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Topics - TrickyTriscene

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Open Feedback / Targeting 2x2 aliens with explosions
« on: December 20, 2021, 08:57:53 pm »
I know it's very useful because you deal about 4x damage and get 4x xp, I thought.
But it seems I get about 8x xp, like the Ctrl H window confirms.
Why do I hit more than four things?
I play OXCE 7.0 .

Suggestions / hit angle and armor side
« on: October 05, 2021, 02:58:58 pm »
Maybe someone knows more about this, I don't know the mechanics.

But some naut was hit at 20 degrees or so and I expected front armor to kick in and save me. At 132/142 you should have no danger from blasta rifles. The naut was killed.

What about, if you hit an enemy and it retaliates, you should always enjoy front armor. Because during the shot you are not on 45 degree clicks but facing the alien straight.
And we need the angular rules explained somewhere.

If you shorten that long line "sell items/sack personnel" to "sell/sack", you can put base icons there like in base information screen.
If clicking those doesn't reset your filters, you can quickly overview the stock of items everywhere.

Suggestions / A base defense system
« on: August 08, 2021, 03:44:43 pm »
At the moment it is all or nothing, you need 2x4 PWT or it is pointless.
Some new principles I had in mind:
- If you have no defenses at all you are punished, invading ships will first fire some missiles, damaging some facils. If you have some defenses (more needed as time progresses, aliens get more aggressive), they will be in a hurry and not shoot before fight.
- Defenses damage like dogfight weapons and use their ammo too, but alien ships only need to be damaged for 50% before they flee or go down.
- Torpedo def uses Ajax or Dup torpedos. So two types of torp defenses.
- Gauss def uses no ammo (I elimed gauss cann ammo from the game) and Sonics use 1 Zrb per shot (like my modded Sonic oscs).
- Similar defenses (Beam or Torpedo) can be upgraded to one another in just a few days. So it makes sense to make Torp defs first.
- Bomb shield doesn't double firepower. It helps intercept missiles (60% intercepts).
- Damaging the invading ship kills aliens; for this to be more fun, you have to see a log. Therefore if a trans resolver covers the base site, you get to see what was killed (the aliens radio it back to base don't they).
- You get to prearrange your aquanauts exactly by pressing some button in base screen. It looks like the defense mission but without aliens. You must either have defenses or have the invader on radar to get your men on their positions, or they will be scattered.
- If aliens fail twice approaching your base they stop sending single ships. After a long time planning they will send a group of three, two bombard missions trying to damage your turrets and then the invader. If this fails to reach you, they leave the base alone, most of the time.
- Bombards should damage things like defenses, Bomb shield, Sonar and Resolver, MC generator, Alien containment (losing some captives), sub pen (losing sub ammo). So not the living quarters losing the men or stores losing your items.

Defenses should be faster to build, like Ajax 16, Dup 18, PWT 20, Gauss 20 and Sonic 24. PWT should be cheaper because it's less powerful. (and not that different from other torps). Like 500k.
An upgrade could be 4 days, and not full price of new type.

PWTs have an EMP effect, I was thinking of translating that into a spell effect. 40% per PWT chance for the effect Slow and 20% Disable missiles.
Each defense type has its number of shots per invasion, like PWT 1, Dup 2, Ajax 3, Gauss and Sonic 4.
The effect of the slow spell is that you get extra shots on all other weaps except PWT: one on torps and 2 on beams.
Obviously, you should combine things, not just have PWTs nor have no PWTs at all.
Gauss should have better stats than its ship counterpart or its too weak compared to Sonic. (After all it's easier to hit base to ship than ship to ship.)

If they flee you could chase them and shoot down with little because they are already close to 50% hp.
It could be diffy level dependent how much damage they take before they flee. But also game month dependent, aliens get frustrated with time.
If you down a ship with your defenses, you shouldn't get loot right away, you should just get a crash site close to base, that you can raid.

If aliens shoot if you don't shoot, you can't just choose "let them in". That option would be replaced by "shoot 50% fire rate".
If aliens also attack with lesser ships than Dreadnought, or attack in groups with different missions (bombard/invade), we might need options which weapon types to fire per attacking sub. Like use only the ammo-free Gauss defs on smaller attackers.

Suggestions / patrol automation
« on: April 25, 2021, 07:18:37 pm »
In some long missions you have to check area's from cover again and again.
The game could help a bit.
You should be able to enter, for some aquanauts, where they are supposed to end their turn (behind cover) and that they should have used at least X tu each turn.
Then before you end turn, you invoke the check and the game checks the nauts you flagged, so you're sure they all did their routine and are safe behind cover.
This check should also tell the number of slaves (if not already somewhere else) so you can confirm that too.

Besides there could be some patrol automation. If a naut has to check and return every turn, there should be a record and play back macro func. All macs play after one keystroke, and if an alien is spotted it stops. If a naut is not on the right square, he is skipped. There could be a skip notify. If the first move is a strafe he should face right or he is skipped.

We should be able to designate motion guards during battle, nauts holding a PD sensor who will auto scan during the macro. If nothing found, or just civs or nauts, they will confirm so (1 conf for all scanners together) and the scanner pic of those that find alien will show one by one, with the naut's name.

Suggestions / Manufacture queueing
« on: November 02, 2020, 02:27:39 pm »
If you queue in manufacture now, workspace is claimed for those projects. So you end up queueing in your head. Also you have to set the number of techs, but why not always max.
In the list of items you can make, you should be able to multliselect, then like in the sell screen you select numbers to produce. Number of techs always max.
Each item has a priority number, and things of equal prio start simult, and things of lower don't claim space yet.
Either the simult projs get equal numbers of techs, or heavier projects get prop more. I'd say the second.
And there could be a quickprofit key, it starts the most lucrative item and makes unlim and puts it on autosell.

Suggestions / Faster Zrbite and sub ammo manager
« on: October 30, 2020, 03:58:20 pm »
Some new hotkey on Geoscape that opens an overview how much Zrbite and sub ammo you have on all 8 bases.
You can then use this screen to easily order transfers:
Right click Zrbite, and enter a number with numpad and enter, and game will make sure all bases with less than that number will get transferred to from rich bases.
You can also left click base number (source), then another (destination), then item to transfer, then enter number with numpad and enter. The tranfer cost need not be confirmed, it shows somewhere.
I have modded my Sonic Ox to have range 30 km or you don't need sub ammo of course. Still useful for the zrbite.

Suggestions / Aquanaut Personal Equipment
« on: October 27, 2020, 04:01:42 pm »
The game already stores personal equipment, but it could be improved.
Firstly, an aquanaut should take his personal equipment directly from the stores, and what you put on the sub equipment list, is just extra, that's what's on the floor on tile 1.
This way you can switch crew without updating equipment list. (so you don't take too much extra either. In 2 part missions it can blow up. I think you should be able to leave some of the surface loot in the sub)
Of course it would be convenient to have 4 profiles, as you have 4 alien types, and clicking a profile gives all aqs the right weapons.
Under the button Aquanauts should be an equip button, if you use this it is auto saved. Changes made prebattle are no longer auto saved. There should be a button however to force it.
If there is a weapon shortage, then no changes should save to your personal equipment. A permanent warning marker should be somewhere, also one in the intercept window.
If you transfer the aquanaut, his PE should follow him.

Suggestions / MC (tftd)
« on: October 23, 2020, 04:44:54 pm »
We spend so much time reslaving our aliens, it gets tedious on long search missions. What about some more exciting system.
You get 5 options when using MC disruptor: Deep MC, Sentry MC, Quick MC, Scare and Deepscare. Difficulty adders in the formula (was 30 and 10): 50-40-30-10-20 respectively.
- Deep MC: The good news, it persists automatically, and you can send an alien deep into the fray without tailing. It's the only MC type where you see through the alien's eyes and can let it scout for you. The alien is yours until you release it (0 tu) and then it fights you the next alien turn right away.
It has some catches:
- TU spent by alien are spent by master as well, if the master runs out of tu the alien stops moving.
- master can't do hand-actions anymore like inv stuff or more MC attacks, until release. He can still walk away.
- The alien resists, its MC str increases by a number bound to race-rank and such, per turn, and if it reaches your roll, it breaks out. You get to know the # of turns you have it.
- If it dies under your control, you have some troubles:
1. The master loses all tu, current or next turn depending on react fire death or alien turn death.
2. the master takes 10-20 freeze damage.
3. The MC disrupt takes damage, it has 3 lives, this damage persists through missions, thus this costs you about 60-70k. The roll bonus (normally 0-58?) takes a hit with damage to 0-45 and 0-32.

- Sentry MC: persists too. the alien doesn't resist, this is good to keep em in submission till end of fight, while they also guard a passage for you. No damage to MC disruptor or master either if they die.
You don't see through their eyes, but they react fire for you. You can't access alien's inv or move it, you can only turn them around.
Master has the no hand-actions restrict until release.

- Quick MC: Doesn't persist. In alien turn, they are free and are not shot at by friends. You don't see through their eyes but master doesn't spend TU to move them and stays free, could MC more than one alien. You could disarm them with this and it also suppresses their react fire. It doesn't let you slave an alien because they are free in their turn.

- Scare: other name for Jam Implant.

- Deepscare: like deep mc, it persists, a dot for alien morale. It breaks when morale hits 0. The master can't do hand-actions until release. The morale loss is (110-bravery)*(master's unspent tu% for current turn). It kicks in at start of alien turn.

Suggestions / Alien interrogation and tech tree (TFTD)
« on: October 20, 2020, 05:16:41 pm »
Things like live deep one and tasoth soldier are essential for your MC career and calc corpse for your melee weapons, I don't like it.
In this idea, we distinc between res live alien and interrogate. The 7 terrorist aliens cannot be interrogated.
First you must res a corpse to be able to hold live aliens of that race in the containment. Then you res a live to be able to interrogate. (learn language and pain weaknesses).
Then you build an interrogate chamber and hire torturors (80k). Each chamber can do 1 alien at a time. Maybe a cleanup day is needed in between. 10 torts man one chamber.
Now the times to break an alien vary with race, rank and tort xp. Success rate is not 100% initially, if you fail you just lose the alien, and you get a corpse.
Ressing a live alien no longer kills the alien. Successful torture also kills the alien of course.
Success chance is 50% first, and with each alien you gain 10%+ for that race, leading to 100% after 5 tortures. But that is per base, other base inherits half the gain  of the best other base, and starts from there. But experienced torturors take more time, and each step incresases time by 25%, to +125% at full xp.
Basic times for example, gill sold 2 days, Lob Cmd 10 days, Aq sold 2 days, T Sold 3 days, Lob sold 4 days. Soldiers being easiest to break ( or medics nad techs?)
Sqls certainly some days more. These numbers then increased by 125% at full xp.
Moving interrogators to other base doesn't move the xp.
Now what do you get from each rank? I have lots of ideas, not writing everything down yet.
Cmds: Alien origins, UT, MC gen, Bomb shield, The Lev, and new stuff, all needing a separate cmd. (bomb shield not free with the Lev anymore)
Navs: locate alien base
Soldiers: They unlock weapons (TSL, DPL, melees, melee no longer behind corpses of calc? and gill?), each sold gives either an unlock of a weapon you have in store, or gives a +50% inc in res speed for a weapon you can already res (not one that is almost finished). This bonus then shows in the projects list of research. You can get it twice on one weap for +100% bonus.
Tech: unlock Zrbite, Ion acc and Magnav.
Aqua plastic is free, so you get to PAA very quickly if you want.

My path to MC disrupt:
- find MC reader (more plentiful at start? and less valuable to sell)
- interro Sqleader to unlock it (need the MCread in store or the sql will give an alien mission or so)
- res MC reader.
- interro technician to unlock MC lab (this has the highest prio, so you get this before Zrbite and such)
- res MC lab, make it, train nauts.
- interro MC using alien (T sql, aq nav, gill cmd etc, no more T sold)
- res MC disruptor.
MC generator needing a cmd after all this still.

Each interrogate gives you 1 thing. Maybe each race can have fav weapons so they give them first, like toids like light weapons like pistol and Lobs the heavy weapons.

I'd say you need to fill all ufopaedia entries to win the game. Makes a lot of sense in both ways (gameplay and realism).
That is, before you res your final commander or he won't give Tleth the aliens city.
And why is the final cmd a Lob cmd, they are too easy to get from a Dreadnought. And they walk around in the bases.
Harder would be a Toid that stands still at the Syn device of a base. A new rank cause DNs have aq cmds too.

Suggestions / some simple TFTD ideas
« on: April 20, 2020, 04:50:37 pm »
1. in two part missions, you should be able to select (before the 2nd part) which aquanauts are doing the 2nd part and which stay home, to keep your most valuable snipers and such safe.

2. During prebattle equip, grenades should always prime at 0. To save a needless click.

(3 done in oxce)

4. The units standing behind the sub door at mission start, should face the door. (saves 2 tu) (easy rul mod actually)

5. Pressing Next and NextStrike should skip units in the sub.

6. a bit more complex one, an option "save the last partial clip" after combineclips, in the base stores. After the next mission, it is used again in the combineclips pool.
You shouldnt be able to sell them but they should take up some space in the stores.

7. If you right click on an item in the stores, you should get a full report window telling you how much you have in each base and submarine. All zeroes suppressed to crunch the report.

8. I think there is some bug in the right-click-to-turn aquanaut in some direction code. They often turn the opposite direction, maybe one of the ways of scrolling or the Next button doesn't update where the interface thinks the view is.

9. The game shouldn't save equipment changes made during prebattle phase of 2nd part of 2 part mission.

10. You should always get to know the alien type unless you attack an undamaged touchdown sub. That is because the terror site calling xcom for help phones you the alien type.
And cameras on the barracuda film the alien type of shot down subs.

11. If you hold a drill, and stand over an unconscious alien, you should be able to "kill sleeper". Likewise with thermal tazer, you should be able to "extend sleep". A medikit should be able to diagnose the amount of stun and remaining health so you can calc when it dies or wakes up.

12. there should be a shift key to alternate ingame between "show time units remaining on the floor" and "walk immediately".

14. some esc key (perhaps just Esc) should allow you to cancel selection of aquanaut in battlescape, so you are safe from moving accidentally.

15. there could be a key that lets you cycle between aquanauts on the current screen.

16. Base defending could be a whole lot less painful if you could prearrange in which facility block each aquanaut is stationed.

17. There could be a new moddable field for tanks, ion armors and drills, "zrbite use per mission". Since zrbite is fuel, I always felt that you don't need it when making the item, you need it later to fuel it. I already modded my Sonic Ox to ask no 15 on construct but require ammo. The zrbite per mission field is float and maybe the zrb storage too, then. defaults Ion armor .3, Mag 1.0, Displacers 3.0 drills
.1/.2/.3 resp. Coelacanths 0.  For convenience, any units not leaving the sub don't count.
If you vary the zrbite multiplier (50 normal) per diffi, you create a new balance feature.

19. You should be able to exchange subs between bases without need of a third empty pen.
b. You should just be able to move sub to other base by moving it there, without "transfer".

20. There could be a "send to" button beside the sell button in the manufacture screen. It lets you send the package after it is fully  made. (you choose the destination right away).

21. The craft gas cannon (and generally all sub weapons with multi shot clips) shouldn't load the next clip until it's at 150 or lower, preventing waste. Now it takes a clip if you fire just one round.

22. Tanks should also operate if you don't have full ammo for them. You should just get a warning.

23. Displacers shouldn't fly on land, or even, not operate on land at all.

24. It's convenient if you can rent some 50 emergency storage space for 150k per month or so.

25. I don't like the M.C. reader as it is now (I play with "need Line of sight" option). There should be a new item, a link stick, tu cost 10-15%, your scout uses that to link the alien and once done, it can be checked by your back crew infinitely without turning to the alien (and without need of l.o.s.)  If you find an alien with an MC reader you are lucky: all aliens are already linked into that and you can check all aliens on it that you see. As a bonus it could give you the number of aliens in the zone (remaining).

26. a new item, a mine detonator/disarmer, could give you a more elegant way of blowing up or even unpriming your mines. (the second makes more sense, apparently xcom does that to recover unused mines anyway). It could work with the MC cursor and need no line of sight. Available from the start as purchase of course.
b. Magna pack explosives and a new type of pulser you can make, could have a remote priming function, so you can throw for 25% tu from unprimed state, and some other advs like you don't die when you are stunned.

27. Why can't I store my aquanaut layout in the sub... I have to rearrange them every mission now. Like, one hotkey and when pressed if all troops are still in the sub, it stores the current layout. Every sub has just one layout and it gets overwritten, after a confirm. Any aq not in the list goes to the first free regular spot etc. If there are new tanks that can't be placed on a regular tank spot, then the layout is not used.

28. Maybe items that had run out and you replenished later (buy or manuf), can be auto-added back to your sub.
b. This is better covered by the Aq Personal Equipment post.

30. a hotkey for "reslave all slaves by their last masters". It doesn't move the masters you have to do that. Of course a report whether all were succesful. If you click it again only the failures try again.

31. An optional rule to make the game harder and a bit more realism: You need to res the corpse to be able to hold the live version in your containments.

32. A kill log in battlescape only listing totals, without ranks. It could also mention died and wounded aqs.

33. Wound message if someone gets fatal wounds, like the killed message.

34. If there is no line of sight or "unable to throw there", maybe the soldier shouldn't turn 45 degrees for it, to preserve that tu.
b. There could be a key to test whether you can shoot and throw to the current mouseover square, a separate icon for shootable and throwable.

35. Civilians should be easier to keep alive as follows. If you touch them (just reach melee range) or get eye contact (face to face <7 sq) you should be able to control them until end of battle. The purpose is to lead them to safety, not let them scout or fight. So they can't pick stuff up, and don't clear shroud. If they see an alien, control is lost and they flee right away with the rest of their tu. Under this control they are worth 40 to enemy but still 30 to you. In shipping route missions, there should be some "exit squares" behind your sub, if you lead them there they will disappear on end turn and give their 30 points. So you can leave and still have some saved civs. On the 2nd level there should be an exit too, but not on islands/ports.

36. There should be an audible diff between melee hit and miss.

37. There could be an equip sound for sub weapons.

38. At mission end, where it says "not enough to fully re equip squad", there could be a report of all clips and bombs you used up, and what their previous and new stock is at the base. Along with a mention of wounded aquanauts.

39. In "dead aliens don't give weapons" mode, you might not get a sonic pistol. If you don't get one before like April 30th, the game shouldn't req it anymore for the Sonic Osc. If you dump them, it's your own fault and you have to do without Oscs.

40. The Hammerhead can't carry tanks. Maybe after the Manta you should get a res item called Spiton, only 300 res hours, giving you a triton that uses Zrbite and has speed 2000. (not 4000; it's shape is not as streamlined as the Manta/Hammerhead).

41. A one button action to move everything in a sub (crew/equipment) to another.

42. Aquatoids and gillmen are intelligent aliens not controlled by M.C. like tasoths and lobsters. What about a game option (or fixed rule) that these races are immune. You don't need it against them anyway, and it makes missions against them more oldschool and challenging later on.

43. If the enemy hasn't seen you, melee attacks against it should be always-hit. (the backstab rule). Not to be implemented as side and back hits are always hit.

44. If your new Living quarter is almost finished, you should be able to hire new personnel already, so that it arrives when the LQ is done.

45. In Research screen, Sciendays field showing how much already done, and a log button showing how much each completed project was (how much it needed, not how much spent).

47. You should be able to sell the 3 new subs, for 2M, 2.5M and 4M respectively. More if there's a weapon attached that is full loaded. Less if it's damaged: like 25% at 99% damage.

48. If you can force-launch, Xcom should do repairs last; refuel first. I also think refuel and rearm both weapons should all go simult.

49. Perhaps you shouldn't be able to sell sub weapons at all without a sub and without ammo. Underwater weapons like DP launchers and Displacers (if we make that so), could also be made unsellable because the rest of the world fights on land. For such things there could be a dismantle feature, giving you back money and parts (like 60%) if you spend technician time on them.

50. Because of market saturation, each item could fetch less the more you sell of it. Makes the later game harder financially.

51. For craft and personnel hired halfway the month the first lease/pay should be prop lower.

52. For personnel, the init payment, what is it? Should be just 10k for tech/scient but if you sack them, you pay a full salary extra plus the part of the last month they worked.
For aquanauts, 20k initial, (for diving suit etc) and 40k death grat if they die, and the same rules as tech if you sack them.
The salaries are still 20/25/30k resp.

53. Points are rather plentiful later on. The game could be more challenging if we distinguish 2 point types: recognized and personal. Recog pts could be from Resource raids, Surface attacks and completed base attacks (syn dev down) and arte sites, with fixed amounts for the last two. The 1k and 2k for not showing up could be lower. The recog score could accumulate, so you have to avoid a certain number like -1500 instead of 2 bad months. Personal points could affect starting morale for Xcom and aliens on certain mission types, and maybe more. It could perhaps increase your funding from countries you also scored recog points in.

54. Your intercepting craft should just check the destruct level of the alien sub, and the background (like Coral/Atlantis). So you can skip the bad ones.

55. Interceptors of the same type should be groupable. They will try to join as one group after launch (from different bases sometimes), and you can then give single orders for the entire group. An extra panel of dogfight buttons lets you order simult attacks.

56. A new facility, base camp, 3d 40k 8 personnel 20 store, lets you protect base early on. Now you are vuln for 19 days.

57. Transfers should be cancellable. If a base is destroyed, this should happen automatically.

58. A hotkey to draw lines and calc distances, like follows. You press it while pointing to a square. Then while mousing around, you see the distance to other squares and whether the line is perfectly horizontal or diagonal. You could also just give (X,Y) coordinates, then we can check for X=Y or X=0 or Y=0.

59. In debriefing I want to see what I killed, not just direct kills, but also "aliens killed by aliens". Maybe just with the number, but score 0, or it could fetch some score too.

60. If you order an aquanaut move in "move directly" mode, and the aq can't make it, then it shouldn't go, unless you hold a force key (not ctrl, that makes run). This prevents some catastrophies: if you're supposed to go down behind cover and you lack the tu and you stay in the air. Or a direct path is blocked and the aq takes a long detour, or you select another aq and misclick, the prev starts moving.

61. While holding alt, the game should show the number of slaves in some way. Like text "slaves: x" in a corner or an S next to each slave's number square, or simply another color for those blocks.
In some missions you have to reslave often and forgetting one is fatal. The count is a fast way to check.

62. ((A balance rule. If you hit and run a mission, then you should get lower stat ups. It's a bit cheap, visit a colony entrance and do some grenades and MCs and leave. Perhaps div2 and round up or even down.)) I also think if you hurt an alien for less than 50% of its hp maybe the secondaries shouldn't trigger (33% for Lobs), unless you kill it. And something about the MC attacks, like in the xp rules post.
-> a simpler idea: if you don't complete a mission (just the first part of 2parter is ok), you don't get secondaries (tu sta hp str) and no mc skill.
-> a simpler rule for the 33/50%-thing is, only the one making the kill gets secondaries. The others just primaries. The rule for MCers would be: if your slave makes a kill, you get 2nds. You don't get primaries for your slave's primaries. Wounding won't do. And letting your slave die doesn't give anything.
-> Even getting primaries should require some decent attempt to do damage. So we could make a table of respectable weapons per alien, like you get none for using MB grenades on Tasoth or Lobster, a general rule is the weapon should take the alien down at max damage (150%), on the weakest rank of that alien (Lob sold is only 90 hp).

63. You can get the inv screen in the aquanauts screen with I button. Maybe the armours screen with the A.

64. If you scroll down your aq list and get details on one, the list shouldn't reset to top.
b. The order of the aq list matters for the positions in the sub, so the game should never save a Sort on Fire acc or so. That's just for checking things.

65. If two aqs are facing and adjacent there could be a "give" action on all items for 8 tu, putting it directly into his hands. (it's easier than throwing so less tu)

66. You should have direct control over who gets promoted. An aq should need to kill an alien and then you can promote, if you have rank slots left in terms of numbers. It needs a fresh kill after a promotion to be promoted again, but you don't need to be the person with the most kills.

67. If you attack a colony, you should be able to divide troops over the 2 elevators (that is, make two groups), so the whole raid doesn't fail because of a bad random split.

68. You should be able to let the troops on one elevator leave and let the others work on, in colony attack. Or even let nauts leave individually.

69. Alien colony layout should be saved so you cannot reroll and have to face the difficulty if you need one gone.

Suggestions / better experience rules
« on: April 18, 2020, 10:25:36 pm »
I'm talking about OXC and I'm playing the 6 april nightly, TFTD.
I thought one of the latest nightlies stopped FA exp from coming out of thrown and melee attacks, but I got it anyway lately.
So here's my ideas. mods can't do this I think.

If you shoot something, its probably dead. So no piling of xp from one alien.  But for MC, you can attack the same alien again and again. On top of that you get 3 xp for succesful MC and 1 for failed MC.
IF you keep one alien enslaved 4 turns, which is pretty normal, you already get the 11+ layer of xp.
So to nerf that as deeply as it needs:
1. failed MC attack, no xp, like missed shot is no xp.
2. all aliens get 2 flags "has been jammed" and "has been controlled".
3. an alien with "jammed" flag gives no more MC related xp to anyone.
4. an alien with "controlled" flag gives no xp of any sort to any one. This will prevent lots of cheap tactics.
5. Whether you get the 3 xp, depends on the difficulty:
if your random roll needs to be 30, you gain 3 xp for the attack.
if it needs be 10, you get 2 xp. From -10 to 10 you get 1 xp and Below that it's trivial and gives no more xp.
You should be able to get from control lobster to jam terrorist to control terrorist just fine. A bit harder than before.
At 100 str/40 skill you shouldnt get from gillman soldiers anymore for example.

Now throwing xp. I don't want txp from "giving" a grenade to a guy next to me, one tile.
my conditions and the rules for getting a double or triple xp:
1. it need be a grenade, or prox grenade.
2. it needs be primed and go off.
3. it need be thrown 10 tiles.
4. the last guy throwing b4 it goes off gets the xp.
5. it neednt hit an alien, but if so, you don't get secondaries (hp str, tu)
6. if you throw a grenade onto the exact tile of a 1x1 tile alien, you get bonus: 2 xp if you are below 70 TA. 3 xp if you are below 60.

Firing accuracy. I don't mind if some guys stay low, don't gain any xp here. I need only a few snipers.
1.  it need be an aimed shot.
2. it need be 10 tiles away x aimed accuracy on weapon, like 7 tiles gauss pistol or 11 tiles sonic cannon.
3. snap and auto shots or short shots do give secondaries.
4. you can get doubles and triples, if you hit a 1x1 alien ground zero, and your final acc was 70 or lower -> double.
if it was 50 or lower -> triple xp.
5. you still get splash xp for HE weapons, just no triples or doubles there.
6. DP launcher never gives FA, but it should give secondaries.

Melee: a bit hard to advance espec with the control flag thing, so I have doubles and triple xp rules here too.
1. If your first hit with the weapon kills the alien, you get +1 xp.
2. If the alien was at full health, and you onehit it to death, you also get +1 xp.
3. 1 and 2 together make a triple. 1 and 2 could both be without the other.
4. a heavy thermic lance should have a multiplier 1.8 or so, it takes more tu to use and it's heavy, it needs this little boost.

Strength gain. A secondary. I want it to be related to weight of weapon used.
1. MC attack: str capped to 0-1
2. pistol: 0-3 cap.
3. rifle or TSL 0-4 cap.
4. grenade 0-5.
5. heavy weapon no cap.
I don't want my casters to gain str so fast.
If multiple kills with same aq, remember the heaviest weapon.

Finally, the xp to skill table could be a little more generous:
at 2 xp, always 1 skillup.
at 6-10, 2-4 instead of 1-4
at 11+, 3-6.
After all, the above things make xp less cheap here and there.

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