« on: September 28, 2022, 05:54:27 pm »
title. More specifically, are you only ever allowed a certain number of 'Special Agents' etc? I'm in Nov 1998 and none of my agents seem to be ranking up out of rookie anymore. Considering how fast I got agents to senior, captain, etc. It seems strange none of my regular agents are ranking up. For example, I have a basic 'agent' with 17 missions and 26 kills. I kinda feel like there should have been a level up in there. They actually have more kills than an agent currently at senior (but 1 less mission). and none of my senior, captains, etc are climbing up to chief and they are well beyond the threshold where my current chief was when he ranked up.
Also if there is a cap on ranks, whats the sweet spot of agents? seems having a large pool is of less value?