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Messages - DragonsLover

Pages: [1]
Translations / Re: French Canadian Translation
« on: May 31, 2016, 08:30:40 am »
Well, good news! The French Canadian language is completed. I haven't tested every single string, but I'd say that 99% have been checked by myself and should be fine. So, yay! ;D

Translations / Re: French Canadian Translation
« on: May 04, 2016, 02:20:42 am »
Nice idea, thanks for that. I even wonder why I didn't think about that earlier.

But is the term "USO" commonly used in TFTD?

Translations / Re: French Canadian Translation
« on: May 03, 2016, 06:39:37 am »
Thanks for the info!

Now, I'm facing a problem on TFTD translations. The term "sub" is okay in English, it's the short word for "submarine", but when it comes in French, it becomes troublesome because there's not really any short words for "sous-marin" and if often ends up having the text too long for many strings used in the game. I was thinking to use some kind of new acronym: SMA (for Sous-Marin Alien) the same way it goes with UFOs, but would that be intuitive (the term would be mentioned in the UFOpedia though)? Would it be okay if I use some kind of mix between the acronym and the normal text (for instance, "Le SMA n'est pas récupéré" vs "Le sous-marin alien est récupéré")? Should I keep the term "sub" but for a synonym of "sous-marin" which is "submersible"?

Ideally, having a larger area for the texts would be neat, but if it's not possible, I'd like to get any advice about that, because translating this game can become annoying.


Translations / Re: French Canadian Translation
« on: April 06, 2016, 09:07:40 am »
Hey everyone, I'm back! ;D

It's just to say that I have finished translating all the stings on Transifex for the French (Canada) for several days of hard work. However, there are still many things for me to fix before to make everything correct.

I've noticed though that compared to the already existing YML files, there are some strings missing, like the terrain types or the "Audio Sample Rate" option, or not in the same orders and in other cases, I have extra lines that don't exist in other languages, and to this I wanna ask: where is the absolute latest version of the original texts file (en_US I assume)? Does Transifex has all the strings to use in the game? And how do I submit the completed version of my translations?

Also, where can I define the "Québécois" string in the languages menu in-game?

And I have also translated the strings for the installer, but the "Français (Canada)" language isn't in the installer. Why is that?

Is there a way to be able to see every single texts and UI in the game for easy translation testing?

Thanks for the answers!

Translations / French Canadian Translation
« on: April 26, 2015, 11:21:02 am »
Hello everyone, I'm new here!

I'd be interested to translate Open XCom to French Canadian, with the help of the original French language and the new French language. I have registered to Transifex and would like to have the language added so that I could start translating. If possible, I would also like to proofread. I'm already a proofreader of a few projects on CrowdIn and I always make sure the translations are correct.


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