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Messages - Quixote

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Open Feedback / Re: Sectoid Terror Ships
« on: March 09, 2014, 05:18:39 pm »
If you play on a difficulty level named "superhuman", be prepared for a challenge :)

« on: February 17, 2014, 11:54:05 am »
I wish the best for Venezuela, and I'm not usually one to talk about conspiracy theories, but I can't help but wonder who is really behind this video..

Programming / Re: AI of close combat aliens
« on: February 10, 2014, 10:06:53 pm »
i'd settle for getting reapers to not be completely useless. they need TUs if they're gonna be melee units, something they severely lack compared to say... a chryssalid

Well, what other options do they have, apart from being a melee unit?

The only thing they can do is bite. And to bite they need to get close to the target. Right now they don't even try to do it.

I simply don't understand why not?

Fan-Stuff / Re: the master race.
« on: February 06, 2014, 12:44:11 am »
Sectoids from Aquatoids are from the original lore... :P

Well, I stick to the first game, ignoring all the others :)

To me, TFTD, Apocalypse etc. never happened. Not as games, not as background...

Fan-Stuff / Re: the master race.
« on: February 01, 2014, 08:05:43 pm »
Ethereals and Sectoids are different races... ;)
Sectoids evolved and/or got genetically modified from Aquatoids from TFTD... XD

Nah. I reject your reality and substitute my own :)

Offtopic / Re: I used to love storming UFOs but then I realized...
« on: January 29, 2014, 05:49:01 pm »
Message: "The UFO has taken off!"

A new map is loaded with stars in the background. All doors are sealed. Any troops that were outside when the UFO took off are no longer usable as you are now cruising through space. Only troops that were inside are now playable. It's your last chance to save your kidnapped soldiers, take control of the ship, and fly it back to earth!

Well, how would they know how to fly it back? Even if you had researched UFO navigation, your squaddies wouldn't necesarily have learned it, or it might not even be possible to control the spaceship without having the right Psi-abilities / mind vibrations.

Released Mods / Re: [WEAPON] Minigun
« on: January 28, 2014, 11:45:39 am »
he problem with the power supply, which in the 70's - 80's would have to weigh at least 40 kg.

With today's energy storage technology, used in cellular phones and such, this technological barrier is no longer a problem. However, due to the change of war doctrine, nobody is really interested in hand-held miniguns.

That's actually interesting, i always thought the problem was the weight of the ammo, not the power source.. and also that in real life combat, a regular machinegun has high enough rate of fire :) But would be interesting to see a real life minigun in action. I guess it would be mounted on a portable tripod.

Offtopic / Re: I used to love storming UFOs but then I realized...
« on: January 28, 2014, 11:40:57 am »
How about this idea: Instead of aliens leaving the UFO after 20 turns, they should try to all get back inside.

When all aliens are inside, if there are no XCOM operatives inside as well, then the UFO will take off (if it has any intact power sources). The mission ends, you get points for all kills and artifacts recovered outside the craft.

If all power sources are destroyed, then aliens will try to get inside, then stay there to defend.

Offtopic / Re: I used to love storming UFOs but then I realized...
« on: January 27, 2014, 09:16:07 am »
I'm not sure why you'd intentionally play in a way you don't enjoy. :P

Fair point, but I guess part of the fun of the game is also to try to figure out how to play it in the best way possible, taking less losses... it's just difficult to convince myself to go into the UFO when I know I don't have to.

Released Mods / Re: [WEAPON] Minigun
« on: January 26, 2014, 12:53:56 pm »
In real life, miniguns are not for suppression, they are for killing and destroying aircraft and light vehicles and everything that isnt heavily armoured. And they are not carried by soldiers, as I am sure you already know.

So, I could imagine it would be interesting to put your minigun on a HWP, let it be quite destructive, but restrict ammo (to reflect that even though you have a lot of ammo on board, the sheer rate of fire would chew through it in no time)

Just a suggestion..

Offtopic / Re: I used to love storming UFOs but then I realized...
« on: January 26, 2014, 11:25:48 am »
For this reason, sometimes I wonder if the devs here shouldn't be more mysterious too... But I don't think it'd work nowadays.

I agree it would not work. People always share info, and in a weak moment after some whisky one night I would cave in and go read all about the game.

But I think what could be done is to introduce more random elements into the game.

For example, make it so that sometimes the aliens will come out after 10 turns instead of 20. Or that sometimes, they will never come out.

And make it possible for missile defences to sometimes, just sometimes score a critical hit, driving off the UFO. Or make it so that all damage to UFOs mean a chance that some of the aliens inside will get killed or wounded..

Prevent the player from "running the numbers". There are many options :)

Offtopic / Re: I used to love storming UFOs but then I realized...
« on: January 25, 2014, 08:08:58 pm »
How did you find out?  On the wiki?

Yes, I think so. Or by reading some posts here on the forum.

I used to play this game a lot on my friend's 386, and loved it. This remake is also great, but I feel I now know too much about the way the game really works, from reading online. Back in the day, most of the workings fo the game were shrouded in mystery, so we never really knew what could/would happen.

For example, we happily built a couple of missile defences each game, hoping some day they would get lucky and shoot down the attacking UFOs.

Often, stuff is better the less you know about how it's made... goes for movies too, I feel.

Offtopic / I used to love storming UFOs but then I realized...
« on: January 24, 2014, 06:35:50 pm »
...that aliens will always come out if you wait till turn 20.

That took away a lot of the enjoyment of the game from me, because it's hard to justify the risk of storming the UFO when you know you could just line up a firing squad outside and wait for the reaction fire training.

Maybe we could make it a toggle to choose if aliens will automatically know where the humans are after turn 20? In that case, there would always be a couple of aliens left in the UFO, and you would have to take the chance.

Offtopic / Re: Are aimed shots underpowered?
« on: January 24, 2014, 06:28:02 pm »
Related topic: I find that often, I will try to hit with an aimed shot first. It will miss. Then I will use the rest of the TU for a snap shot. It will hit.

I wonder if the accuracy for aimed and snap shots are actually mixed up? Or is it just selection bias from me?

Released Mods / Re: [WEAPON] Minigun
« on: January 24, 2014, 03:49:05 pm »
I don't like the idea of a minigun with wimpy bullets.. maybe you could also balance it in other ways ?

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