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Messages - QuakeSlayer

Pages: [1]
Released Mods / Re: [TFTD] [Expansion] TWoTS+ Release (v.2.59)
« on: December 09, 2023, 10:44:45 pm »
Version 2.59 is up.
- New mission type - underwater terror;
- new events;
- Minor bugfixes.

Most votes was against oxygen mechanic, so maybe later.
Not much things changed. If someone want to help with new shipping terror maps - i will be happy.

Also, have you seen any upgraded tftd globe? It will be good to upgrade globe, but hybrid ones not fitting TFTD setting.

I had two ideas for the future update. The first is to add the Seamaster interior for the surface missions. I had found some of the refs I could find about the insides of the Seamaster (Note the sketches I could find is Convair Model 52 which is the closest thing I could find) The second option I mentioned when I first joined the forum is to maybe try to add elements of TFTD: Vanilla Plus not the hybrid globe of course but something like new enemies from
Daev1675441619 Expanded Aliens, Expanded Arsenal and Alien Rank Variants and the crafts from the TFTD+ itself from that into your mod.

Maybe giving Citizens weapons to give them some defense in shipping and terrorist missions.

Released Mods / Re: [TFTD][OXCE][Major] TFTD: Vanilla Plus
« on: November 27, 2023, 07:57:45 pm »
Based on the original post and being based on or inspired by "Easier TFTD" mod, I thought the intent was to make the mod easier than vanilla TFTD. (Which I'm not personally that interested in.)

But it appears that is not the purpose, but rather make the game somewhat longer, balance it differently and make it more sensible. Whether it becomes somewhat easier or harder is immaterial. (As a TFTD veteran I'd say the vanilla game is not all that difficult, if you know how to play it, but rather some missions are just so tedious and dangerous that you want to avoid them, because you don't need to complete them.) I definitely think the idea of different (and easier) Alien Base missions sounds promising. The same applies to 2-stage terror ship missions.

Significant increase in variety is also something I'm looking forward to. Wrt. TFTD I have liked TWoTS a lot but its one drawback is that the progress might end up being very slow and sluggish repeat of hundreds of essentially identical and easy-ish USO missions (unless you just shoot down and ignore). If there would be more variety (compare, for example, to X-Com Files), I suppose that could avoid getting bored by the game too quickly.

When looking out for balancing and making various things more relevant, you may also want to check out, compare and contrast to how this was accomplished in TFTD Evolution by Alpha Centauri Bear. The purpose of that mod was also to make the game more difficult (even excessively so, I think):,8661.0.html

Oh I had asked about having elements of the Vanilla Plus into TWoTS like Hybrid globe and land mission with the aliens from there into TWoTS.

Released Mods / Re: [TFTD] [Expansion] TWoTS+ Release (v.2.58)
« on: November 25, 2023, 11:48:35 pm »
Hey, guys. How about...
Oxygen consumption?
What do you think, shall i add this concept?

Hey Nord I heard about the new TFTD: Vanilla Plus mod from Daev would at some point incorporate it into your mod? It's new but it's started to have things like the Land USO missions, Civilian Weapons and New Facilities.

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