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Messages - johnykvsky

Pages: [1]
Builds & Ports / Re: AppImage - Universal package for Linux
« on: December 31, 2023, 10:38:07 am »
I have created docker image to build AppImage packages - you can find it on [github]/johnykvsky/openxcom-appimage and build AppImage from latest sources on your own, with few simple commands shown in readme file

Tools / Docker image for easier AppImage building
« on: December 27, 2023, 10:23:21 pm »

I think this is right place since this is a tool - I have created Docker image to create x64 AppImage package from latest sources. Maybe someone will find it handy.

Since I'm not allowed to post external links, you can find it on [github]/johnykvsky/openxcom-appimage

In Download section of OpenXcom webpage AppImage linux builds are from 2021 due to Travis limitations - this is why I came up with this Docker image, to be able to easily get latest build for Linux. 

Pretty easy, just run docker, execute build script and wait a while, done. Oh, one thing - you need your transifex api token. I don't know if there is public one available that I can use, so I registered there and used my own token.

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