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Topics - Fenyő

Pages: [1]
Programming / New Feature: Infinite base sizes, POLL
« on: July 06, 2014, 04:08:50 pm »
Hello folks!

I want to ask YOUR help!

Have you ever dreamed that you build a very large base?
Even BIGGER than 6x6!
Imagine it! You could build a base with several hangars, general stores, laboratories, workshops, and fusion defenses at a single base!

I have made this feature: Infinite base sizes.
Default setting: OFF

With this feature turned on (advanced settings) we can build a base of any size, not only 6x6.
I have made a little YouTube-video for illustration, click on the picture:

I have a LOT of work in this.

If you think, we should include this feature to OpenXcom, then you just have to vote for YES to convince Warboy to merge this - already implemented - feature with a single push of a button.

Programming / New Feature: Unlimited bases, POLL
« on: July 06, 2014, 04:07:06 pm »
Hello folks!

I want to ask YOUR help!

Have you ever dreamed that you build more than 8 bases?
Imagine it! You could cover the whole planet with radar bases, so you can see everything on the planet!

I have made this feature: Unlimited bases.
Default setting: OFF

With this feature turned on (advanced settings) we can build any number of bases, not only 8.
I have made a little YouTube-video for illustration, click on the picture:

If you think, we should include this feature to OpenXcom, then you just have to vote for YES to convince Warboy to merge this - already implemented - feature with a single push of a button.

Fan-Stuff / Music & Sound Effects, Collector topic
« on: May 10, 2013, 07:07:20 am »
I've created this topic to link here all music and sound effect related topics, and things, to ease the search on the forum later.

old Xcom1 dos music
Original Alien Screams
[RESOLVED] Music problem
[MIDI BAD! OGG GOOD!] Music is too quiet
About the music
opl emulation for music
Terror From the Deep Remastered Soundtrack

And i have completed the site i have planned.

So, for all those of you, who have problems with music, and who wants midi playback (converted to ogg) balanced and reliable, i recommend this:
Music & Sound Effects Collection site for OpenXcom

Fan-Stuff / CAT File Packer / Unpacker 1.5
« on: May 07, 2013, 04:57:50 am »
Here i present you the CAT File Packer / Unpacker 1.5 :)
I've just completed it.
It is a standard Win32 GUI application.
It can handle of both 1.2 DOS CAT files and Windows CAT files with perfect compatibility.

I've attached it and its sources to this post.

EDIT: I've just updated to version 1.5. Now it can handle,, etc.

Suggestions / Battlescape: Multiple grenade explosions
« on: March 02, 2013, 03:15:04 pm »
They have the same timer set, but only the first explodes, the second grenade is eliminated by the first explosion. (item removed)
(actually i used High Explosives)

Open Feedback / Data folder and Original X-COM versions
« on: February 04, 2013, 08:12:43 pm »
I didn't find a topic which discusses this, so i opened it.

I had problems previously in Battlescape with hills and their levels (level-0, level-1, etc).
And i've seen somewhere that Warboy said he uses the data folder from UFO 1.4 dos set.
I think maybe my problems come from the fact that i used data folder from X-COM Gold (or "collectors edition"(?)) Windows version.
Now i found my old dos version-xcom and tried it in DOSbox, but i didn't manage to determine its version. The problem is, that it does not mention ANY version numbers AT ALL! I even can't find the version-number in the properties of the exe-files.

This given me an idea, that we should collect the versions of the original game, all of them, and somehow identify them, maybe with the exe-files' MD5 checksum.

I have a version of GEOSCAPE.EXE with this MD5: 256099b5fb63610ede49552029cfeb9b
Does anyone know which version is this?

Programming / Battlescape: Save Equipment Layout
« on: October 22, 2012, 10:10:00 pm »
As i suggested this - Save Equipment - feature, i want to discuss about its implementation.

I've ispected the code which deploys the items, and i have some ideas.

I think the code of this feature should start in BattlescapeGenerator::run(), in line 344.
We have to copy the for-cycle in lines 346-349, and put the copy before that cycle.
Because we have to sweep the soldiers first with the layout restoration, and after that we fill in the holes with the for-cycle with the classic auto-equip.

We need a new BattlescapeGenerator::addItem(BattleItem *item). (for eg. with a name addItemWithLayout or we can make a new overload of the name addItem)
This new method sweeps the soldiers with a cycle and finds the first empty slot (which corresponds to the layout stored) for the item, and places it there.

I think we need to save the layout on a per-soldier basis.

Of course we need to save the primed-state of a grenade, and ammo-state of a weapon with the layout.

And of course we need to save the layout to the savegame, WITH backwards compatibility, i mean that this layout can be absent (per-soldier) in the savegame. (and in the memory when a game is loaded)

What i'm unsure right now, is how do we need to store the layout?
My ideas:
std::map<std::string, std::string>
std::map<RuleInventory, BattleItem>
std::map<BattleItem, RuleInventory>
Or maybe i could make a new class to store these relations? :)

Any ideas? Daiky? Or anyone?

Programming / Basescape development
« on: October 14, 2012, 10:56:48 pm »
Since i have not found a topic with this name (or similar), i opened it.

I want to present you the newest feature which I've just completed! :)
"Right-click on arrow buttons means max/min"

I've attached the sources.

SupSuper, please add these code to the official OpenXcom codebase!

Notes about the feature:
1) As you can see, the buttons are actually not pressed down VISUALLY when keeping the right-mouse down.
This behavior is already persisted before this feature. If you (anyone!) miss it, go ahead! Implement it! :)
2) When right-clicking to put all of a type of HWP to a craft, and there is not enough ammo for them, in this case it divides the ammo for equal parts, so they're all sharing the ammo they have.
3) Of course after a mission this equal ammo partitioning is not done, because the re-equipment is an other story, which is not done by me. :)
4) When right-clicking on the Increase pieces to produce on the Manufacture screen, it sets the value to 999. (unless it is higher already) This value (or maybe a greater one, or maybe a dedicated symbol, perhaps the symbol of infinity) could mean "produce to sell" like in UFO-extender,  but thats an other story, it has to be implemented. This is the point in the source where this feature should be implemented later. (Does anyone have a mood to implement this?)

Oh, and of course the attached files already contain the fix for "Transferring a craft is not possible" bug.

Builds & Ports / Compiling with Visual Studio 2010, and related
« on: October 13, 2012, 10:38:47 am »
I've not seen a topic like this, so i opened it.

The guide in the wiki regarding the compile process in VS2010 is pretty good.

But what i've not managed to find out, is:
How can i link the following files STATICALLY?
Code: [Select]

It is really annoying that the compiled EXE requires a bunch of DLL-s. :(

Of course i have looked in the linker options, but i haven't found any useful, anything which has an effect on this.

Anyone has any ideas for this?

Suggestions / User Interface (UI) suggestions
« on: October 13, 2012, 12:51:34 am »

I haven't seen a UI topic, so i opened it.

I have many suggestions for the UI.

First of all, it would be great to scroll in the Battlescape with the mouse with a left-button hold-down, just like in Transport Tycoon Deluxe, or in OpenTTD!

Actually, i have spent my whole afternoon on inspecting OpenXcom codebase, and i managed to implement this feature. :)
More information about this is in the development section, HERE.

I want to present you an easy way of editing *.geo files with Adobe Photoshop (i used CS5.1), since a correct editor for this does not exist! (I have experimented this method on my own)

1) Rename the Something.geo file to Something.raw (or Something.geo.raw  - this way you just have to remove the end of the name when renaming back)
2) Open Photoshop
3) Open Something.raw in Photoshop
4) On the opening options page use dimensions: Widht: 64 Height: 154 (channel count is 1, Depth is 8 Bits, Header size = 0)
5) In the menu: Image / Mode / Indexed Color
6) In the menu: Image / Mode / Color Table
7) In the combobox select "System (Mac OS)" (then click OK, of course)

Now, as you can see, the Geoscape panel is showed up in Photoshop. :)
(a little weird colors, i know, but it is visible, and drawable)

Edit what you want, but be careful to use only the colors (EXACTLY!!!) that are already used on the picture!
For using the existing colors i recommend you to use the Eyedropper Tool, and pick a pixel, which has the color you want to use. (before using eg. Pencil Tool)
Don't worry, in OpenXcom it will have correct colors, not this orange-gray something.
(and of course you can use select-tools, move tool, copy&paste, etc.  ...for easy editing ;) )

When you are done with the edit, just save it. (it seems "Save As" can be used only at this point)
When saving, DON'T FORGET to set the FORMAT to "Photoshop Raw (*.RAW)" !!

Ok, you now just have to rename the file you just saved, to the original name! (Something.geo)

Cheers ;)

(SupSuper, i recommend setting this topic to "sticky")

Translations / Hungarian Translation
« on: September 27, 2012, 04:00:11 am »
Ok, here i present you the Hungarian Translation, which i have just completed! ;)
(I attached it in a ZIP to this post (and the second ZIP is the font))

The original X-COM was translated to Hungarian once (around 16 years ago), and i still have it, so it came in handy.
This original translation is made by a guy named SCHULTI. A big thanks for him!

I revised all of the translation, and i retranslated many texts, which was very inaccurate.
I have spent my last 4 days for this work! I think the result is pretty good.

Two Hungarian letters (actually they are 4 because of small&capital letters) was missing from the fonts, so i had to draw them myself.
They are: ő, ű  and their capital versions: Ő, Ű. (i don't know if the forum here can show them correctly, they are: O, U with little double-lines on their top)
Since there are so many characters in the font that is not actually drawn, i picked 2 (4) of them and i have overwritten them.
For choosing their position, i had a good reason, the surrounding characters are very similar! (this is the reason i not APPENDED them)
I have modified the Font.dat accordingly too.
Oh, and one additional thing: There was a BUG in the Big.fnt!! The capital versions of Ù and Ú were SWAPPED!! (they are both U with a small line on their top, the line of the first is drawn from left to right, the second is drawn from right to left)
(you can see their lowercase version is ok, and in Small.fnt both the upper and lower versions are ok)
So i FIXED this bug! (swapped them in the Big.fnt)

Please, i ask you (SupSuper) to add this translation to the "official" OpenXcom! (i would gladly see it in the next git-build, and in the 0.45)
If you want to place my name on the about page ("Translators" on the bottom) in return for this work, then please use my nickname instead of my forum-user-id, so my nickname is: Fenyő. (or Fenyo without accent marks (hehe, this special character is the first one of which i had to draw))

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