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Messages - skyhawk

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Anybody using my previous MT-32 recordings should throw them in the trash and download my new MUNT-emulated CM-32L recordings!

They are superior to the MT-32 recordings in every way.

Mod-portal link
[There's also an Enhanced Reverb version there, recorded with a front panel Reverb configuration of 8/10]

Version 3.1 of both Standard and Enhanced Reverb are up on the mod portal.
This should fix most complaints of "the songs are too quiet".

It's been pointed out to me that many of these are very quiet.

That's actually an accurate representation of what you got with the real hardware - the issue here is that a few tracks, such as GMWIN are very loud, and I'm trying to preserve the relative loudness level between the tracks.

I'm going to massage these a bit. Expect a new version in a day or so.

If anyone wants it, I've recorded a version with MUNT configured to match the MT-32 front panel Reverb setting 8/10.
It's on the mod portal along with the regular version.

Could you also upload the old version to the mod portal? I am sure that some purists out there will want it. =)
It's right where it always has been.
Even purists would be stupid to use this as opposed to the CM-32L captures though.

I'm not joking. There is absolutely no reason to use these over the MUNT CM-32L recordings.

If anyone's curious to hear a side-by-side comparison of actual hardware vs. Munt, this video right over here is for you.

Just downloaded thanks.
I'm an audio engineer, i'm curious are the original files all midi ? For the intro, geoscape, etc ?

The original game shipped with both General MIDI and CM-32L MIDI data. That's why the CM-32L Cydonia briefing sounds so different - I'm guessing the composer half-finished the CM-32L version then forgot about it and shipped it incomplete.

You may find this forum thread to be interesting reading.

Suggestions / Re: Let custom .rul files live with options.cfg?
« on: April 03, 2023, 10:36:49 am »
How would those definitions be added to the game?  I know, I need to specify mods to load in the menu, which reflects in the global config file.

This thread pre-dates the current mod folder and infrastructure. There's nothing of any value here whatsoever to any OpenXCom built within the last several years.

Anybody using my previous MT-32 recordings should throw them in the trash and download my new MUNT-emulated CM-32L recordings!

They are superior to the MT-32 recordings in every way.

Mod-portal link
[There's also an Enhanced Reverb version there, recorded with a front panel Reverb configuration of 8/10]

OXCE Support / Re: Alien side
« on: March 29, 2023, 03:19:30 am »
What limitation? I said explicitly that zombie unit is faction IS overridable by scripts, you have exposed all needed function to control all aspect of it used by OXCE.

The player Chryssalid kills an enemy unit to make a zombie (zombieUnit:). As Meridian stated above, this zombie is *hard-coded* to be hostile. Y-script can make the Chryssalid that spawns when the zombie *dies* be friendly. But it can't make the zombie itself friendly.

  • Player Chryssalid kills an enemy unit, creating a zombie
  • That zombie is enemy-controlled <-- y-script cannot fix this
  • When that zombie dies, it will spawn a new Player Chryssalid
  • That new Player Chryssalid will be enemy-controlled <-- y-script can fix this

OXCE Support / Re: Alien side
« on: March 28, 2023, 09:11:36 pm »
I took a stab at this, because I was interested in if I could work-around the limitation via y-script. And I couldn't find a way to do it.

If I may make a suggestion, I don't think it will break anything (At least nothing vanilla) if you make Zombies belong to the faction of the zombifying unit (Chryssalid).

Alternatively, if you allow y-script to change the faction of a new unit during createUnit then y-script can work around this limitation. You're already halfway there, what with BattleUnit.getFaction and BattleUnit.getOriginalFaction. The hooks for altering the zombie spawn behavior are already there. I think we just need a BattleUnit.setFaction

But I'm sure there's more complexity under the hood than I'm aware of.

Open Feedback / Re: OpenXCom TFTD MT-32 Music Pack?
« on: May 21, 2021, 03:44:57 pm »
And a new release, this time to flex the MT-32's integrated Reverb circuitry, which I absolutely adore.

This is available from the Mod Portal, just like the previous version.



I've got Max Reverb uploaded, I intend to have Enh Reverb uploaded in a day or two.

OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) / Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
« on: May 18, 2021, 09:05:22 pm »
Don't want to start a new thread for this, but I have a quick question.

It looks like the Android port of OXCE uses SDL_Mixer2 - any chance of that change being back-ported to the pc version (And ideally backported all the way to vanilla OpenXCom)? SDL_Mixer2 should support the LOOPSTART and LOOPEND .ogg metadata tags, which will allow me to make better MT-32 music packs.

Work In Progress / TFTD Tech-tree Rework and Lore Expansion 0.2
« on: May 18, 2021, 04:55:53 pm »
After almost two years buried under a pile of rubble on the back burner, I'm back with v0.2!

TFTD Tech-tree Rework and Lore Expansion 0.2

DOWNLOAD at the Mod Portal:
CheatSuite for the Rework:

This mod completely reworks the TFTD tech-tree, with aim to expanding the lore and making the technological progression a bit more believable. There are more options and buildables early game, and the late-game Ion armors are enhanced, but take longer to get to.

Game balance at this point can probably be described as 'lol'. I need to take some time to spreadsheet things out to get the overall research hours similar to vanilla.

I'm trying to avoid making large changes to the gameplay experience [And I have the artistic ability of a turnip], so little new artwork or battlescape units are planned.

This mod REQUIRES OpenXCom Extended 7.0.5 or newer (Changes were made to how getOneFreeProtected behaves in 7.0.3-Test) - At time of writing this can only be found in the main OXCE forum thread:,6586.msg138583.html#msg138583

Changes to vanilla:

* Too many to count. More variety and flexibility with early game units and armors, with late-game equipment taking longer to get to.

Wishlist/Todo - Feedback, suggestions and contributions for the below are welcome!

* Lots of artwork (UFOPedia artwork, mostly) and level design (New base facility artwork and Battlescape maps). Assistance is more than welcome!

* I've got palette problems with a bunch of the Battlescape artwork I've done. Most visible with the Plastic (Grey) Coelecanth and basic Ion Armor (Orange) showing red highlights during motion or line-of-fire-obstructed flashing.

* Translations are welcome! I've only supplied English text. English proofreading suggestions are also welcome.

* I still really don't like a lot of the UFOPedia text for the Alien descriptions and autopsies, these will likely be revised in the future.

* I'm considering (Have pretty much planned and have a good idea what the flavor text would be) adding an 'Advanced Gauss' family of weapons to the game, requiring late-game research and infrastructure to build. These would be all-around better than the early-game Gauss, and require small amounts of Zrbite to build, but would be overall much more economical than Sonic weapons. Seems like a waste of time considering that Lobsters are nearly immune to Gauss, and by that point every alien you drop leaves a Sonic Cannon for you to use.

* Lots more shit I'm forgetting right now, I'm sure.


Version 0.1 - Initial Release
Version 0.2 - Way too many changes to list, project name changed to 'Tech-tree rework and Lore Expansion for TFTD'

Work In Progress / Re: [TFTD] Aqua-Plastics Rework v0.1 [WIP]
« on: May 18, 2021, 04:52:31 pm »
Archive of original forum post:
[TFTD] Aqua-Plastics Rework v0.1 [WIP]

TFTD Aqua-Plastics Rework for OpenXCom

This makes a number of changes and introduces several plastics-integrated versions of Earth technology to the game. Plastic coelecanths,  flying subs, and crude plastic-plated diving suits. This mod includes my research fix for the Gauss Coelecanth, which removes the nonsensical New-Flying-Sub prerequisite for it.

The intention is to make Aqua-Plastics discovery and research make a bit more sense, and be a bit more believable (at least for me). I find it absolutely incredulous that your best-and-brightest scientists, engineers and technicians discover this new wonder-material and do absolutely nothing with it until mid-late-game. I'm trying to avoid making large changes to the gameplay experience [And I have the artistic ability of a turnip], so little new artwork or battlescape units are planned.

This is tested on OpenXCom Extended, though to my knowledge it should work fine on vanilla OpenXCom.

Balanced -
CheatSuite edition [See] -

Changes to vanilla:

* The economics of the Gauss Coelecanth required a tweak, making them less viable as a money-making item. Realistically this makes no difference as you're better off selling the big Gauss Cannon anyways.

* A tiny tweak to the Aqua-Plastics UFOPedia page is needed for any of this to make sense.

* Plastic Aqua Armor now requires dissection of either a Deep One or a Lobsterman (As both autopsies mention plastics integrated into their bodies). This fixes the (unlikely) potential issue where you don't have any dead Deep Ones a few months into the game when they disappear.

Wishlist/Todo - Feedback, suggestions and contributions for the below are welcome!

* UFOPedia page for the Plastic Plated Diving Suit. Ideally this would be based on the Diving Suit page, but there ISN'T ONE!.

* Differentiated Battlescape Paperdoll for the Plated Diving Suit is probably a good idea.

* Fix prerequisites for Ion Armor. You can't figure out how to make powered armor until you've interrogated a Deep One terrorist that has questionable intelligence and appears to make no use of technically-powered armor. What? I'd like to change this to something sensible and less broken, but I'm not sure what I could change it to without disrupting the balance of the game. A Technician alien would make sense, but they're too common. Is it possible to setup so you have to interrogate _several_ technicians to unlock the secret?

* I'm considering making Aqua-plastics a prerequisite for Gauss technology, with small amounts being required for construction of Gauss weapons. That would help explain why your small team of scientists is able to develop it when the rest of human civilization has not, and why you command a market premium on Gauss weapons throughout the game.

* Translations are welcome! I've only supplied English text.

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