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Messages - magitsu

Pages: [1] 2
XPZ Strategy/Tactics / Re: Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide
« on: January 19, 2023, 05:38:39 pm »
If you've looked for some hands-on advice, here's an ongoing channel with mission specific guides. N2 version, so very recent.

These seem to be covered at the moment:
Undersea Passage
UAC Vault
Ninja Outpost
Taberna del Diablo
Mage Tower
Abandoned Spaceship
Organ Grinder
Infamy score / charts

XPiratez / Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - v.N3 20-Dec-2022 Clear Skies
« on: January 06, 2023, 09:53:54 pm »
Are you talking about raid space freighters? Cuz u need spaceman for that as well.
If I've understood right, Any Spaceman requirement would fulfill with any of these:
Guild Spaceman · Guild Space Technician · Belter · Guild Ship Officer · Guild Navigator
So maybe you'll meet Guild Nav or Guild SO easier?

XPiratez / Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - v.N3 20-Dec-2022 Clear Skies
« on: January 02, 2023, 02:14:36 am »
When does captain's log #2 normally pop? I'm looking at the end of 2602 rn and getting a little nervous.
Do you meet the requirements? These probably still apply.,5345.msg143792.html#msg143792

XPiratez / Re: A thread for little questions
« on: December 21, 2022, 12:00:05 pm »
What Captain Personality matches with the Golden Codex choice?
Dumbass, Lazy-Ass and Jackass Captain all have Idea: Pride like Gold.

XPZ Strategy/Tactics / Re: Struggling in a few areas. Research, Air, Score.
« on: September 01, 2022, 10:19:45 am »
I agree that Plantation in the first base is a waste of space, since it breaks even in 3 months from placing. You should have better use for that space during that time (1->3 extractors and soon 1 workshop and the crew quarters for them). In every other base initially they can be useful.

For example plantation to every side of the newly placed lift and burrow in one direction, then radar next to the burrow if you want eyes. More plantations everywhere else. It will take several months for you to afford to transition plant tile to a hangar or factory, so they are guaranteed to be profitable. Though you can do runts too, with a little more initial work.

You are missing only Apple research for Chateau.
But only 7 brainers in May 24th... not good (still learning ofc). For example you could've had 4 already on day one by selling the corridors.
You could've sold captured soldiers and other stuff early to get 200k occasionally for extra brainers (at the start of each month), since you can't really research more than 3-5 in reasonable time anyway. Currently you have 1.4 million worth of gold bars, which should've been invested a long time ago for brainers and another base (aka more plantations). Hellerium, Plastasteel and Superconductives for 600k more since you've already built Personal Labs (don't need more SC wire soon after that).

Go to the Fence or Research screen and middle mouse click the items to see their research tree.
For example take a look at the Highwayman. Researching it is currently gating two mission types: !Highway House! and !Bandit Business!. You want to prioritize more mission types so you can get them starting next month instead of just looking at flying ufos you can't catch. Very fast Fugitive and Hideout Search order researches are on the other hand gating Doctor X storyline missions.
Gymnastics, Church Neophyte and Church Priest are gating Neophyte Bootcamp...

Just take a look at everything's tech trees. Doing so you should come to the realization why it's not the best use of your time to devote 2/7 of your researchers to Manstopper and Holdout pistol at this point. They don't gate anything, so you are only wasting your time getting similar items. Your Airbus is loaded to the brim. Too much variety and excess amounts like 40 vodka.
You also have ton of items there which haven't been researched, so you have to keep an eye on whether they are needed for research instead of being used. Surplus amounts can be used in a pinch even if you aren't able to replace them.

If you want to see where your radar can't, take a look at the charts. Shipping activity in regions shows that there's been 2-3k worth of activity in Central Asia last month. So if you want to be surprised, fly your Airbus to western China (but keep a save first). If you anchor there for a few hours, you might be surprised by what's between Forbidden Caves and Gardens of Delight.

Here's an example video which seems to have 8 brainers by Feb 15th.

XPiratez / Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - N1 29-Apr-2022 Every Day Is Caturday
« on: August 21, 2022, 09:26:21 pm »
Yeah, the roving bands are certainly unreachable. I think getting even to 5k probably requires going to that first Mutant Pogrom and taking few hundred positive from that. 2.5-3k is probably more reasonable good result.

Most common mission in the first 2nd months seems to be tthe Nurse bus of 4-5. That can feature 3-4 times. Likely just 1 temple raid, 1 shambler hunt, 1 academy outpost (the one with the first medic sighting), maybe mining ship if lucky. Then the 3rd month can have just about anything, even multiple reticulan landings.

XPiratez / Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - N1 29-Apr-2022 Every Day Is Caturday
« on: August 21, 2022, 07:49:55 pm »
Bro, you get (on average) 4.3 castaways in the first month (not including events).
Variance can be really high. For example I took a look at my new campaign: 1 castaway gal (though +1 hero too) in the first two months. Turan start.
Though I can attest that 3-4 within 2 months feels far more common result (previous start in Ghost Gates produced 3 or 4). I've had a three 2-3 month game starts with the current version trying to see how differently the early game could be played. Currently I'm of the opinion that I won't be gunning for set date 2 base in the next starts. Getting harvester or some other 1st major goals feels similarly interesting (or personal labs, 12+1 initial brainers is trivial already so getting it can be minmaxed without much effort).

XPiratez / Re: A thread for little questions
« on: August 12, 2022, 03:29:01 pm »
It probably needs just the UFO files (or TFTD), not both.

The readme hasn't been thoroughly updated in years since it still contains reference to OpenXcomExPlus39.exe (currently OpenXcomEx.exe). The current version info at the top of the file and changelogs at the bottom are though.
Copy files from your original "UFO: Enemy Unknown"/"X-Com: UFO Defense" folder to the "OpenXcom_XPiratez/UFO" folder.

I'm not sure about the The Data Patch mentioned here how the current OXCE installer covers it.

XPiratez / Re: A thread for little questions
« on: July 28, 2022, 06:06:08 pm »
I'm trying to hit my school graduation tech, but it's locked behind captains log #2 (needed for diplomacy) how do i get captains log 2?
This probably still applies:
       STR_PERSUASION: true
       STR_SAT_NETWORK: true
       STR_CHRONICLES_001: true
       STR_MEIDO_OUTFIT: true
       STR_ONSEN: true
       STR_PLOTTING: true

Captains log 1
earth's sattelite network
the social heirarchy
pirate traditions
*no targetting civilians*
contact smugglers
bikini production
maid outfit

The X-Com Files / Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« on: February 15, 2022, 05:36:51 pm »
Gang War crashes when loading into the mission.
Repeatable, save included. Newest version, save not transferred from previous version.

Could you be so kind to write a few words about what's new?
Moddb description seems to have the changelog:
v.M2 28-Sep-2021 Shadow Robots and Immortal Amazons
- OXCE upgrade to 7.1 29-Sep-2021
- Fix: Condemnations applied more properly (due to new OXCE)
- Fix: Ninja Jetfighter's shield removed
- New Mission: Halls of Fear
- New Enemy Units: Wraith Guard, Female Wraith versions (x2), Demon Warden
- New Craft: Big Bird
- New Soldiers: Destroid (paperdoll by Brain, postproduction by me, based on XOPS work), Xenforcer (gfx by Brain)
- New Armors: Minx (Gray only), Hermit (Green only), Crystalsinger (Bugeye; 3 ver.: normal, sea, shadowrealms; based on gfx by The Martian); Nightgown (SHA version), Hyena Rider (2x2)
- New Weapons: Shadowrealms Weapons (x2), 14mm Antitank Rifle, Accursed Swill, Gray Spellbook (11 spells), Plasma Tommy
- New Features: Lost Souls/Offerings to Demon Gods; Gifts of Golden Prince/Harems/Brides; Zombification/Zombie Revival; Handling Slime/SDD/Poltergeist (codex-dependant)
- New Condemnations: Traditional, Shellshocked, Atomic, Radical, Executioner, Thorny, Stabber, Femme Fatale, Hammerer
- New misc mapblocks (x3)
- Ninja bases activity reduced by 20%, Outposts by 33%; Ninja bases grow a bit slower
- Red-Eyed Brat's patience +1 month
- Accuracy on light craft cannons of all types up to +15%. Damage per shot reduced to compensate.
- Big craft guns rebalanced. Some got extra damage for lower acc. Laser nerf. Railgun & Plasma buff
- Jellyfish cannot be detected by enemies now
- Piranha can mount 2 weapons, but no armor, crew cap 2 -> 1, map updated
- Little Bird +missile slot
- Underwater non-scuba outfits fixed/updated suffocation-wise
- During Hideout Defenses, 15% for each Gal to be out of her uniform (other races unaffected)
- More lore & events
- Tweaks
- Minor fixes, lots of them

XPiratez / Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - M1 29-Aug-2021 Violent Laser Battle (...)
« on: September 24, 2021, 10:34:44 pm »
What do you think about adding new aircraft that does not require hangars and is called STORAGE UNIT where you can put items reserved for base attacks or any other cases to not to be accidentally sold and generally to not clutter up FENCE YER STUFF screen?
If such a thing is needed, it probably would be more elegant to just extend the hiding feature from the Black Market (buy tab). You can try it there, right mouse click hides after which those rows are only seen if you select the hidden category from the draw down box.

XPiratez / Re: A thread for little questions
« on: September 05, 2021, 02:31:39 pm »
Is the Air Car Race victory mission supposed to spawn Bystanders? I just got 714 points total due to 14 of them (+550) on top of the usual 150 + 10 Academy Student capped.

XPiratez / Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - L4 15-Sep-2020 Mad Melee Massacre
« on: September 21, 2020, 08:33:13 pm »
Agreed, balance is a bit delicate. Melee heavy missions might have too many enemies for this melee reaction version.
It's no problem that certain enemies really hurt from the front. Like you couldn't expect not to get hit when meleeing a blood hound with TUs. But the turning around bit for some is the question.

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