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Messages - NeoWorm

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Resources / Re: Neoworm Sprites dump
« on: February 09, 2021, 09:12:38 pm »
I had idea of having second Sectoid race that would appear later in game and would be on level of Ethereals. Some kind of variour caste of sectoids compared to scouts from the begining. All their soldiers would be these mechs. If you destroy it, out jumps armed Sectoid soldier so you have to kill each unit effectively twice. Medics and Engineers would be buffed too and they would have both Leader and Commander with psionics on level of Ethereals. Only the Navigators would be kinda weak. Also intead of cyberdisc, they would have those cyberspheres that would work similarly to cyberdiscs, only smaller and faster. Maybe armed with blaster :-)

Resources / Re: Neoworm Sprites dump
« on: February 03, 2021, 07:24:50 pm »
An improved Snakeman and Floater paperdolls. Modified Floater battlescape sprites, corpse and floorob.

Resources / Re: Neoworm Sprites dump
« on: February 03, 2021, 07:07:11 pm »
Hi everybody, I kinda never released some sprites I was hogging for far too long.

So here you go, feel free to use anything.

Fireman axe, flare (unused and burning), combat hatchet, breach hammer have only inventory sprites
Bow should have all it's sprites (I am not sure if didn't posted it already somewhere else)
Combat drugs, first aid kit, big stimpack and small stimpack have inventory and floor sprites.

I think I had working mod for those but I can't find it.

Flechette guns are kinda meh, but somebody may find use for them.

Released Mods / Re: Zero Content Base mod
« on: June 10, 2018, 03:07:07 am »
Nice to see somebody interested. I somehow fell out of openXCom for the time being, but I have slightly more advanced version with more tweaks. I think there was some problem that I coudn't get rid of with the tank paperdolls and so I didn't posted it here. I may look into it and post it.

Also I have some new sprites I am currently hogging to myself, I will probably post it in my resource thread later...

Resources / Re: Neoworm Sprites dump
« on: January 05, 2018, 06:38:31 pm »
The chassis (armor) is not defined in the item ruleset.  The name of the item in the ruleset (e.g. STR_TANK_CANNON) is used to find a unit in the units ruleset with the same name and race; this is the unit that is spawned in the battlescape, using the weapon from the items ruleset.  You can therefore change the armor for each type of tank in the units ruleset.
Okey, that's the missing piece of information, thanks.

Resources / Re: Neoworm Sprites dump
« on: January 05, 2018, 05:24:41 pm »
I don't need to change the paperdoll based on used weapon - I am not crazy and I know I have only limited time. I just wanted to change tank inventory images and found out that the tanks are defined in some really crazy way that I hardly understand. Because the inventory image is defined by armor, but all tanks and all hovertanks share the same armor. So making the multiple armors with just different inventory images as was suggested before. But I still don't know how is the chassis determined in the item ruleset.

Resources / Re: Neoworm Sprites dump
« on: December 30, 2017, 05:11:23 pm »
Hovertanks are fine, but the normal tanks needs more work.

I am now trying to add these into the game and... Is there a way to make all the types of tanks have different inventory images? I never before even attempted to modify 2x2 units and especially ones with a turret. What I know is that the hull is defined as an armor and turred type is determined by item. Can't find if there can be more turrets defined and how will the item determine which hull it uses.

OXCE Suggestions DONE / Re: Hunter-killer
« on: December 27, 2017, 02:05:19 am »
Some time ago when this thread opened I spend few days brainstorming ideas and taking notes, since Meridian is around again I think I should write some of the ideas down.

I think the GUI should stay the same for both X-Com intercepting UFOs and UFOs intercepting X-Com. With all the options player have. For the sake of consistency. Even if that choosing disengaging speed will just mean UFO will take more time to get into range. Even better the GUI should be the same and the system working within the GUI we already have. I think there is a potential of UFOs changing their behaviour depending on player actions or other circumstances.

There should be probably UFO maneuvers described in the text line in the GUI. For better readability of the game. Can't check the video if is or isn't already there.

There is, I think, a problem with handling multiple craft battles. When a hunter-killer tries to engage X-Com craft that is already following a UFO. I think the hunter-killer should overtake the interception window making the X-Com craft disengage the original target. If the system gets more complicated (and I believe it will) I think sticking to one UFO vs multiple X-Com crafts would be the best for both programing, tradition and design clarity. Multiple crafts attacking each other could very easily devolve into unreadable mess.

Another thing I think could be problem is attacking X-Com transport planes returning from a mission. As far as I know when ground mission ends, all the loot is transported to the base immediately. That would not happen if the plane is shot down. Also if there will be some sort of mission after the plane is shot down, it should take into consideration all the injusries and lost or used equipment on board. For now simply excluding returning planes from hunter killer AI would be sufficien to avoid all these problems.

The radar range of UFO should be hidden from player. I think at least researching the UFO type should be necessary. Or better UFO type researched and Hyperwave Decoder in range.

Hunter Killers current target should be readable through Hyperwave decoder.

Also an idea of escorting X-Com transports by fighter planes came up in the thread. But it would be kinda difficult since if the UFO, which is almost always faster, picks the transport as a first target the fighter can't do much. There could be solution with either X-Com crafts flying in formations as single node on Geoscape which would need new systems to set it up. Or the hunter killer could just follow X-Com craft for some time at the begining of dogfight in similar manner X-Com can follow UFO, making it possible for another X-Com craft to join in into the fight and reducing this problem to normal one UFO vs multiple X-Com crafts battle. This solution is typical gamedesign avoiding of the problem, but I think it can work well enough.

And now some wild ideas that I had:
  • High level solution and I think in the end the best solution for maneuvers in interception would be to make all the maneuvers skillcheck of the pilot instead of just comparision of the craft speeds with pilot giving only bonuses. Each success means getting nearer to desired position (normal, cautious, standoff, disengage) - how far of for how long depending on how succesfull the pilot was. It can be justified by pilot outmaneuvering the UFO. When X-Com craft disengages the UFO is slowed down for some time while the X-Com can get some distance. Tie in experience gain depending on succesfull skillchecks and it would make pilots more of a characters and air combat more involved.
  • New Craft equipment like Mind shield (masking the craft with the use of pilots PSI skill/strenght) and portable Hyperwave decoder.
  • Since UFOs are now aware of X-Com crafts on geoscape and can react to them, what about UFOs running away from X-Com? or calling reinforcements. I don't know if generating a new mission called reinforcements that just spawns one single wave of attack UFOs in the same area is feasible or more robust system would be needed.
  • UFO can have preferences of type of X-Com craft they will attack. Each UFO having list of types of Crafts to engage and avoid. With types of crafts definable by player similarly to categories. So in the end there could be UFOs that will attack transports but run away from fighters or UFOs that will prefer some type of fighter before others. I think two lists of categories (one for avaoiding one for engaging) with weights and chances could work. Chance determining if the UFO will react checked periodically in some time increments as lont as the crafts are in range and weight determining if the UFO will change it's target if another craft enters his range - higher weight wins.
  • UFOs reacting to player depending on their action in the interception window. There could be a chance that if UFO damages X-Com craft enough it will decide to switch to hunter killer mode and finish it or on the contrary if the UFO is damaged, it will just try to run.
  • Also UFOs instead of attacking X-Com craft only follow him to the base. Keeping it's distance just like player could with standoff range.

OXCE Suggestions OK / Re: [REQUEST] Make more than one hangar size possible
« on: December 24, 2017, 04:07:37 pm »
Universal is any hangar with all functions, common hangar have no special function. Craft have specified function he requires from hangar if none specified, it can fit anywhere. You can define your own functions so, that means space port is just a function, submarine pen is just another function. Small craft or big craft is just another function, unless you want to make 2x2 crafts for 3x3 hangars. That function is also requirement for crafting said craft. Moving crafts between hangars in the base will have to be done anyway. If a craft that can be in hangar A or B is in hangar A and you want to build craft that requires hangar A, the game either have to be smart enough to move said craft, or player needs a way to move the aircrafts manually. Still think the "ProvideBaseFunctionality" is logical way.

OXCE Suggestions OK / Re: [REQUEST] Make more than one hangar size possible
« on: December 24, 2017, 02:34:20 pm »
For me it's much more confusing to find the propper property across 3 readme files and ruleset references. I like universal stuff more. Also I don't see how is the functionality that diferent. It provides info for crafting and research, at least with the crafting it ovelaps. Also you woudnt need to specify allowed and disallowed buildings by name on each craft and propagate it through the whole mod. Just make a tag ang use that.

OXCE Suggestions OK / Re: [REQUEST] Make more than one hangar size possible
« on: December 24, 2017, 02:23:41 pm »
One craft needs hangar with ONLYSMALL function, other needs hangar with ONLYBIG function. I don't see a probles. On the contrary. You don' t need to check if you manufacture craft if it fits the hangar, only if the function is present in base.

OXCE Suggestions OK / Re: [REQUEST] Make more than one hangar size possible
« on: December 24, 2017, 11:08:50 am »
Would it be possible to extend "provideBaseFunc:" for this? How I understand it the BaseFunction works for a base as a whole, not for building themselves. Which means having one hangar with large craft function would mean ALL the hangars in that base have this function. So a logic that would check for free hangar and it's provided function would be needed.
But than it would go like: add to aircraft requirement for Base function, add propper function to hangar and done!

Resources / Re: Neoworm Sprites dump
« on: December 10, 2017, 11:33:58 pm »
Floaters paperdolls. Blue one will be the floater scientist/medic inspired by Ufopedia image.. And X-Com Engineer also inspired by Ufopedia image.

There is also weird alien on UFO navigation Ufopedia image, but he have underminate race. So I didn't decided yet how to use him, but he will come one day.

I also started Tank paperdoll but I am not liking it so far. It will probably need some different approach.

Resources / Re: Neoworm Sprites dump
« on: December 04, 2017, 12:26:00 am »
Tried if it would fit X-Com... and it kinda does. 8 rotations, 4 frames of animation + dead sprite. Inventory and Ufopedia will be easy. So another thing to finish later.

By the way can we have an animated 2x2 unit with rotations?

Resources / Re: Neoworm Sprites dump
« on: November 27, 2017, 12:45:53 pm »
Feel free to do so. This spplies to pretty much anything in this thread.

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