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Messages - rory4ever

Pages: [1]

In first place, congrats for the great mod, loving it, please keep work on it.

I was playing a abandon base mission and when killed the last guy got an error. I got one survivalist live and it crash the game.

see picture of the error attached and the save game, get in and kill the guy and the error occur.

tks again for the great work.

I have the same problem. The problem is with the prepper units . Please fix this because this mod has potential :)
Also, is it by design that I can't hire another scientist? Or do I need to research something first for that?
I really like the geoscape btw! :)


I've installed the latest nightly (without any problem) and activated a few mods (FMP, FMP sounds etc..), found on the new mod portal. I run this game on Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS, fully updated.

Everything works as it should be but when I enter a mission with a refinery as terrain, the game crashes and returns the following error:
- Sound 7889 in not found

I checked if I could replicate this bug using the mission generator and everytime I select "refinery" as the terrain, this error pops up and the game crashes.

i installed it per the normal installation instructions, no errors during installation.

What can be the cause of this? Because terror missions are quite common, I can't really play this game now.
If more info is needed, please let me know. Thanks in advance!

Released Mods / Re: Build mods from Ethereal.
« on: February 27, 2018, 04:00:37 pm »
- Added Hunter-Killer options. Some UFOs themselves are trying to attack transports and interceptors.
- Some UFOs have escorts.
- A lot of changes in the balance sheet.
- Sniper weapons are highly dependent on the accuracy of the soldier's shooting accuracy, both in accuracy and in damage.
- The most powerful explosive devices, depending on the accuracy of the Throwing of the soldier, both in accuracy and in damage.
- Сan shoot from a mortar only while sitting. Standing, getting into the goal is incredibly difficult.
- Added 5 new Ellerium transports.
- Infiltration mission enabled, but is a rarity.

The download link has been updated in the first post of the topic.

Thanks for the effort. Will this mod work on top of FMP? Any order in loading these mods? Thanks

Released Mods / Re: Build mods from Ethereal.
« on: January 15, 2018, 10:56:25 pm »
Ah thanks for the info :) Yes I noticed that the mods page won't load like 90% of the time, and awfully slow as well. Too bad...

Released Mods / Re: Build mods from Ethereal.
« on: January 14, 2018, 09:53:08 pm »
This mod has great potential. Was just wondering if this one will be on the mod portal soon? What is the status now? Installation right now seems complex(?) Thanks :)

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