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Messages - mot2k

Pages: [1]
« on: January 13, 2024, 10:37:45 pm »
With OXCE 7.11, 40K mod version 036 with 033 cutscenes and rosigma ver 2.4 i am getting the following errors when trying to load them together:

Error for 'STR_ADEPTAS_RHINO_CRAFT': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_ADEPTAS_THUNDERHAWNK': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_ARMOR_COLUMN': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_ARMYPD': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_ARMY_P': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_ARVUS': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_ARVUS_GK': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_AVENGER': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_CASSIUM': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_CASTIGATOR_AUTOCANNON_CRAFT': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_CHAOS_THUNDERHAWNK': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_CHAPTERARMY': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_CHIMERA': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_CHIMERAPD': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_CHIMERAPDH': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_CHIMERA_LIGHT_IG': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_CORVUS': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_DROP': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_DROPPODS_ADEPTAS': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_DW_LANDRAIDER': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_DW_THUNDERHAWNK': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_FIRESTORM': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_GORGON': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_IMPULSOR': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_IMPULSORS': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_IMPULSOR_DW': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_LANDRAIDER': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_LIGHTNING': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_REPULSOR_T': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_REPULSOR_T_DW': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.

Disregard the above. I've just noticed that Rosigma was only supports OXCE 7.9.8

Pages: [1]