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Messages - balam

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XPiratez / Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - N9 1-Jul-2024 Second Coming
« on: July 12, 2024, 12:30:01 am »
Data Disk have a research cost of 2 and on the worst case scenario you will get another cost 2 tech. Plenty of 15 cost tech in there and some even higher. Plus you don't need the actual item/it won't get destroyed. By "furiously researching disks" you can get access to techs your not "supposed" to and fly through the tech tree. Disks are the single best thing you can research.

XPiratez / Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - N9 1-Jul-2024 Second Coming
« on: July 10, 2024, 05:45:32 pm »
Hello, not necessairly a bug but more of a gameplay balancing issue: just wanted to point out also that in am in the very end of aug 2601 and just finished another warehouse wars misison (loot sell debriefing screenshot attached), but i never seem to get the guild stapler, in some gone-wrong past run i got it from thestranded govt agent mission, so seems that the former kind in not likes to give it instead the stranded ones!

What is the % of chance to spawn in the ww missions? I'd set respectively 80% and 40% for ww and stranded, so please in next version somebody might take care? Thanks

Edit: attached savegame

You got the clip in there. I don't believe it's possible to get it to spawn without the stapler.
As you can see in the "item list", the chances of getting the stapler on the ground are pretty low, however hostesses have a very high chance of coming equipped with it. Also, If all you need is the tech you can get it from interrogations/data disk.

Particularly I've never had trouble getting the tech one way or another, unlike other stuff.

To further elaborate, I camp the door when there is no risk of dyeing (after I get decent armor). Also, camp as in place few units near the door until I'm ready to storm the temple.

Early game it goes like this (preferably night time):
- Sit on the spawning spot with 6 clones using the pillars to break los.
- Stun everyone that comes near and make a nice pile of bodies near the spawning spot.
- After I've stunned most (if not all) of the roaming enemies, the temple itself is no big deal - there will be only a handful of altar boys and rarely a neophyte camping inside.

This takes a lot of time (20+ turns) and it's pretty boring but the ransom money makes it worthwhile.

I've eaten a few molotov cocktails camping those doors  ::)
I do camp those doors, but it's not 100% safe, specially very early game with low stats and no armor.

I am not sure if I have asked this before, but: Is there some sort of 'hard' or 'soft' timelimit? Like the game says "if you don't have xyz tech researched at this point, you pretty much have already lost"? I am not in any danger to lose because of points or getting invaded, but I also feel like I am not really progressing much in terms of techs (especially with all the interogations; probably shift those over to a different base).

Second thing: I chose to challenge Zaxx. But, now, what am I supposed to do? Just wait until a quest pops up?

Nah, JS got it's missiles but you can survive bombardments. As long as you can keep the score and your bases you should be fine. However, if you fall too hard behind the curve you will not have a fun time. Like all other missions, it will get added to the pool in the next month after you finish research.

XPiratez / Re: A thread for little questions
« on: February 01, 2024, 07:34:52 pm »
Could you teach me how to use brainers efficiently?
Captain's Log said my progress is slow.
So I want to restart and play more efficiently.
I heard about putting all brainers to one project is waste of research points, So I put brainers until progress says "Excellent".
Is this efficient way?

First things first, the true research cost is randomized (50%~200%). The most braindead "efficient" way is to first assign 50% of the cost and take it from there.

Let's take Flintlocks & Bombs for example. The base cost is 15 and the true cost is gonna be between 7 and 30. If you roll 7 and assign 10 brainers, 3 are going to waste. After you assign 7 (or less) and let a day pass you can check the progress to gauge the true cost. If after 7 brainers you don't get "excellent" you rolled 100% or more meaning you can keep the 7 brainers on the research for the next day without fear of waste. If you get "excellent"  you are close and should adjust accordingly.

Now that I have finally gotten the 30mm cannon, things have been going better.

Anyway, since I saw someone mention that they turned their starting base into a science base, and me noticing that, with runts and brainers, I am at nearly my (current) max of 155 people:

Do some/most of you also make a dedicated 'production' base?

I turn the start base into science base cuz it already has mainframe. My second base eventually becomes my "troops base", my third base becomes hotel/prison base and all the remaining are production bases (only one with factory though). All bases get at least one hangar with a strike craft and most of 'em get casinos.

Snake carries my airgame hard and its battlescape game ain't that bad. Scorpion sucks when the enemy can dmg you but it's great when they can't.

I know I am annoying, but finding answers to specific questions can be quite hard, I apologise.

So, how many hangars do you normaly build in your starting base? I ran across the problem that I can't do underwater missions with just 2 hangars, and worry I might need a 3rd anyway, but I f'ed up my baselayout a bit, and don't exactly want to destory my workshop and rebuild it.

Also not sure if I can finance (and defend) a true second base.

2 early on, 1 later. I turn my starting base into science base while my second base becomes my "main base" and it gets 2 to 3 hangars. Base space is the most valuable thing in this game and 2 hangars are more than enough to cover your early game. You should get pirate airforce ASAP to get the codex craft (all of 'em can do underwater missions and the gray ship, Fortuna, can even go to the space!).

XPiratez / Re: A thread for little questions
« on: January 17, 2024, 09:02:49 am »
I don't seem to be getting the CBT events to trigger for the individual tournaments, beyond the initial announcement event. It's been 4-5 months since that first notice, but nothing.

Getting the CBT chain started and going is my only hiccup left for the School Graduation via VIP room for Analytics.
Do I need to not
have certain facilities down already (I'm already at Luxury Spa going into 2nd year) for the event triggers,
or is the RNG really just that bad?

Any insight would be appreciated. Either in DMs to avoid spoilers public or otherwise.

RNG is RNG. You can cheek the xpedia for the % and what not, but yeah, it can get really bad if you get bad rng.

XPiratez / Re: A thread for little questions
« on: January 14, 2024, 02:00:32 pm »
"The Russian Files"

How do I get these?

Loot from Siberia Base Investigation

XPiratez / Re: Tips on the Jack Sparrow difficulty?
« on: December 26, 2023, 10:01:10 am »
Before I start, I must add that while I don't savescum mid run, I often restart at few key points early on if I don't like how the rng is going, and the last version I played was N6.

Cleopatra Mommy is my choice as well, but a few versions ago a new event was added that makes Egypt start way harder than it used it to. As you have experienced, being Egypt's vassal will lead to constant raids. What kind of raid you get is random and some are more punishing than others - if you are lucky you can get nomads which don't carry a hefty score penalty. Those raids can start at month 3 (or 4) iirc but they are only an issue early on. After you get enough air defenses (850) you can just blow 'em up so you won't be at risk of getting low score (at the expense of loot). This also affects the expansion game but there is a workaround: the game decides which bases are going to get targeted by those raids at the start of every month, so if you build your bases at the start of a month you will have enough time to build your defenses.

Personally, I like the gal's path better. The harvester is very good indeed, but I prefer the codex transport (and ravenclaw robe). Reject the power is quite hard since you won't be getting codex crafts. All codices are viable, but they grey one adds a layer of rng to a key building. (edit: only grey + dumbass has the rng thingy)

Now, to deal with your issue. Basically you need to game the game and try to get your score as high as possible (but not too high, at least early on):
- The missions you get are random and some give more score/money than others. You need to unlock the good stuff as soon as possible (bounty hunts, warehouse raids, ghoul town, etc).
- Capture: Besides giving more money you will also get more interrogations which give more score/money. Early game I capture pretty much everything worthwhile alive. I'm not sure about electrical gloves though, since when I last tried they simply killed stuff, but 6 clones with stun rods can capture everything in any early game mission (except terror missions).
- Zombie capture exploit: Dunno if this has changed in the last versions but you get a huge score bonus for capturing non-researched zombies. We are talking about 3000+ points depending on the mission here and again, 6 clones can easily 100% capture those.
- Research and interrogations: The numbered researches (#001 for example) give a whooping 250 points each. You should focus on those when you want to pad your numbers.
- Scientists: You haven't mentioned scientists at all but they are one of the most important aspects of the game. More research = more score. I get an extra scientist at the start of the game and aim for 4 or 5 at month two and full house by month 3.
- Airgame: Shooting stuff down and doing those missions will give a huge boost to your score. With good rng you can start your airgame as soon as month 3.
- Ninja outposts/airfield/bases: I don't bother clearing those until I get tanks.

As Iazo mentioned, another thing you need to worry about are the missile strikes. One thing I want to add is that if you get good rng you can get hefaistos battery before july and those are way cheaper than Overcharged radar.

XPiratez / Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - v.N3 20-Dec-2022 Clear Skies
« on: January 07, 2023, 05:12:37 pm »
I ended up grabbing the space tech on Terminal Terror. Always managed to grab one in space missions but in this current run the orbital missions range screwed me hard.

Aqua suit and the clones trivialize so much missions (hot pursuit, organ grinder, aquatic + deep ones in general, zombies, etc) that the Theban start almost feels like a cheat... almost. The clones themselves help a lot on witch missions as well.

Stun and bag the cat

I've literally just done that mission for the first time and aqua suit did the trick for me. Dunno if it was dumb luck, but the map already had conveniently placed alcoves on both sides so I didn't have to dig at all.

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