I don't think this would be a useful feature.
LASER cannon is always considered useless because of it's range. But also saw many criticisms to mods that increase it's range.
And ANYWAY, it's unrealistic the way it works now.
The feature would be useful because it would make the Laser Cannon useful (which it isn´t) while at the same time not making it overpowered. Your usage of it will depend of UFO altitude.
Also, https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=11631.0
I read it. Don´t see what's wrong.
1. Open a new thread in this board (
2. Give it a good name
OK I guess
3. Describe what you want to achieve (e.g. via use case, example, etc.)
4. Don't panic if I don't respond immediately
- one thread = one feature request... if you put more than one request into a thread, there's a good chance I will ignore it completely as spam
OK, as far as I understand, it's a single feature request
- describe the requirement/problem, not only the solution... there are many solutions to the same problem, and I will likely come up with a different solution (so if the problem is not described well, you will be double-disappointed, because I will do a different solution than you wanted AND the problem might not even be solved)
OK, I guess I did it?
- I accept QoL features from anyone (modders and players)
I have no idea what QoL feature is.
- I accept modding features ONLY from modders (either established modders, or new modders who have already published something non-trivial)
Ok, my request is not for any mod, so not a modding feature.
- I do not accept private requests (i.e. some new feature for your own private mod, which you will not share with anyone)
Ok, not a private request
- I don't have much time anymore, don't panic if I don't answer within 1 day... written answer and/or just a categorization of the request can take several weeks, implementation can take months or even years depending on complexity and priority