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Messages - Zennaris

Pages: [1]
The X-Com Files / Re: A question on aircraft
« on: May 11, 2024, 02:26:54 pm »
Hello. I've never really played the original game or went pass first year in the mod. I'm not sure how vehicle combat works. Is there a quick summary somewhere? I've tried to search the forum but got a Database Error.
When I choose mounted weapon in the Hangar screen I can click on the icon and it gets an asterisk in its name (like PKM / *PKM). What does it mean?
Does it matter what machine-gun I'm mounting? Like is there any difference if it's a PKM or a Minimi for example?
I see that I can mount a Rocket Launcher on my Humvee. What rockets will it use - small, big, shrapnel? Does it matter?
I blow some RD vans and cars with my Humvees, but then Dagon Chinooks appeared, and I retreated. Can I shoot them down if I mount a Rocket Launcher? I would think so, but I don't know. I'm waiting for a LITTLEBIRD at the moment.

The X-Com Files / Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« on: March 03, 2024, 07:53:03 am »
Yeah, if you zoom out and click around. Like the missions are very close together. But again, I didn't receive a message for Zombie Hive appearing. Maybe if I deal with Strange Life Form, there will be the other mission underneath it in the same place.
Also I still didn't have an opportunity to catch Red Dawn Pioneer, and it is August.

The X-Com Files / Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« on: March 02, 2024, 10:58:11 pm »
Hello. Something seems wrong with a mission. I got a usual message for Strange Life Form, but when I click on it, I also have a choice to go to Zombie Hive. I didn't receive the message for Zombie Hive. There is no Zombie Hive mission in the Global Tracker. If I don't choose and click again, there is only Strange Life Form mission. But if I for example go to base screen, return to Geoscape and click on the marker then I again have a choice. Or is it the same mission? If I choose the Strange Life Form, will it be zombies in some caves?

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 3.2: The Colors of Sin
« on: March 02, 2024, 10:04:38 pm »
Hello. I clicked something accidentally while browsing my base and got interior view with 2 levels, rooms in facilities and my dog. I guess this is what you see in a base defense. What key does this? I can't find it in options and the manual.

The X-Com Files / Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« on: August 20, 2023, 06:01:58 pm »
Help me understand. Am I the new commander assigned to the base which have operated for some time? Or we are fresh unit and didn't do any missions before 30 Dec 1996? After all there are only 6 green rookies present and no score. Both "Red Tape" and "Money Prize" events in Dec 96 compliment our achievements last month, when I wasn't in charge. I know there was couple projects before X-Com which gave us critical data, but they are terminated at this point and I'm not comfortable to be praised for their work.
Why sometimes Cult Apprehension missions can't specify the place? I thought it was problem of specific city, but no, other times they spell it just fine.
And I'm sorry, but this garage thing still bothering me. If you need an example, here is how it usually goes. First turn, we see two garages right in front of us. We know there are two cultists, and we know that a garage is ALWAYS occupied, so we easily and boringly deal with them. Is there a reason for this which I can't understand? Is it supposed to be a challenge to storm a see-through house with entries on all sides? Other buildings don't work this way even the watchtower.
Thank you for changing the AK sounds.

The X-Com Files / Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« on: July 08, 2023, 08:07:36 pm »
Thank you, my friend. I will try to look at other boards in the future. Time to build again.

The X-Com Files / Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« on: July 08, 2023, 04:59:58 pm »
And can I somehow scroll a month report message? Not really important, but with so many countries one screen is not enough.
Something wrong with my doors. Nobody talking about it, so maybe it's just me, but I never saw it in previous versions. When you are running with Ctrl pressed and your path leads through a closed door, if you have less than 5 TU in front of the door you just phase through it and the door stays closed. If you have TU to open it at that moment, you spend TU and the door opens normally.
Another thing that bothers me is spawn points on early maps. There is small garage building on urban maps, you know what I'm talking about, a door and a window on each side, barrel and gasoline pump inside. If that garage exist on the map, there is 100% chance an enemy spawns in it. When you know it, some missions become less immersive, especially if there are few enemies. I like a thrill of hunting the maniac before it kills too many innocents. Did I hear a gunshot? Where? Who opened that door? etc. But If you start the mission and see the garage, well, here is our boy, no thrill, no hunt. Works with monsters too.
Another static behavior is in oriental map. There is 2 or 3 store building with sofa on first floor and a window. Enemy likes to make an ambush here. Most of the time hey just sitting inside and wait until you run next to the window. Ha! Gotcha. Amusing first couple times, but then surprise getting stale.       
And on unrelated note, how can I take a screenshot in Linux build? PrintScreen doesn't work.   

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