I cannot reproduce the success of the ARM release from earlier this year. When I compile it on my M2 MacBook Air, following the instructions he said to follow, it compiles fully but [URL] when you try to launch it.
In addition, the working build runs unbearably slow, worsening the higher resolution you run it at. Even at sub 1080p, it's near unplayable and definitely not enjoyable.
I recently tried to compile master branch form GitHub on M1 (arm64) and it has error with some library. After tweaks in build path (adding libwebp), I get the build. But it crashes with the same or near the same error. I'm not familiar with c/c++ development – have no idea how to fix this, what the root cause.. If i run the build from Xcode – it crash with another error related to SDL..
Additionally, I tested domq's x86 build (7.5.

and it works okay for small resolution only. if I set something like 2000x1200 or greater it starter lugging on animations. It's really weird. Maybe it's animations implementation limits, i don't know.
Can someone provide a way to compile this project on modern arm macs, pleease?