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Messages - Finnik

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 34
Work In Progress / Re: [WIP] Xeno Operations LEGACY
« on: July 26, 2024, 09:57:36 am »
Those are interesting maps, but what are you going to do with ufopedia craft art?

From the Ashes / Re: Suggestions
« on: July 20, 2024, 12:21:00 pm »
Suggest this option:
1. Interrogate some alien navigator and get the code from hieroglyphs.
2. During the battle, enter this code into the terminal and receive 10% of the secret map. If do not enter, or enter incorrectly, the data on the terminal is destroyed.
3. When 100% of this map is collected, a secret alien base opens, where find (if win, of course) something special, not found anywhere else in the game.
Probably extremely difficult to implement...

The most difficult part would be the UI, as currently nothing like that is presented in the engine. OXC is not a generic engine like Unity or UE or Godot, where you can through stuff into the game pretty easily. Can you describe that terminal UI with alien symbols more precisely? Some scratch or scheme would be the best option.

Also, I found myself a bit confused, when I design some special encounters with "something special, not found anywhere else in the game" and when it's all done, having troubles of inventing, what exactly this special reward would be.

From the Ashes / Re: From the Ashes - initial release!
« on: July 20, 2024, 12:14:17 pm »
What should you do in a mission with crop circles? I found some clearing with three puddles, something banged there as we approached, like a smoke grenade. He killed everyone, but the mission never ends, and every few turns there are reinforcements in the form of special forces from the “men in black”.

You should abort the mission, since the artifact exploded and there is nothing to recover. In the next release, I will add more activities for that mission to gather those blue liquid samples.

From the Ashes / Re: From the Ashes - initial release!
« on: May 04, 2024, 05:00:12 pm »
Yes, it's is configured in rulesets. Look for vars.rul

From the Ashes / Re: Suggestions
« on: May 04, 2024, 04:57:49 pm »
Pls, describe the gameplay around it.

The X-Com Files / Re: Willing to pay $1000 USD for alternate endings
« on: April 07, 2024, 08:04:27 am »

Not on my continent. :P

I used to GM don't pay for pizza and drinks, ordered for the session =)

From the Ashes / Re: FtA game engine
« on: April 05, 2024, 02:41:00 pm »
Sorry, iOS/Android not planned, until someone would help me with code/testing. I don't play any mobile OXCE version, and don't have enough understanding how it works. It has some difference, and OXCE has separate branches for that. No idea what I would need to do to have FTA on it. I knwo only one thing - some very backend vohdoo coding (it is related to rendering AFAIK) has to be done and desktop and mobile branches will fuse together.

Probably, after the game would be complete I will come back to this task. My hope is that this magic would be performed in OXCE, so I will just merge it to FTA =)

OXCE Support Y-scripts / Re: [Suggestion] First Aid Skill
« on: March 28, 2024, 02:09:14 pm »
Alhough, the player would not be able to track it anyhow.

From the Ashes / Re: From the Ashes - initial release!
« on: March 27, 2024, 11:44:55 am »
It might be incomplete, I'll check it, thank you.

As for completing - yeah, it's a problem, since artist disappeared without completing the full asset =(
I will have to finish it somehow...

OXCE Support Y-scripts / Re: [Suggestion] First Aid Skill
« on: March 26, 2024, 05:03:20 pm »
FtA has y-scrits for healing, that can be easily altered as a integer skill of a soldier.
As for adding a new stat - we have mana, that can do basically anything. Adding more on top of it is a HUGE pain. I did it in GTA and it was a big breaking change.
For instance, can you design a proper and consistent UI for a new stat? Giving how specific it is, you must take in consideration, how any other mod would handle it.

OXCE Suggestions Rejected / Re: [Suggestion] Add Real-time engine
« on: March 26, 2024, 04:46:57 pm »
I'm not a moderator or anything like that, but I don't see any point in further discussion, it is a such a insanely huge change, that, I bet, would nobody like to develop. Not sure it is even possible without rewrighting anything about battlescae. This, it will never be backwards compatible with turn based one. If you want it - develop or fund creating a new game by yourself with unity or godot or other generic engine - it would be a lot easier.

OXCE Suggestions Rejected / Re: [Suggestion] Add Real-time engine
« on: March 26, 2024, 02:50:38 pm »
How about adding a real-time engine to OXCE?

Just make another xcom-like game :)

From the Ashes / Re: From the Ashes - initial release!
« on: March 26, 2024, 02:47:44 pm »
It is exclusive, made by professional artist. If anything, it is not distributed under CC license, as all other art I paid for.

From the Ashes / Re: Suggestions
« on: March 24, 2024, 01:12:58 pm »
It is quite big and hard to test as a whole, but I hope it will come out soon (tm).
And it is on -

Do you have anything like plan or backlog about what hooks you want to add in geoscape?

BTW, I love ufo detection hook, using it in my project

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