Solved my problem, sort of! I've exchaned the midi files in the SOUND folder with ogg music from
this page, and now the app runs flawlessly

I'd still like to use the midi files at some point, but I'm happy it works now.
I've played for an hour and I must say I am really surprised just how well the game works. Especially how well the controls work in geoscape and the menu! Apart from all being a little bit small it feels very natural and well ported. Alas, I have to agree with aceshigh concerning the movement controls in battlescape. It's not as bad as I thought it would be, but just like he describes it just feels "off". Especially since often times when tapping on a tile, it will show a movement path to that point, whereas the "cursor box" will be placed at a different tile next to that spot. I guess one problem is that the cursor in the PC version is never directly placed on the tile itself, but as aceshigh said you still always know exactly what you are pointing at because of the box.
Still, it's awesome to have such a high quality version of X-Com on a mobile phone, thanks a lot!
I've disabled "drag scrolling" in the options, which enables you to just move the cursor by dragging on the screen. This shows that indeed the cursor works exactly as on the PC, but since you can actually see and move the cursor box, making precise inputs is much easier. I think it would greatly improve the controls if normal dragging with one finger would only move the cursor like that, whereas dragging with two fingers would move the camera. This way I think you could easily combine precise with quick controls without the need for additional buttons or functions

The only problem would be the "long press tile to turn soldier" function, since it often triggers accidentally when dragging the cursor.
Played a lot longer than intended now. With the knowledge that you have to tap slightly above (not to the side, just above) the ground tile you wish to select, the controls are much less of an issue. They're not ideal, but I've only rarely made mistakes now, while ordering the squad around is still quick.
I'm pretty fascinated, playing Xcom on a mobile phone this way is so much more fun than I imagined. I'm really surprised I haven't heard of your android port before, this is pretty big news!