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Messages - The Martian

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 51
Help / Re: Hey fellow X-Commers! Need a lil' help with this pesky bug.
« on: September 14, 2023, 09:11:46 pm »
If you are using OpenXcom Extended you may also want to check out the options setting found in 'Options -> Advanced -> Extended -> Auto Night Vision threshold"


That may be what is causing night missions to always display in a different colour as it is switching on your night vision automatically whenever the light level is below its setting.

Help / Can ufo: dummy be used to spawn any terror mission?
« on: September 14, 2023, 09:04:48 pm »
I've noticed that when running a TFTD campaign (Especially with 'Maps from the Deep' map pack.) after a while the aliens seem to stop spawning terror missions. What I believe is happening judging by the log information in the save game data is that all alien craft that are trying to spawn a terror site are being shot down.

To keep up mission variety I'm hoping to prevent this by using the alienMissions: STR_ALIEN_SHIP_ATTACK waves: entry of
Code: [Select]
      - ufo: dummy #don't spawn a ufo, we only want the site
        count: 1
        trajectory: P10
        timer: 0
        objective: true
Which instantly spawns a terror site with no alien craft that can be shot down.

However before I make the attempt I have two questions I'm hoping someone can answer.

Is ufo: dummy hardcoded to STR_ALIEN_SHIP_ATTACK or can I use it for anything?
(I checked the Ruleset Reference but didn't see any mention of how dummy was used)

If I alter all of the alienMissions: waves: terror missions with the above fix will it brick or corrupt my existing save when I update the mod?

I'm getting close to the end of the TFTD campaign and I'd hate to have to start from scratch.

Help / Re: I'm getting an error "Sound X in BATTLE2.CAT not found"
« on: August 18, 2023, 09:48:50 pm »
I have the solution!!!

In TFTD along with BATTLE.CAT there is a second file called BATTLE2.CAT that handles the underwater sounds.

So extraSounds: needs to be setup more like this:

Code: [Select]
  - type: BATTLE.CAT
# [=] Item - Test Object One [=]
      68: Resources/Sound/OBJECT_ONE_Activate.flac
# [=] Item - Test Object Two [=]
      69: Resources/Sound/OBJECT_TWO_Activate.wav
      70: Resources/Sound/OBJECT_TWO_Deactivate.wav
# [=] Item - Test Object Three [=]
      71: Resources/Sound/OBJECT_THREE_Activated.flac

  - type: BATTLE2.CAT
# [=] Item - Test Object One [=]
      68: Resources/Sound/OBJECT_ONE_Activate.flac
# [=] Item - Test Object Two [=]
      69: Resources/Sound/OBJECT_TWO_Activate.wav
      70: Resources/Sound/OBJECT_TWO_Deactivate.wav
# [=] Item - Test Object Three [=]
      71: Resources/Sound/OBJECT_THREE_Activated.flac

Alternatively you can place the following code in the vars.rul file:
Code: [Select]
disableUnderwaterSounds: trueAnd then all the times the game would call for BATTLE2.CAT (Underwater sounds) will instead redirect to its BATTLE.CAT equivalent.

Here is a working version of the example mod:

Released Mods / Re: [TFTD][MAP PACK] Maps from the Deep
« on: August 17, 2023, 03:53:48 am »
Version 1.5 of Maps from the Deep is now available. (

Efrenespartano has added more civilian variety and a small fix as been applied to one of the maps.
. Fixed a wall that could be walked through on MARTIAN_WAVE_RAIDER.MAP
. Civilian items can no longer be purchased.

V1-4 (By Efrenespartano)
. Added more civilian units.

Help / I'm getting an error "Sound X in BATTLE2.CAT not found"
« on: August 17, 2023, 01:18:45 am »
I'm currently running OpenXcom Extended 7.9.6 (v2023-05-21)

I've been learning how to add sounds to the game using extraSounds: and everything seemed to be working fine but then suddenly all new sounds stopped playing.

When I check the openxcom.log it listed these errors:
Code: [Select]
[16-08-2023_16-02-28] [ERROR] Sound 1069 in BATTLE2.CAT not found
[16-08-2023_16-02-32] [ERROR] Sound 1068 in BATTLE2.CAT not found
[16-08-2023_16-02-36] [ERROR] Sound 1071 in BATTLE2.CAT not found

What is strange is that even the sounds that did play before aren't working, so I'm not sure where to look for the error.

Here is the mod that produced the above error messages.

Aside from from the sound files themselves this code makes up the rest of the mod:
Code: [Select]
  - type: BATTLE.CAT
# [=] Item - Test Object One [=]
      68: Resources/Sound/OBJECT_ONE_Activate.flac
# [=] Item - Test Object Two [=]
      69: Resources/Sound/OBJECT_TWO_Activate.wav
      70: Resources/Sound/OBJECT_TWO_Deactivate.wav
# [=] Item - Test Object Three [=]
      71: Resources/Sound/OBJECT_THREE_Activated.flac

Code: [Select]

# [=] Item - Test Object One [=]
    primeSound: 68
    size: 0.1
    costBuy: 150
    costSell: 120
    weight: 3
    bigSprite: 20
    floorSprite: 19
    handSprite: 120
    power: 60
    damageType: 9
    battleType: 4
    armor: 110
    blastRadius: 5
    hitAnimation: 8

# [=] Item - Test Object Two [=]
    primeSound: 69
    unprimeSound: 70
    size: 0.1
    costBuy: 150
    costSell: 120
    weight: 3
    bigSprite: 20
    floorSprite: 19
    handSprite: 120
    power: 60
    damageType: 9
    battleType: 4
    armor: 110
    blastRadius: 5
    hitAnimation: 8

# [=] Item - Test Object Three [=]
    primeSound: 71
    size: 0.1
    costBuy: 500
    costSell: 400
    weight: 3
    bigSprite: 21
    floorSprite: 21
    handSprite: 120
    power: 70
    damageType: 3
    battleType: 5
    armor: 90
    blastRadius: 5
    hitAnimation: 8

Help / Re: What file formats can be used with extraSounds:
« on: August 17, 2023, 01:16:24 am »
It appears that .flac sound files seem to work as well.

Is it a good idea to mix audio formats or should all sound files be the same type?

Example (Mixed):
Code: [Select]
  - type: BATTLE.CAT
      68: Resources/Sound/OBJECT_ONE_Activate.flac
      69: Resources/Sound/OBJECT_TWO_Activate.wav
      70: Resources/Sound/OBJECT_TWO_Deactivate.wav
      71: Resources/Sound/OBJECT_THREE_Activated.flac

Example (Same):
Code: [Select]
  - type: BATTLE.CAT
      68: Resources/Sound/OBJECT_ONE_Activate.wav
      69: Resources/Sound/OBJECT_TWO_Activate.wav
      70: Resources/Sound/OBJECT_TWO_Deactivate.wav
      71: Resources/Sound/OBJECT_THREE_Activated.wav

Help / meleeMissSound:
« on: August 14, 2023, 06:34:08 pm »
On the Ruleset Reference I noticed that meleeMissSound's description says:
meleeMissSound - Sound ID from BATTLE.CAT played when this weapon misses a target with melee. Can be a list with multiple options.
I'm taking that to mean a sound will be randomly selected from the list and not that each will be played in sequence.

So far I haven't found an example of meleeMissSound: being used on the forum.

When used how is it phrased in the code, like this?
Code: [Select]
    meleeMissSound: [3, 55, 66, 88, 77, 10]

Help / What file formats can be used with extraSounds:
« on: August 14, 2023, 06:20:59 pm »
Do I need to use .wav or can other formats like FLAC also be used to add new sounds?

Released Mods / Re: [TFTD][MAP PACK] Maps from the Deep
« on: August 14, 2023, 02:23:29 pm »
Version 1.3 of Maps from the Deep is now available. (

This patch fixes several walls that could be walked through on a few different maps.

If any one encounters more wall tiles that you can move through please let me know.

I'm trying to spawn an alien base that is instantly visible to X-Com (Using showAlienBase: true) and that has different siteType: than the regular one.

So far I have been able to make the alien base appear but the text is not displaying what I was expecting on the Geoscape.
For some reason instead of the contents of the string assigned to markerName: it is displaying the string's name itself STR_TEST_MARKER_NAME.

Also, can the message for when this base is discovered by customized without effecting the discovery message for all other alien bases?

Currently it reads "X-Com patrols have located an Alien colony in North Pacific" but that will be confusing if the new site isn't actually an alien colony.

"Aliens have taken over a factory in _location name_" etc.

I've attached a small example mod to better explain how I'm currently trying to setup the mission spawning.

And here is the code from the mod:

Code: [Select]

# [=] Test Spawn Base [=]
    genMissionRaceFromAlienBase: false
    huntMissionRaceFromAlienBase: false
      - alienRank: 0
        lowQty: 2
        highQty: 2
        dQty: 0
        percentageOutsideUfo: 0
    width: 50
    length: 50
    height: 4
      - ISLAND
    script: ISLAND_TERROR
    alert: STR_TEST_ALERT
    alertBackground: BACK03.SCR
    markerName: STR_TEST_MARKER_NAME
    markerIcon: 7
    alienBase: true
      title: STR_TEST_TITLE
      palette: 4
      music: GMATTBAS
      background: BACK01.SCR
    points: 0
    race: STR_AQUATOID

Code: [Select]

# [=] Test Spawn Base [=]
    points: 0
    objective: 2
    spawnZone: 3
    showAlienBase: true
          STR_AQUATOID: 100
      - ufo: dummy #don't spawn a ufo, we only want the site
        count: 1
        trajectory: P10
        timer: 0
        objective: true

Code: [Select]

# [=] Test Spawn Base [=]
  - type: testSpawnBase
        STR_INDIAN_OCEAN: 10
        STR_THE_EAST_SEA: 10
        STR_NORTH_SEA: 10
        STR_CARRIBEAN: 10
    useTable: false
    startDelay: 150
    varName: testbasevar
    maxRuns: 1

Code: [Select]

  - type: en-US

      STR_TEST_TITLE: "Test Title"
      STR_TEST_DESCRIPTION: "Test Description"
      STR_TEST_MARKER_NAME: "Test Marker Name"
      STR_TEST_ALERT: "Test Alert"

Released Mods / Re: [TFTD][MAP PACK] Maps from the Deep
« on: August 08, 2023, 04:30:40 pm »
Version 1.2 is now available.

This version includes all of the content added by Efrenespartano and I've fixed what was causing the item spawn error on some of the maps.

. Fixed an interception image for the Conch that wasn't displaying correctly.
. Fixed itemSets: for the Cruise Ship, Hocus & Amoeba.

V1.1: (By Efrenespartano)
. Added Aircraft Carrier map.
. Added New_Civilian's Seabed maps.
. Added new military unit and paperdolls for the existing soldiers

Work In Progress / Re: [WIP][TFTD][MAP PACK] Maps from the Deep
« on: August 08, 2023, 04:13:05 pm »
This aircraft carrier map is great Efrenespartano. 

Those lifts provide some interesting situations.

OXCE Support / Re: sightRange near facilities
« on: August 01, 2023, 09:19:42 am »
Vexing, I am also interested in using those facilities: options and I don't think reverting to V7.7.3 is an option for what I'm working on.

Range at which the facility can detect alien bases in nautical miles.

Chance (0-100%) of this facility detecting an alien base that enters its sight range. More info:,8119.0.html

Released Mods / Re: [TFTD][MAP PACK] Maps from the Deep
« on: July 10, 2023, 09:52:54 pm »
Sorry this map pack is not compatible with Nord's World of (terrifying) silence mod.

I just tried downloading the .zip and it seems to be working at the moment, hopefully whatever caused the network error is gone.

Work In Progress / Re: [WIP][TFTD][MAP PACK] Maps from the Deep
« on: June 30, 2023, 09:05:03 am »
I'm uploaded Maps From The Deep V1-0, the map pack is now feature complete and fully functional.

You can find it on the new thread in the 'Released Mods' section of the forum:,11327.0.html

There have been several additions and fixes added:
. Added more maps by New_Civilian (B-Variants for classic TFTD craft.)
. Fixed Collector.png Interception image.
. Added new Geoscape missions that the aliens can send their crafts on.
. Added UFOpaedia entries for civilian weapons, the new alien missions and the new terror missions.
.. These can be researched via the normal method for learning of alien missions, Civilian Weapons entry is available from the start of the game and is found in the "General Equipment" section of the UFOpaedia.
. Fixed Piranha loading the Pufferfish's map blocks instead of its own.
. swapped "Intimidation of the Goverment" & Claw ships inside the Alien Infiltration UFO waves.
(Just didn't make sense in the current order thematically)

Any chance to have some pictures, my friend?

Good idea, I've added screenshots to the V1-0 release thread.

Suggestion: maybe recoloring a few tiles would give them new life! So not all the maps looks similar.
I agree that recolouring some of the tiles would have helped the craft stand out, I'll keep that in mind for future projects.

Question: is it compatible with any TFTD mod?
Is it compatible with  TWoTS+ Release (v.2.56) ?,5566.0.html

Sorry this map pack is most likely not compatible with mods that effect the alien craft spawning, terror missions or introduce new races.

From what I can see I don't think the TWoTS craft and alien races will spawn as expected if you activate the map pack after loading TWoTS.

I'm not currently familiar enough with the inner workings of Nord's TWoTS to adapt the map pack for use, but if someone else wants to try please feel free.

Exists some old strange "Grunge/Organic" style Alien USOs found on the strategycore xcom modding forum website.,
It was packed by Civilian, you  may found it here:,4157.0.html

Unfortunately I wasn't able to get in contact with Luchian Deurell or Sam Jeffreys to ask if they would be willing to allow their Grunge/Organic USOs to be added to the map pack.

Although I wasn't able to add the Grunge/Organic USO I have just added New_Civilian's B-Variants for all of the classic alien crafts. (8 New maps)

Thank you for pointing those out.

I'm enjoying a lot the map pack!

Got a couple of questions:

1.- any particular reason to not having the 1999 rifle and pistol available for XCOM? I noticed that those weapons are non-recoverable nor they have Pedia entry. It was an interesting surprise, nonetheless!

2.- could i contribute with some extra NPCs? In my own personal version, I'm adding a heavier trooper with Alien Alloys personal armor and helmet, perhaps it may be useful for you?

I've updated the mod to include UFOpaedia entries for the new missions, alien craft and the civilian weapons.
(Please overlook some of the new craft's UFOpaedia re-using the interception images.)
Spoiler"Civilian Weapons UFOpaedia":

The civilian UFOpaedia can be found in the "General Equipment" section and the rest of the research is unlocked through the same source as you would normally acquire that type from in the campaign.

I'm interested in seeing your NPCs. The only reason the current NPCs are not better armed or armored is I was trying to keep the map pack mostly close to the base game but couldn't resist placing armed guards on military sites.

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