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Messages - cptelerium

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Open Feedback / Re: Where to submit bugs for Xcom UFO Defence
« on: January 06, 2025, 03:05:33 am »
Seems after 53 hours of pay I found an unpassable bug. UFO Alien very large ships keep accumulating on the map on top of the other. After the 6th one the game crashes and reloads a random saved game.....I cannot bypass it and the UFO stays as a red dot forever. Where would I submit this bug? has it been fixed previously?

tx and hello from Canada!

Did you managed to solve it? From which game it was?

I'm looking for experience just as UFO1 regarding the difficulty of game.

Which settings are the same as UFO1? (I do not want to use "Restore Defaults" since I might want to keep customization, and also does this option mean identical to UFO1?).


* storage limit for recovered items - original was YES - it was limited and lost, right?
* live alien sale - I think it was allowed ofc, right? so, YES

* Sneaky AI???
* allow psi-capture was OFF?
* allow psi-strength improvement was.... ON?
* override line of fire was OFF?

In addition I think there were one more hurdle in UFO1 which can not be turned on - item limit was 80 right?
and related second hurdle - all items needed to fit visually in the inventory grid on layout or you in some cases couldn't grab them...?
Tho tbh I am not looking forward to adding/using myself these 2 options ;)

Guess will play with override-LOF option and bump difficulty a from lowest to the 3rd.

Open Feedback / Re: Does anyone use Small Torpedo/Rockets?
« on: February 09, 2022, 06:37:42 am »
Yeah same - use by rookies.

But also, they were not bad in case of a little of help in close-range combat in cramp spaces, like inside UFO, where you really need to hit that guy (not risking missing it). Ofc limited use against hard HP aliens.

EDIT: also good to give rookies/disposable scouts rockets, while rest of team is armored up mostly, so if psi captured they don't do too much damage)?

Offtopic / Re: This game rocks
« on: September 26, 2021, 11:15:33 pm »
I feel amongst friends. With that being said, I beat the original game last night.
Great. You mean the original DOS version? Nowdays I almost can't play it, due to poor GUI (esp mouse is bad) and also the glitches are kinda annoying.

I'm getting ready to install the open x com patch.
but a few questions first.
Do i apply the patch first, then install open x com ?

I'm using this on dos box so everything is located in C:\GOG Games\XCOM UFO Defense.

Thank you so  much for all your help.

OpenXCOM is not "a patch" for the DOS game, it is complete rewrite. Actually it seems there are two versions of the complete rewrite:

- OpenXCOM

- OXCE - adds far more things

Anyway, you install them as a new program, they will prompt about location of the original game so they can copy the datafiles (resources graphics maps etc) of the game.

There are also big mods here, one was The Final Mod modpack (but now discontinued?) which seems to be kinda replaced by the XCom Files megamod.  There are also complete rewrites that change it to other game (but same mechanics) like the X-Pirates thing.

OXCE Suggestions DONE / Re: [Documentation] Working Title: Useful hotkeys
« on: September 22, 2021, 10:03:49 pm »
are you using OXCE?
I think that no, I just installed OpenXcom nightly build.
Is that option not available in OpenXcom? because I've seen it mentioned also on which seems to be about "OpenXcom"
(I reply in this forum because that is the forum thread I found searching for debug mode, didn't noticed it's in OXCE subforum)

Actually I am confused now, how OpenXcom and OXCE differ, it seems OXCE is a fork? but both are actively developed it seems.
I searched internet for few moments and I do not see the intruduction - what OXCE *is*, e.g. not explained in,6586.0.html   ???

Where is the introduction page of OXCE atually?
If they are on-purpose different, than is one a "superset" of the other? and if yes, then wouldn't it be better to develop one fork only?
If I am going for "playing close to the original DOS game but with a non-sucking interface and without some glitches" then "just" OpenXCom is the right choice?

OXCE Suggestions DONE / Re: [Documentation] Working Title: Useful hotkeys
« on: September 22, 2021, 09:33:07 pm »
Should be for clarification:
Ctrl middle click on a unit will mind probe that unit in debug mode

Ctrl middle click on a unit does nothing for me.
Debug mode is on, and it says "clicked" and shows the coordinates, but I do not see information about that unit, nothing happens.

Playthroughs / IQ 500 Floater
« on: September 21, 2021, 03:41:39 am »
Base defence mission.

20 floaters,
20 floaters, 20 floaters on the road
20 floaters, and one had a blaster launcher
20 floaters, and one had a blaster launcher
20 floaters
20 floaters, and one had a blaster launcher,
pass the launcher around, and...
*Ourghh* *Ourghh*
*Ourghh* *Ourghh* *Ourghh* *Ourghh* *Ourghh* *Ourghh*
10 floaters, 10 floaters on the road

Truly IQ 500 move by them. But hey, they managed to nick like half HP of my 1 rocket tank  ::)

p.s. surprise base def (never seen the ufo coming...), thanks GOD I changed base to defensive base.

EDIT: the mastermind of this alien strategy woken up! (or stepped out of smoke/of upper level??)
he had BL equipped! (and I have alien picking up weapons disabled)
good that Sander was there to put him back to sleep, forever.

God this is really the base game ever, always something cool and interesting like that.

Open Feedback / Projectiles often going through middle of enemy and missing
« on: September 21, 2021, 01:12:08 am »
E.g. now with laser riffle shooting at floater.

Solider was 1 tile away from floater (soldier was right-bottom from him), had accuracy around 70, fired auto riffle, 3 rounds visually were going exactly through middle of the enemy (on ground level, in first room of abductor afair) but not hitting.

This happened several times, including like 2 times in this game.

Why this happens like that? it looks as if "bounding box had a hole in the middle" so if that is intentional then perhaps visual should be somehow fixed? anyway why original does it (if it does).

this also happened at long range (around 1 screen of range) and still went exactly through him.

Offtopic / Shoot up first (in this ironmode easy game, no mods) Alien Base
« on: September 20, 2021, 04:23:04 am »

Perhaps simple, but I celebrate each victory like that.
Luckily none of Chryssalid killed anyone. And the blaster launcher was not used either.

Sadly, a Colonel died in a really funny/sad way: I was guarding the east-north window of the command centre, and that area was supposed to be cleaned... but nope, shot through the window.
It's early game and we're in alloys only, so RIP.

Offtopic / Re: This game rocks
« on: September 20, 2021, 04:16:30 am »


Of course this isn't "port" but completely different game, still I find it kinda interesting (not to play, but just the fact it exists)

Open Feedback / Re: no LOF... but how
« on: September 13, 2021, 11:46:25 pm »

Open Feedback / no LOF... but how
« on: September 13, 2021, 11:24:12 pm »
I'm used to UFO being quirky but with F10 debug key I really wonder - how?

violet is the alien.
I would say line of fire is clear as Sun...

Suggestions / [forum] forum map seems broken (again?)
« on: September 12, 2021, 11:00:30 pm »
Can't set my pin position in profile.

Offtopic / Re: The Battle for Wesnoth is looking for contributors
« on: September 12, 2021, 10:47:43 pm »

On unrelated note, your avatar picture made me really chuckle XD.
Essence of Ufo experience, especially as I remember playing it as a kid - with any of: aliens with heavy plasma, aliens that aren't secto/float/snakeman, base mission (both direction), and anything bigger than large scout

Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« on: September 12, 2021, 10:43:10 pm »

Maybe I'm blind, but where is the full description of this mod?

I can't see any "show full description" or anything on the mod page on

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