don't have empty second hand) is hard coded to 0.8.

It's look like strength is also not used for throwing!!!

Suggestions / Different colors of ufo marks on geospace
« on: March 12, 2013, 08:11:29 pm »
Draw ufo marks on globe with different colors based on ufo size .

Another aspect of this idea is double pistol shot (from both hands). Two bullets shot into target which have double kill chance without reaction fire (ufo, bases, building explorations).

this may have big influence on game play and improve usage of pistols

Suggestions / "UFO located" sound from intro on ufo detection.
« on: March 12, 2013, 07:58:51 pm »
Since openxcom can play intro then please add "UFO located" sound from intro into geospace window on ufo detection event.

Suggestions / Iron Man
« on: March 12, 2013, 07:56:27 pm »
Iron Man game mode which remove Load/Save buttons from GUI except first dialog (new game , load, options, etc) and auto save on game abort.

It may be enabled on difficulty choosing dialog at game start.

Suggestions / lock shooting to not unit target
« on: March 01, 2013, 02:29:41 pm »
Please allow shooting to terrain only with some key pressed (Shift, ctrl, etc).

Suggestions / Re: ESC should bring up options screen in geoscape
« on: March 01, 2013, 02:13:26 pm »
Ehm... maybe this should be something other that ESC... this key should be use for cancelling operations.

1) Enter choosing shot mode, pres ESC and exit without entering in aiming mode.
2) Enter in prime grenade , pres ESC and exit without entering in throw mode

IMHO it's no so simple... seeing the source of enemy fire is important  but it rather should be target cam (see only area near your unit and see only basic fire direction) and not bullets cams.
Currently changing fire speed is some workaround here but heavy depend on distance and fps. Changing auto shoot behaviour bring also "look and feel" aspect where you shoot multiple bullets at once or with some delay.

Exp: implement shotgun where single fire shoot N bullets where each have tiny damage and weak accuracy

Suggestions / Re: Don't wait for hit in Auto shot for firing next bullet
« on: February 27, 2013, 05:04:48 pm »
Just disable "bullet cam"... Finally you are interest about result (hit/miss) and not how the bullet fly. Even when you miss then for what you need info what you hit?
The only scenario when you want tho know what hit is hit another unit but even here the centre action should be on target and not on bullet.

Suggestions / Re: Don't wait for hit in Auto shot for firing next bullet
« on: February 27, 2013, 03:32:36 pm »
Waiting for hit in auto shoot is annoying when you target long distance target. Since you can't break auto shoot even when first bullet kill target then The idea here is to shoot all bullets at once (with some configurable delay). IMHO this improve game dynamic and make it less annoying.   

The Splitting view is great idea but IMHO it shouldn't be reserved for shooting because typically you are not interested with your shooting units but normally you want see target unit (changing  view is annoying here). The better approach is done in "stratagus" engine (sorry I can't find screenshot with this feature) where you can split view on several smaller independent views.

Suggestions / Don't wait for hit in Auto shot for firing next bullet
« on: February 27, 2013, 11:59:48 am »
Waiting for hit enemy unit (or miss) in auto mode little spoils the game. IMHO will be much better when weapon have only delay betwean shots.
I understand that enemy have to react somehow on hit (via reaction fire) but this is auto fire mode :)

Suggestions / better grenade customization via ruleset
« on: February 27, 2013, 11:46:12 am »
Currently openxcom have 2 types of grenade : normal and proximity, plus instant mode via config.
Where normal requre set turn timer to exp. where exp. happend at end of turn. Instant mode change it but do it globaly.

IMHO better will be intoducing  "igniter" ruleset's member with 3 types:
1) instant -  requre only activation and exp. on hit ground.
2) proximity - requre only activation and exp. on movment.
3) timer - on activation user set timer and exp. on end of turn.

In this way we can heve normal grenade as instant and high explisive as timed

Suggestions / Configurable number of bullets in Aimed/Snap/Auto
« on: February 27, 2013, 11:28:51 am »
Currently number of bullests is hardcoded globaly as 1 : aim, 1 snap and 3 for auto shots.

Making it configurable via rulesets for each weapon separatly may be more better for mods.

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