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Suggestions / Iron Man
« on: March 12, 2013, 07:56:27 pm »
Iron Man game mode which remove Load/Save buttons from GUI except first dialog (new game , load, options, etc) and auto save on game abort.

It may be enabled on difficulty choosing dialog at game start.

Suggestions / lock shooting to not unit target
« on: March 01, 2013, 02:29:41 pm »
Please allow shooting to terrain only with some key pressed (Shift, ctrl, etc).

Suggestions / Don't wait for hit in Auto shot for firing next bullet
« on: February 27, 2013, 11:59:48 am »
Waiting for hit enemy unit (or miss) in auto mode little spoils the game. IMHO will be much better when weapon have only delay betwean shots.
I understand that enemy have to react somehow on hit (via reaction fire) but this is auto fire mode :)

Suggestions / better grenade customization via ruleset
« on: February 27, 2013, 11:46:12 am »
Currently openxcom have 2 types of grenade : normal and proximity, plus instant mode via config.
Where normal requre set turn timer to exp. where exp. happend at end of turn. Instant mode change it but do it globaly.

IMHO better will be intoducing  "igniter" ruleset's member with 3 types:
1) instant -  requre only activation and exp. on hit ground.
2) proximity - requre only activation and exp. on movment.
3) timer - on activation user set timer and exp. on end of turn.

In this way we can heve normal grenade as instant and high explisive as timed

Suggestions / Configurable number of bullets in Aimed/Snap/Auto
« on: February 27, 2013, 11:28:51 am »
Currently number of bullests is hardcoded globaly as 1 : aim, 1 snap and 3 for auto shots.

Making it configurable via rulesets for each weapon separatly may be more better for mods.

Suggestions / Results of Motion Scaner on map
« on: February 26, 2013, 10:21:44 pm »
Motion Scaner may be more useful where results of scan will be displayed on map to end of turn or to real check by user units... Marker on map should be somehow symbolic but like on Motion Scaner we can identify size of detected objects.
For me preferable will be some floating/animated objects with graphical size of normal units.

Additionally maybe w add alien version of this technology but with better range (or add this as second option to Mind Probe) or detection rating.

Suggestions / Teleport feature
« on: February 26, 2013, 10:08:29 pm »
As I remember Xcom opening cinematic finish with Mutons retreat via teleportation...
Maybe we could add teleport feature in tactical battle. Something like we seen in "Flashback" where player have to throw "resiver" to destination location (or drop it to ground) and then can teleport to this location.

1) We can add some restriction that telepor is finish at end of turn (and before explosive activation) and freeze unit until end of turn.
2) New turn unit start on new location but go through reaction fire test.
3) Unit can teleport only to own "resiver" .
4) Only one unit teleport to tile (or any teleport to tile with other units kill teleporting once or both)

Suggestions / Jump feature
« on: February 26, 2013, 09:53:04 pm »
It would be nice when openxcom support jump as units ability

For exp:
1) Reapers can be able finish charge with jump to our soldiers or jump over small walls
2) Our soldiers (or alliens) may wear "jump jets" equipment (or armor) which allow them small jumps 

it don't need to be in default openxcom but should be available via rulests

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