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Messages - pkrcel

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Released Mods / Re: [FINAL][MegaMod]Equal Terms 2.0++
« on: January 01, 2021, 11:49:48 pm »
Hey there, long time I havent0 played your mod or openxcom in general but had to cut down the time playing in the last two years.

I was boarding once again and tried to load the latest version into latest OXCE at the time of this writing, but got this strange error:

Code: [Select]
[ERROR] Error processing 'HOVERTANK_ARMOR_ET' in armors: Number of battle corpse items does not match the armor size.
I modified the ET_FS_HWPv2000b041.rul file to get the thing to load, commenting out 3 out of the 4 corpse items in the HOVERTANK_ARMOR_ET object section and it loads, I don't know if that works fine thou.

Hope this is useful.

Released Mods / Re: [WIP][Beta][MegaMod]Equal Terms 2.0++
« on: March 18, 2019, 10:16:09 pm »
Sorry for not being online for a while, got only now your answer.

I actually was under the impression that Sectopods were "fixed" to use plasma weapons in vanilla Openxcom, I guess I didn't check that....

Once you hit the personal armor tier, soldiers get more "proper" wounds that require some 10 days to recover, and die far less than before that tier. Good plasma shots still are dangerous, but no way you get insta-killed like w/o, and with power armors you get NO insta-kill, but the occasional bleeding that kills the unfortunate lone soldier that gets no first-aid in time.

The small launcher still gets some guys knock'd out occasionally, and the Blaster launcher seems a bit nerfed cause concussion damage is effective only on the explosion tile.

My soldier pack is quite the steamroller right now, thou again ....last game wa more than a month ago and I'm not on superhuman.,,,,will fix that tough through savegame editing once I get the chance to play might not believe me but I really have close to NO time.  :o

Released Mods / Re: [WIP][Beta][MegaMod]Equal Terms 2.0++
« on: February 10, 2019, 10:10:39 pm »
Hello There,
    sorry for not getting back to you earlier but work and a bad flu struck me out of order for a few days.

To answer your question, soldiers ARE getting some scratches, but I have the impression they're basically safe and sound while wearing power armor; I mean I had two soldiers corner a Sectopod in a battleship (IIRC, might have been another UFO) and exchange point-blank shot for a (long) while....result is a wrecked sectopod and a couple flesh wounds for my guys. I'm not on superhuman though, so that might be the issue here.  ::)


Released Mods / Re: [WIP][Beta][MegaMod]Equal Terms 2.0++
« on: January 28, 2019, 02:41:32 am »
Hey there,
   long time I didn't post jere but upon getting back on the saddle I was hit by a seriuos issue runnung both Equal Terms and Terrain pack mods.

Since Hobbes mod redefines Alien base tiles (UBASE_REDUX), I ended up never getting the HYPER WAVE ENCODER (which is planted in UBASE_00) so it was impossible to scale up the research tree to the HYPER WAVE DECODER facility.
I checked and editing the UBASEREDUX_00 tile in terrain pack makes the item appear regularly (5 times out of 5 tries).

This of course didn't prevent me to go up to Cydonia or Bust, so technically it's not a showstopper per se, but it's blocking a part of research so actually blocking a part of the game.

Another thing I noticed is that when a solder in flyong suit dies, I get a Damaged Power Armor to be repaired and not the fying one, I scoured the rulesets but I'm not too keen on those and couldn't find the possible cause.

Also, using TFTD damage model as you suggest, power suits are impressively can easily go frontal assault on sectopods, I got EXACTLY ONE causalty since power suits appeared on the field.

Hope this fedback is useful, keep up the good work since this is still one of the greatoest mods.


Released Mods / Re: [WIP][Beta][MegaMod]Equal Terms 2.0 - Beta 1.997
« on: November 25, 2014, 12:14:06 am »
Well, after a week's or so hiatus, I finally developed the plasma dream team (for the sake of researching everything) and stormed Cydonia.

I'm a bit disappointed by the Panic system, I did NOT find the brain but it got destroyed by the many panicking Ethereals, I was almost 75% through the base (turn 15 or such If I remeber correctly) when all of a sudden I won during alien turn.

Ethereals panicked starting as soon as turn THREE when I dispatched 3 chrissalid total (one of 'em was my first trooper causalty), I've seen as much as three panicked blaster-wielders (which suicided along their guard) and countelss plasma bolts in the dark. I killed 4 unarmed Ethereals and one with a Blaster Launcher but at 0 TUs due to (I guess) panic.

I lost a whooping THREE soldiers so far to the final turn and one was due to a misguided Xcom blaster bomb which turned a corner to tight.... ::)

I don't know if you tweaked the Cydonia deployment against Vanilla, but this sure was the most panicked Ethereal army I met. Was it not for the Chrissalids (which are notably Blaster-bomb resistant to extreme extent) I woudl hve gone through unscathed.

Work In Progress / Re: [Crafts][Weapons] XCom Armoury Expanded - v1.03
« on: November 19, 2014, 01:09:47 pm »
ALL 1x1 units can be Zombified in "standard" openxcom, even non-biological ones (scout drones for example).

Openxcom extended project implemented a feature that allows for zombification to be prevented with an armor flag...we all hope this will be pulled in the main branch sooner or know for that anti-chrissalid armor we want so badly  :P

Fan-Stuff / Re: I had forgotten how impressively bad regular grenades are.
« on: November 19, 2014, 07:47:04 am »
But in that case you end up with grenades that are indestructible, while they should have a chance to go off even if NOT primed when being hit by a shockwave.

Anyway, I think it's also a game balancing element, otherwise you could theoretically stack a bucketload of grenades wreck havoc since day 0.

Troubleshooting / Re: Recoverable armors and stunned soldiers
« on: November 19, 2014, 12:35:22 am »
Most probably the same thing that SHOULD be done for Xcom corpses but it is NOT done due to the corpeses being unrecoverable in Vanilla.

I understand most of Falko's argument, but selling the damaged armor should costs $0 IMO, why pay? I mean, if an unarmored soldier dies usually you don't get it's corpse and usually you do not have to pay for the burial  :P

Fan-Stuff / Re: I had forgotten how impressively bad regular grenades are.
« on: November 19, 2014, 12:31:48 am »
The second grenade thing is quite handy, since I've seen most of my stacked grenades get destroied by the first explosion....

Troubleshooting / Re: Recoverable armors and stunned soldiers
« on: November 18, 2014, 10:21:11 pm »
Now this is interesting..... I never noticed myself.

It's kind if weird, I'll have a look at the item recovery code.

Open Feedback / Re: difficulty level shown in save menu
« on: November 17, 2014, 11:08:28 am »
I was probably confusing myself with the IRONMAN feature....shoulda check later.

Suggestions / Re: Turn UFO landing into crashed ufo via battlescape damage
« on: November 16, 2014, 08:59:09 pm »
What would be the logic in this?

Open Feedback / Re: difficulty level shown in save menu
« on: November 16, 2014, 08:57:41 pm »
It should already be visible when the save in the Load Game dialog screen.....isn't it?

Released Mods / Re: [WIP][Beta][MegaMod]Equal Terms 2.0 - Beta 1.997
« on: November 11, 2014, 10:29:05 pm »
At work currently, but I will do a clean install and run the research tree up.

Is this a new save?

Nope, it's the same playthrough I already shared (albeit more into the lategame, of course).

But I actually haven't researched all the tech tree yet.....might be something like that?

ANyway I noticed that the Sniper Plasma Mags cost 3 elerium (or 33 Heavy shots) for FIVE shots...this seems a bit too much (even thou that 160 damage is zounds!)

Released Mods / Re: [WIP][Beta][MegaMod]Equal Terms 2.0 - Beta 1.997
« on: November 11, 2014, 10:13:55 am »
I need to downlaod the latest package King, I installed your ones but the plasma and laser tanks are still the vanilla ones and no more.

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