Translations / Translator feedback required
« on: November 22, 2012, 08:20:24 am »
I am attempting to create a more language-agnostic OpenXcom, by making more full sentences part of the language strings instead of building them from parts.
In the process string markers will be used, as well as plural forms.
So you have IDs like (for plural forms):
And argument substitution:
Plural forms CAN be combined with argument substitution, but only like this:
The plural forms work for 0 (_0) and for language specific cases.
If the 0 case is not found, the language rules (eg plural for English, singular for French) are used.
Can the translators (or other speakers) please provide me with the different cases (number of forms and the numbers they refer to, not actual text needed)?
I currently have the rules for:
All other languages (now) use the English rules.
In the process string markers will be used, as well as plural forms.
So you have IDs like (for plural forms):
Code: [Select]
No days left.
Just {N} day left.
Only {N} days left.
And argument substitution:
Code: [Select]
https://Engilsh (US)
This is a {1} for {2}.
https://Engilsh (UK)
Only {2} can use {1}.
Plural forms CAN be combined with argument substitution, but only like this:
Code: [Select]
No {1} in base
{N} {1} left in base
{1} in base: {N}
The plural forms work for 0 (_0) and for language specific cases.
If the 0 case is not found, the language rules (eg plural for English, singular for French) are used.
Can the translators (or other speakers) please provide me with the different cases (number of forms and the numbers they refer to, not actual text needed)?
I currently have the rules for:
- Czech
- English
- French
- Hungarian
- Polish
- Romanian
- Rusian
All other languages (now) use the English rules.