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Messages - Thedarkpretender

Pages: [1]
Im using the provided flag in this post. But im one of those maniacs that like uniform things, hope once you have the time and update the mod theres going to be a better flag for mexican names with the Same quality, format etc than the rest in your mod. Anyway im enjoying it a lot

Sorry for double post... Here is the right ruleset

Yay! Finally it worked!
Thanks a lot

This is one of the many files i have been trying to use

The sip file contains the mexican names and the ruleset file for the resources in case solarius wants to check it

Hi, i really like this mod a lot. I mostly play on Android but it works just fine. I remember that a year ago or so I added Méxican names and flag to the mod. And it worked just fine,  but know that i aded again mexican flag and names every time i try to see a mexican soldier the game crashes and i get this msg Unfortunately, no stack trace information is available
[23-05-2019_16-21-06]   [FATAL]   OpenXcom has crashed: Resources/Flags/40-Mexico.png:Unsupported image format
More details here: /storage/emulated/0/openxcom/openxcom.log

Im trying to get a flag on Google then i resize it to 30x20 and save it as png. But i have noted that while most files in the resources/flag folder are like 3.7 kb it doesnt matter the source of the file i use i get a file about 300 byttes

I hope you can help me with the instrucctions to correctly resize the flag and finally have mexican soldiers jeje

Thanks in advance

Released Mods / Re: [SOUND] XCOM:EU Sound mod for Original XCOM
« on: May 24, 2019, 02:11:19 am »
A bit late but thanks

Released Mods / Re: [AI] Alien Remix
« on: March 23, 2018, 06:45:38 am »
I was about to ask the same... :(

Released Mods / Re: [SOUND] XCOM:EU Sound mod for Original XCOM
« on: March 23, 2018, 06:43:36 am »
I hope posting on a very old topic is bad, or something like that. I remember i downloaded this mod from the mods portal time ago, and i liked it a lot. But now that that mods portal is down donde know where go get it again. Thanks in advance

OXCE Builds & Ports / Re: Right procedure to install on Android?
« on: March 19, 2018, 05:16:41 pm »
Thanks for ur Quick reply meridian, just wanted to be sure that im not runing with outdated files or something like that. Thanks again :)

Sorry if this has been asked before, I have googled for this and havent found anything related and through many versions, builds and everthing im getting really confused about how to install this on Android. Here is what im doing

I have xcom ufo defense 1.4 dos versión and terror from the deep 1.0 dos version and i got the patch to update this to  2.1. I want to install both on Android using OXCE+ 3.10a so what im doing is for ufo defense  when prompted by app I select the directory where my ufo defense 1.4 files are and I just let the app copy those files.  For terror from the deep first im applying the patch to 2.1 (i just copy the folder geodata from patch folder to terror from the deep main folder overwriting the one already there) and then in the app when prompted I select the path to those files, once this is done I apply the universal patch to ufo defense and the patch to terror from the deep (both from open xcom website) Everthing seems to work just fine, i havent messed that much with terror from the deep just played like 20 min to see if its working and with ufo defense I have been playing some hours and Still no force closes or things like that  it seems that both are runing fine... But i want to know if this is the right procedure to install both games on my Phone? Thanks in advance

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